Create or Edit the Holiday Calendar

The holiday calendar is assigned to employees and can be assigned for multiple years. The holiday calendar definitions and assignments are used by both Time Classic and Scheduling Classic.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Employee Admin > Time Off > Settings > Holiday Calendar

  1. Select Create to create a holiday calendar, or select a calendar link in the Name column to edit a calendar.

    Edit Holiday Calendar page in the Time Off feature

  2. If you are creating a calendar, enter a name and description and select the year. Use the left and right arrows to view a previous or future year. To add a new date to the calendar, select Add Date:
    1. Enter the date.
    2. Select the holiday type.
    3. Enter a description.
    4. Specify whether employees can book off the date (that is, employees can request time off).
    5. Specify whether employees can be scheduled to work on this date. (For existing calendars, the field defaults to Yes.)
  3. If you are editing a calendar, you can change the calendar name and description and add a new date. You can also edit an existing holiday date, type, and description, and you can change whether employees can book off the date. To remove a holiday from the calendar, select the "X" to the right of it; you are not prompted for confirmation.
  4. To delete the calendar, select Delete Holiday Calendar. The employees assigned to the calendar must be unassigned before the calendar can be deleted.
  5. Select Save.


    • An important year-end task is to enter the next year's holidays into the holiday calendar in UKG Pro.
    • It is recommended that the holiday calendar in UKG Pro be extended before the pay calendar is extended. If possible, extend two years in advance.

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