Edit a Paycode in the Schedule

Paycode Edits

You can edit a paycode or convert a shift to a paycode when working with schedules. In both cases, similar options are available.

There are three basic paycode types:
  • Time-based paycodes are based on a value for time (duration).
  • Money-based paycodes are defined as an amount of money. This amount is not tied to time. Example: An employee receives a fixed amount of money as a bonus.
  • A cascading paycode is in a dependent relationship with another paycode. It can only appear when there are inadequate accruals for the originally selected paycode.

Edit a Paycode

Managers use the Edit Paycode slider in the schedule to update paycodes.

Navigation:Main Menu > Schedule > [Applicable Schedule Planner]

  1. On the schedule, right-click the applicable paycode, then select Edit.
    The Edit Paycode slider appears.
  2. Edit the paycode options.
    1. Select the Effective Date to define when to apply the paycode.
    2. Select the Paycode.
      Your selection determines the remaining options in the Edit Paycode slider based on its paycode type.
    3. Enter the Start Time.
      Note For money-based paycodes, this setting only controls where the paycode appears in the Gantt View.
    4. Duration (for Time-based paycodes) — Select a symbolic value to tell the system to automatically calculate the duration.
      • Full or Half Schedule Day — The sum or half of the sum of all shifts during the day. Selectable even if the employee has no shifts; if so, the amount is 0:00. Full Schedule Day accounts for breaks, shift differentials, and overtime.
      • Full or Half Schedule Day — The sum or half of the sum of all shifts during the day. Selectable even if the employee has no shifts; if so, the amount is 0:00. Full Schedule Day accounts for breaks, shift differentials, and overtime.
      • Full or Half Pattern Day — The sum or half of the sum of all shifts of all patterns associated with the employee on that day. The Amount dynamically updates after changes to the pattern. Selectable even if the employee is not associated with a pattern; if so, the amount is 0:00.
      • Full or Half Contract Day — The sum or half of the sum of all shifts of all contract groups associated with the employee. The Amount dynamically updates after changes to the contract group. Selectable even if the employee is not associated with a contract group; if so, the amount is 0:00. Full Contract Day accounts for breaks, shift differentials, and overtime.
      • Specify Amount allows you to enter a duration as Amount Hours (hh:mm). Amount Hours (for Specify Amount): Enter the number of hours. For money based paycodes, specify the amount of pay.
      • Define overrides.
        • Select Override shift if the paycode edit replaces a shift. Example: Set a Vacation paycode to override a shift.
        • Select either whole shift or partial shift to override.

          Whole Shift removes the shift and replaces it with the paycode. Partial Shift creates a segment within the existing shift or segment and replaces that part of the shift with the paycode.

        • If you want to apply the paycode and keep the shift, deselect the Override Shift check box. Override Shift is selected by default. Your system administrator can set this option to be cleared by default.
      Note If an employee has more than one scheduled shift during a day, a paycode edit overrides only the first shift that day. To change this default override, your system administrator can configure paycodes to override all shifts on a day.
    5. From the Transfers drop-down list, select More, then select the applicable type of transfer.
      • Select Add Business Structure, then select a location transfer from the Business Structure.
      • Select Add Cost Center, then select the applicable cost center.
      • Select Add Labor Category, then select the applicable labor category.
    6. Select Apply to return to the Edit Paycode slider.
    7. Select Add Comment to apply a comment to the paycode and include additional information.
      • Select the applicable configured comment from the list.
      • (Optional) Enter a free-text note in the Note text box if additional information is needed.
  3. Select Apply.
  4. Select Save.
    • For days (d.dd), enter a number between 0 and 1, or select a symbolic value.
    • For money, enter a positive or negative number.
    • For hours (hh:mm), enter a positive or negative number, or select a symbolic value.
    • For cascading days, enter a number between 0 and 1. Not available from the By Employment Terms view.