Configure Time Entry Templates

Time Entry Templates

Creating time entry templates allows you to view time entry data in a consistent format when importing time during payroll processing. The pay data typically changes for each payroll process.

Note Time Entry Templates are not applicable for data received from UKG Pro Workforce Management.

During payroll processing, a grid based on the time entry template is created. The grid provides you with a worksheet for time entry data.

To access the time entry grid from payroll processing, select the View or Edit Time Entry link in the Things I Can Do section.

Payroll Overview page.Process Payroll Enter Time - Corp Hourly Wkly.

Payroll information displayed for employees is based on the template setup found under System Configuration > Time Entry Setup > Time Entry Templates. (Time Entry Template setup can also be accessed from Payroll Admin or from the Payroll Gateway.)

From the Time Entry Templates page, you can add, change, or delete a time entry template.

When you configure the template, you designate which columns of information will be included (for example, earnings including overtime and paid time off, deductions, and hours worked).

Time Entry Template Summary.
Note If a time entry template is in use when a payroll is processing, then the template cannot be modified.

Templates are then assigned to a pay group in the Payroll Processing Setup section of a pay group configuration.

Assigning a Time Entry Template to a Pay Group.
  • You cannot delete a time entry template that is assigned to a pay group. Remove the time entry template from the assigned pay groups before deleting the time entry template.
  • For off-cycle payrolls, assign a different time entry template than the template selected for regular time entry.

Time Entry Templates Management

Manage time entry templates using the Time Entry Templates Summary page.

This page allows you to:
  • View time entry templates
  • Add a time entry template
  • Change a time entry template
  • Delete a time entry template

Time entry pages are used to view or enter employee payroll information. If you have multiple pay groups set up for different types of employees, you can design a different template for each pay group, or you can use the same template for multiple pay groups. You can create an unlimited number of time entry templates.

Time Entry Template Configuration Fields

Time entry templates enable you to view time entry data in a consistent format when importing time during payroll processing. The template defines the columns of information to display for entry on the Enter Time page.

If you have multiple pay groups defined for different types of employees, you can create different templates for each pay group, or you can use the same template for multiple pay groups. This table defines the fields available when configuring your time entry templates.
Note If you enter a customized column heading, the customized text is displayed regardless of the selected language.
Page NameField or Section NameDescription
Template DetailsDescriptionConcise description of the time entry template.
Submission Options
  • Submit With Errors
Use when the time entry will be submitted regardless of errors. Only valid records are imported; errors are not imported.
Include Employees with the Following Status
  • Active
  • Leave of Absence
  • Terminated
When checked, employees with the selected status are included.
Additional Data
  • Display Expanded Information Sections
  • Display Pay Rate
  • Display Multiple Locations
  • Display Multiple Jobs
  • Display Multiple Charge Dates
When Additional Data options are checked, the additional data is included in the Time Entry Worksheet.
Schedule Hours and Amounts
  • Display all scheduled hours and amounts
  • Manually enter all hours and amounts
  • Use Display All Scheduled Hours and Amounts when all scheduled hours and amounts are required for display based on what was imported.
  • Use Manually Enter All Hours and Amounts only when manually entering hours and amounts for time is desired instead of importing the time.
Employee ColumnsMove desired employee columns from the Available column to the Selected column.Only selected employee columns appear in the Time Entry Worksheet.
Selected Column Headings
  • Column
  • Column Heading
The Column displays the actual column name.

The Time Entry Worksheet displays the value entered in the Column Heading field.

Earnings ColumnsMove desired Earnings columns from the Available column to the Selected column.Only selected Earnings appear in the Time Entry Worksheet.
Selected Column Headings
  • Show Columns
  • Column Heading
  • Editable
When an Earnings option is selected,
  • select the Show Columns checkbox for the column to display in the Time Entry Worksheet.
  • enter a different column heading than the Earnings name for display in the Time Entry Worksheet.
  • check the Editable box for the value to be editable in the Time Entry Worksheet.
Deductions ColumnsMove desired Deductions columns from the Available column to the Selected column.Only selected Deductions appear in the Time Entry Worksheet.
Selected Column Headings
  • Column Heading
  • Editable
The Column displays the actual column name.

When a Deduction is selected,

  • enter a different column heading than the Deduction's name, for display in the Time Entry Worksheet.
  • check the Editable box for the value to be editable in the Time Entry Worksheet.
Cost Center ColumnsMove desired Cost Center Columns from the Available column to the Selected column.Only selected Cost Center Columns appear in the Time Entry Worksheet.
Selected Column Headings
  • Column Heading
  • Editable
When a Cost Center Column is selected,
  • enter a different column than the Cost Center Name, for display in the Time Entry Worksheet.
  • check the Editable box for the value to be editable in the Time Entry Worksheet.
Column OrderDescription
  • Order Dialog Box
The Time Entry Description is displayed.

Use the arrows to arrange a default value for display in the Time Entry Worksheet. (The order can be changed in the Time Entry Worksheet when processing payroll.)

Add a Time Entry Template

The following steps demonstrate how to configure new time entry templates using the Add/Change Time Entry Templates work event.

Navigation:Menu > Administration or System Configuration > Time Entry Setup

  1. From the Time Entry Templates Summary page, select Add.
  2. Complete the following pages:
    • Template Details
    • Employee Columns
    • Earnings Columns
    • Deductions Columns
    • Cost Center Columns
    • Column Order
    • Summary

Add or Change Time Entry Template Details

Add or change payroll-related information for an employee during time entry on the Template Details page of the Adding or Changing Time Entry Template process.

You can choose to display different types of data, such as:

  • Expanded information sections - Include information like organizational assignments and pay period information.
  • Pay rates - Only appear if the Display Expanded Information section is selected.
  • Multiple locations - Shows when an employee has multiple work locations and taxes are paid for each of those locations.
  • Multiple jobs - Shows when an employee works multiple jobs within the same pay period.
  • Multiple charge dates - When selected, the user may designate if it is editable and customize the column heading.

Navigation:Menu > Administration or System Configuration > Time Entry Setup

  1. From the Template Details page, enter a description.
  2. Select if employee payroll information can be submitted with errors.
    Important If the Submit with Errors checkbox is checked, payroll processing will not stop the time entry submission process when errors exist. You can make corrections to errors in the time entry grid. If errors are not corrected, the valid records are submitted and the records in error will be deleted.
  3. Select the statuses of the employees to include in the time entry process.
  4. In the Additional Data area, select different types of data to include in the template.
  5. In the Scheduled Hours and Amounts area, make a selection.
  6. Select Next.

Configure Time Entry Employee Columns

Configure employee information for the Time Entry template on the Employee Columns page.

Navigation:Menu > Administration or System Configuration > Time Entry Setup

The template must include at least one of the following:

  • Employee Number
  • Social Security Number
  1. From the Employee Columns page, select the employee information to include on the Time Entry template.
  2. In the Selected Column Headings section, enter a column heading for each item in the Selected pane, if needed.
  3. Select Next.

Configure Time Entry Earnings Columns

Configure earnings information for the Time Entry template on the Earnings Columns page.

Navigation:Menu > Administration or System Configuration > Time Entry Setup

Earnings appear as a column on the Time Entry template in order to import and edit employee payroll hours and earnings amounts.

  1. From the Earnings Columns page, select the earnings to include on the Time Entry template.
  2. In the Show Column area, select the columns to appear.
    Note The Adj Pay Start Date and Adj Pay End Date fields are specific to the laws governing California overtime rules for hourly employee pay. If you do not have California established as a tax location, you may not see these values.
  3. Edit the names of the column headings.
  4. Select which columns are editable during payroll time entry.
  5. Select Next.

Configure Time Entry Deduction Columns

Configure deductions information for the Time Entry template on the Deductions Columns page.

Navigation:Menu > Administration or System Configuration > Time Entry Setup

Each employee deduction appears as a column on the Time Entry template; enter the employee deduction amount in the applicable column.

  1. From the Deductions Columns page, select the deductions to include on the Time Entry template.
  2. Edit the name of the column heading and select if the column can be editable during payroll time entry.
  3. Select Next.

Configure Time Entry Cost Center Columns

Configure cost center information for the Time Entry template on the Cost Center Columns page.

  1. From the Cost Center Columns page, select the cost centers to include on the Time Entry template.
  2. Edit the name of the column heading.
  3. Select if the column can be editable during payroll time entry.
    Only codes can be made editable.
  4. Select Next.
    The page Column Order appears.

Configure Time Entry Column Order

Configure the default column order for a Time Entry template on the Column Order page.

Navigation:Menu > Administration or System Configuration > Time Entry Setup

  1. From the Column Order page, set the order for the selections.
  2. Select Next.

Review and Submit Request Information

Review your selections on the Summary page. If needed, return to the applicable page to make edits.

  1. From the Summary page, review the information.
  2. Select the applicable action to complete the request, such as Save, Submit, and Finish.

    If approvals are required, the Summary page appears with a Workflow Approvals section.