Create Automated Payroll Files

Create Automated Payroll Files

When Time Management is configured to process automated payroll, your payroll data is prepared and automatically sent to the UKG Pro Payroll Gateway. You will not need to save files locally or manually export them.

Navigation:Time Management > Payroll > Set Options

  1. From the Set Options page, Payroll Bridge drop-down list, select the type of payroll bridge file you want to create.
  2. Verify that the pay period dates are correct. If not, select Refresh Period.
    Time Management Set Options page
  3. Configure any of the following areas: Set Payroll Options, Prepay Rule, or Apply Additional Payroll Filters.
    Configure Time Management Payroll Options
  4. Select Run. You're immediately directed to the Data Output page. You can view the progress of each step.

    All the files sent to UKG Pro Payroll are listed. The file name includes the pay group and date/time stamp. In addition, you can view the status of the payroll file, date completed, and name of the user who created the file.

    The following statuses may be visible for the files:

    • Uploaded – File has been successfully sent to UKG Pro.
    • Processed – File exists in Time Management but not UKG Pro because the upload failed.
    • Failed – File was not successfully created and was not uploaded.
    • Deleted – File was deleted from UKG Pro and is available for Resend.

      You also have the options to download, resend, and delete. Select the files, and then choose the appropriate function button.

    • Download – Provides you with the option to download the file locally.
    • Resend – Enables you to resend the file if it is not in UKG Pro, either because the upload failed or the file was deleted from UKG Pro. If you attempt to resend a file that already exists in UKG Pro, you'll receive a message stating that it can't be resent.
    • Delete – Removes the file from both Time Management and UKG Pro if the file has not yet been imported.
      Important Once a file has been imported into UKG Pro and you attempt to delete the file from Time Management, you'll receive a message that the file has been imported and cannot be deleted from UKG Pro, and it will be removed from Time Management only.

      Finally, you can also view payroll reports (Time Management > Payroll > Payroll Reports). Keep in mind that payroll reconciliation is an optional step, and therefore you may not have access to the Payroll Reconciliation report. The default reports, available when creating payroll data files, include the following:

    • Detail Report
    • Exception Report
    • Summary Report
    Time Management Payroll Reports

Process Time Management Payroll Files

After your time management payroll files are uploaded, you can complete payroll processing in UKG Pro Payroll.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Gateway

  1. From the Payroll Gateway, select the pay group whose payroll you are processing (and presumably just exported from Time Management).
  2. Access the Bring In Time step. The file you created is available on the Import Time page.
    Import Time page
  3. Select the file you want to import.
  4. Select Run to complete your payroll process with Time Management files.

Time Management Payroll Files in UKG Pro

After your time management payroll files are uploaded, you can view or delete the files from the Time for Payroll Processing page (Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payroll Gateway or Payroll Overview > Things I Can Do > View Time for Payroll Processing).

  • View the list of all files that were exported from Time ManagementTime Management Exported File list
  • Delete files that were imported
Time Management File for Deletion

If a file is deleted from the UKG Pro Payroll side, it will show as grayed out on the Time for Payroll Processing page. This will in turn update Time Management to display it as Deleted so it can be resent.

If a file still exists on the Payroll side, and you attempt to Resend the file, you will be unable to.

If a file is deleted from Time Management, it is removed from both Time Management and UKG Pro if the file has not yet been imported into payroll. The file will need to be processed again in order for it to automatically populate to UKG Pro. Once a file is imported into payroll, you can no longer delete the file in UKG Pro from Time Management.