Approve a Time Off Request

Managers can view all the pending requests for their team using the Time Off feature. This feature has the option to auto-approve any time off request that passes all validations.

If a manager has been assigned as a delegate, a Delegated Teams option appears in the top left corner of the Team Time Off page.

You have several ways to approve a time off request:

Let's look at the Team Time Off page, which is the most common approval method.


If using the mobile app, select Team Time Off, and then select Pending below the pending request. Select APPROVE or REJECT in the top right corner. To cancel a request, select the icon in the top right corner and then select Cancel Request. You are asked to confirm your selection.

Navigation: Menu > My Team > Benefits > Time Off

  1. Select Team Time Off from the navigation pane. You have the option of viewing requests in a Calendar or List view. The Team Time Off page displays pending requests and planned time off for any team members.

    Team Time Off page

  2. Select the team in the top left corner to view only the time off requests of your direct reports. The filter defaults to your team if a previous selection was not made in the session. The team selection applies to both the Calendar and List views.
  3. Select the date of a pending request to view the details where you can approve, reject, or cancel the request. If a Warning icon appears next to a request, the request cannot be approved because of coverage requirements. When you select that request, you can either reject or cancel it. Coverage requirements prevent a new request from being submitted. However, if a request had already been submitted and newly established coverage rules caused the submitted event to become invalid, then the approval option is not available. If necessary, you can edit or remove the coverage to approve that request and then reapply the coverage rule.

    You are notified if a time off request cannot be completed because the timesheet is in an Approved or Submitted status. If the timesheet was manually approved and you have permission to unapprove it, then you can unapprove it, insert the approved time off, and manually reapprove the timesheet. If the timesheet was automatically approved, it is automatically unapproved and you can manually reapprove it. Time Classic sends warning and error messages. The MANAGER_TOA_REQUEST_TIMESHEET_WARNING permission must be assigned in order for managers to receive the messages.

    An approved message appears after a request is approved. Also, the request is removed from the Pending Requests section. If employees have permission to view the team calendar, their calendar view shows approved requests in green and pending approval requests in blue. In addition, if your organization uses Time Classic, then the Activity section on the employee dashboard displays a notification for approved, canceled, or rejected requests (Myself > Time).

    If a request has been sent to Time Classic and it must be responded to, the Time Off Retry job runs up to six times before the request fails. On the employee’s Request page (My Team > Time Off > My Team > select employee > Planned Requests), the History section displays a message (for example, "waiting for response").

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