Time Off Balance Types

Time off balances displayed to employees are based on transactions such as accruals, usages, and carry-overs. Balances are only affected by transactions within the same policy year. The following tables describe the time off balances and transaction types used in Time Off.

Table 1. Balance Types
Balance Type Description
Total Accrual Total amount of accrual transactions for the current year, up to the current day.
Carry Over Carry-over, less carry-over adjustment, for the current year up to the current day.
Used Amount used so far this year.
Current Balance The current balance in the employee’s time off policy.

Note: This is not necessarily the amount available for the employee. All time off requests are validated such that policy limits are met for future requests if approved.

Pending Balance Amount accrued but not yet available for use.
Planned Future time off planned for the current year.
End of Year Projected balance as of the end of the year. This amount applies to the Annual Payout or Carry Over calculations as configured.
Table 2. Transaction Types
Transaction Type Description System Generated
Accrual Time off accrual, based on seniority only or based on pay. Yes
Annual Payout End of year payout to the employee via payroll. Percentage to be paid out is configurable. Yes
Banking Accrual Banked amount added to the policy via the Banking rule in the Time feature. No
Carry-Over Configurable amount of unused time off carried from one year to the next. Yes
Carry-Over Adjustment Amount of carry-over that has expired and is unavailable to use for the remainder of the policy year. Yes
Import Imported value, normally used for imported balances from other systems. Functions as an accrual, but can be negative. No
Import Carry-Over Imported value that acts as carry-over; carry-over expiry configuration applies to this imported amount. No
Manual Manually entered amount to adjust the employee’s balance. Can be positive or negative. No
Pending Accrual which is to be held in the Pending balance. Unavailable for use until released. Yes
Pending Carry-Over Carry-over of the pending balance from one year to the next. Yes
Pending Release Release of the Pending time off to the Current balance, now available for use. Yes
Roll Over Amount of unused time off carried over, but into a different policy. Yes
Usage Amount of time off used by the employee, usually communicated to payroll as earnings. Varies depending on policy settings
Termination Payout Amount paid to the employee upon termination. Yes
Termination Unpaid Remaining balance after the termination payout. Zeroes the balance when an employee is terminated. Yes
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