Run a Report

Run a Report

Run a report to view information about employees or the organization.

Navigation:Main Menu > Dataviews & Reports > Report Library

  1. Select the Run Report icon.
  2. In the Select Report panel, expand a report section. 
  3. Select a report name and then select the Select button.
  4. A panel with details about the selected report appears.
  5. Select report parameters.
    The following parameters are common to most reports.
    • Timeframe
      • Previous, Current, or Next Schedule Period
      • Previous, Current, or Next Pay Period
      • Week to Date
      • Last Week
      • Yesterday
      • Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
      • Yesterday plus 6 Days
      • Last 30 Days
      • Current Week
      • Last 90 Days

    You can also choose Select Range and select the start and end dates. Note that the range must be under 365 days.

    When you select Select Hyperfind, the Locations & Hyperfinds panel opens. Select from the following sections.

    • Hyperfind
      • Locations

        All Home Locations — Finds current employees assigned to locations to which the manager has access.

      • Hyperfinds

        All Home — Finds active employees who are part of your employee group.

        All Home and Scheduled Job Transfers* — In addition to your employee group, this finds and includes employees whose primary job is different, but who are scheduled to transfer into your employee group or location.

    • Output Format 
      • PDF
      • Excel
      • Interactive
  6. Select Run Report.
  7. Select OK to view the report.

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