Configure Geo-Fences for Time Management

Geo-Fencing in Time Management

Geo-Fencing gives employees the ability to record their activity on their mobile devices.

Time Management provides the tools to create and manage fences. A fence is an area around a geographic location in which employees are encouraged to work, track, and manage activity within those fences. Fences also include map-based plotting of time punches; ad hoc, audit style reporting to illustrate activity over time; and notifications of when employees violate a fence.

Employees must enable location services on their device. If location services are disabled, the device sends an alert to turn them on.
  • HTML5 Mobile Site – This method only allows for passive geo-fencing. Time Management captures the location and sends alerts when employees clock in from outside an established fence. After employees clock in, the geographic code is captured and sent to Time Management; the code is then validated against the assigned fence.
  • UKG Pro's Mobile App for iOS and Android – This method allows for both active and passive geo-fencing. The same steps for passive geo-fencing apply, but in addition you can select to employ active geo-fencing. Active geo-fencing rejects punches from outside of a fence. The rejection information is retained so you can report on who attempted to access the system.

Active or Passive Geo-Fencing

The mobile app offers a choice of whether employees interact with the locations as active or passive for all punches.

Active geo-fencing ensures that punches are not accepted when an employee is outside of the assigned fence when submitting a clock transaction. This feature offers the most control but could constrain employees who are working in areas with poor connectivity or bad GPS signals.

Passive geo-fencing accepts all punches and provides exception reports of employees who submit clocks outside of their assigned fences. This option offers maximum flexibility with auditing capabilities.

You may wish to control some employees while enabling passive controls for others. Since they interact with the same fence differently, the active or passive setting is applied to the access group rather than to the fence itself.

Enable Geo-Fencing

The Geo-Fencing feature includes a map function with address search that relies on Esri, a partner who converts addresses into geographic coordinates.

Navigation:Configuration > Available setup

  1. Select Activate Now next to the Geo-Fencing item.
    Available setup panel with Geo-Fencing Option
  2. When the Configuration pop-up window appears, check the Enable Geo-Fencing option.
    Geo-Fencing Configuration pop-up window
  3. Select the level of access for the access groups. Typically, supervisors have read-only access and administrators have full access.

    Read-only access enables you to interact with existing fences. If at least one of your employees is assigned to that fence. Available fences appear on the right side of the screen in the Fences area.

    Full access provides users the ability to add, edit, or delete fences

  4. Select Save.

Enable Rejection of Punches in Active Geo-Fencing

If you are using active geo-fencing through the mobile app, be sure to block exception punches for applicable groups.

Navigation:Access > Advanced > EWS Login

  1. Select the access group from the list on the left side.
  2. Scroll down to the Geo-Fencing section.
    Reject Punches Outside of a Fence Option
  3. Check the Reject Punches Outside of a Fence option.
  4. Select Save.

Configure a Geo-Fence

A geo-fence is an area around a geographic location in which assigned employees punch in and out on their mobile devices.

Navigation:Reports > Geo-Fencing

  1. Manually navigate by dragging and zooming on the map or type the address of the location where you wish to establish a fence.
    When creating fences, it is often easier to use the Hybrid view since it shows the buildings around which you can draw.
    Geo-fencing Page
  2. Select the fence shape by toggling between either polygon or circle. A polygon provides you the most control and accuracy over the fence boundaries.
  3. Select the Draw Fence icon. If using the polygon, you can keep drawing until your lines connect. Double-click to complete the fence.

    Make sure that you are happy with your fence. If you are not, delete it by selecting Reset Fence. Once you have saved a fence, you cannot delete the fence.

    Once data is applied, deleting a fence causes those punches to become exceptions. To respect the integrity of the data, you can end-date a fence and create a new one with a unique name.

  4. Establish effective dates for the fence. Any clocks that are posted to this area before the start or after the end date are considered exception punches.

    Once your fence is created, you can assign employees to that fence.

Assign Employees to a Fence Group

Fence groups provide maximum flexibility for assigning employees to fences.

Navigation:Reports > Geo-Fencing

  1. Create a fence group. This group can be created in one of two ways:
    • Add and manage fence groups via the Fence Groups section on the right side of the Geo-Fencing page. The drop-down list includes each existing fence group in Time Management. This section is only available to employees who have full access. Select a fence from this list to edit that group. Select Add New Fence Group (+) to create a fence group.
    • When editing the parameters of a fence, select the link next to the Fence Group assignment box. Selecting that link enables you to create a fence group.
  2. Assign employees to a fence group. There are four components to the Fence Group creation phase, allowing you to assign large groups of employees or a single employee to a given group. You do not have to complete all four, but you must have at least one. Select Next in the top right corner to go to each of the components.
    Assign Employees to Fence Group
    • Access Groups – Allows you to assign massive numbers of employees all at once.
    • System Groups (that is, Org Levels) – Allows you to assign employees with specific organization levels (for example, job, department, or project) to a fence.
    • Supervisor – Allows you to quickly assign all employees who report to a specific supervisor to a fence. If you use this method and an employee’s supervisor changes, the employee is removed from the fence. You have to assign the new supervisor.
    • Employee – Allows you to be granular and assign employees one by one.

    To modify a fence group, select the fence group from the list and then select the edit button. The Fence Group assignment panel appears showing the selected fence group’s parameters.

  3. Select Save.

Illustrate Punch Activity Around a Fence

The sole difference between full and read-only access is that users with read-only access cannot draw or edit fences. They can look up employees and plot punch activity over desired date ranges.

Navigation:Reports > Geo-Fencing

  1. In the Fence Groups section on the right side of the page, select the fence. The list of fences includes only those fences to which your employees have been assigned.
  2. Select the settings icon to the left of the fence name to open the Fence Info window, which shows the parameters for the fence. Also, you can click inside a newly drawn fence to open this window.
    Fence Info Window
  3. Make your changes to the name and description.
  4. Enter the fence group. You can search by using the Search icon (magnifying glass) or select the last icon to create a new fence group.
  5. Enter the effective dates.
  6. Select Save.

Create a Geo-Fencing Alert

In order to provide the greatest visibility into employee clocking patterns, Time Management provides three mechanisms for reporting on clock activity: alerts, reports, and map-based plotting.

You can configure the Geo-Fencing alert to be delivered to you when employee clocks are considered exceptions. These transactions are defined as:

  • Rejected for an active fence
  • Accepted but outside of a passive fence

Refer to the Configure a Time Management Alert or Notification job aid in the UKG Community Library for more information on notifications.

Navigation:Company Setup > Notification

  1. Select New.
  2. Select Geo-Fencing as the event type.
  3. Enter a description.
  4. Select either Automatic or Manual as the schedule type. Automatic sends the alert nightly, and manual enables you to set a schedule.
  5. Define what period you wish to scan for exception punches. Options are This Pay Period, This Week, or Previous Day.
  6. Select which fence group this alert covers.
  7. Select who to deliver the alert to (supervisor, employee, or other).
  8. Use the filters to select which employees are included in the results.
  9. Select Save.

Geo-Fencing Reports

The Geo-Fencing Report provides the same details as the alert. The report can be scheduled to run on a regular basis and delivered to specific users.

The report is available in Reports > Report Generator > Time & Attendance > Geo Fencing Report. The results include the employee name and ID, the work date of the punch, the In/Out type, the time the punch was entered, whether the exception punch was accepted or rejected, and the coordinates of the transaction.

Geo-fencing Report

Remember that passive geo-fencing always accepts a punch, even if it is an exception. Active geo-fencing rejects exception punches, but the attempted transaction is included in this report.

Map-Based Plotting

You can use the Geo-Fencing page to plot out punch activity for a specific user or groups of users. This information illustrates punch activity over time and whether the clocks were exceptions or valid punches.

Use the filters at the top of the page to view punches. The results are plotted as small green or red dots. A green dot indicates that the punch is within the employee's assigned fence. A red dot indicates that the punch is outside the assigned fence or the employee is not assigned to that fence.

A punch may be easier to view when you flip the toggle to street view.

Geo-fence Punch Street View

To see the details of a clock transaction, just hover over it.