Document Types

Document Types

In the UKGDocument Manager solution, document types are organized in folders and create categories for your documents.

Menu > Admin > Documents

The creation and management of folders and document types creates a hierarchical structure for the organization of your content, called a Document Tree. Documents must be manually added to the platform.

Document types are used to define and organize documents. Individual documents that are uploaded to the Document Manager solution belong to only one document type. All documents classified as the same document type share characteristics including:
  • Destination or Parent folder
  • Employee access
  • Role access
  • Retention policy
  • Metadata

This tree consists of Parent Folders which contain Child Folders or Documents. Separate Document Trees exist for Employee Documents and Company Documents.

Folders and underlying document types may be restricted to HR users' role or roles.

Image depicting document tree as described in the preceding paragraph.

Add a Document Type

In the UKGDocument Manager solution, adding a document type enables you to set specific standards about the document's visibility and user restrictions.

Menu > Admin > Documents
  1. Select the New Document Type button.
  2. Enter the document name in the appropriate language field.
    Note If there are multiple interface languages, you can translate the document type name in the respective languages. Otherwise, the document type name appears in the default language on the Document Manager platform.
  3. Enter a unique code.
  4. Select the destination folder for the document type.
  5. Enter the authorized file extensions for the document type, if necessary.
    Note Most document formats are accepted including DOC, DOCX, PDF, CSV, and XLS. Documents must be in a PDF or image format (PNG, JPEG, BMP, or TIFF) to preview the document in the Document Manager solution.
  6. Establish the Document Expiration Date as None, Not Required for Document Upload, or Required for Document Upload.
  7. Write an upload message, if necessary. This message is automatically displayed to HR users when they upload a document of this type.
  8. Select a document template to link with the document type, if necessary.
  9. Utilize the Advanced Options, Permissions, and Metadata tabs to customize access to the document type and data tracking options.
  10. Select Create Document Type to save.
    Screenshot of the Document Manager solution interface illustrating input options to add a document type to the platform. Required fields include Name, Code, Destination Folder. You may also use the Advanced Options, Permissions, and Metadata tabs to customize access and set data tracking.

Update a Document Type

Updating a document enables you to change the document's location, name, options, permissions, metadata, and retention policies.

Updating a document type allows you to change the:
  • Name
  • Parent or destination folder
  • Authorized file extensions
  • Expiration date
  • Upload message
  • Linked templates
  • Advanced options
  • Role-based permissions
  • Metadata

Navigation:Menu > Admin > Documents > select document type > Update

  1. From the document tree, select the appropriate document.
  2. Select Update.
  3. Modify the document parameters as needed.
  4. Select Update to save.

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