Create Accrual Data Definitions

Accrual data definitions are required for time off policies that are based on pay data. A time off policy can give accruals based on payroll data, such as year-to-date hours, lifetime hours, or hours from one pay statement.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Employee Admin > Time Off > Settings > Accrual Data Definitions

  1. Select Create.

    Create Accrual Data Definition page

  2. Enter the name (for example, Lifetime Hours) and description.
  3. Select either Single Value or Formula as the value type and complete the related fields:
    • For a single value, select the value from the drop-down list.
    • For a formula, select the payroll item and employee field along with the action (for example "+" to add). (Select the "x" next to an item in the formula to remove it.)
  4. Select the date range that should be used to select payroll data for the single value or formula.
  5. Specify if the data definition is active.
  6. Select Save.
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