Search for an Employee

Search for an Employee

Employee Search is a global search feature that enables a manager to quickly find specific employee records by name or ID.

The Function Access Profile for Employee Search must be enabled for this feature to be available.

Navigation:Home Page

  1. From the toolbar, select the Employee Search icon.
    The Employee Search slider appears.
  2. In the Search by Employee Name or ID field, enter the employee last name or ID. You can use wild card characters in your search.
    • * - Use for a multiple character substitution, such as J* for all names that begin with J.
    • ? - Use for a single character substitution, such as J??n to search for names that begin with J, contain two unknown letters, and end with n.
  3. (Optional) Select Advanced Settings and then select a time period.
  4. Select Search.
    The results appear in a list.
  5. Select the checkboxes of the records that you want to view or edit and then select Go To.
  6. From the drop-down list, make a selection.
    • Timecard
    • Schedule
    • People
    • Reports