UKG Mobile Apps for Administrators

UKG Pro Mobile App

From the UKG Pro mobile app, you can access Human Capital Management (HCM) features, Workforce Management (WFM) features, and UKG Talk features.

The UKG Pro mobile app provides convenient access to all HR, pay, and work needs. It also has tools to drive communication and collaboration with an intuitive experience designed to naturally foster employee engagement.

An administrator must enable the UKG Pro mobile app and configure the mobile app access rights in UKG Pro web.

For information on the employee experience, refer to UKG Mobile Apps for Employees.

Note As of October 2023, a new UKG Pro mobile app is available. The new UKG Pro mobile app replaces the following legacy apps: the previous UKG Pro mobile app (now named "UKG Pro Classic"), the UKG Dimensions mobile app, and the UKG Talk mobile app. These legacy mobile apps will be retired 2024.

Enable the UKG Pro Mobile App

System administrators must enable the UKG Promobile app.

Important A system administrator must enable the new UKG Pro mobile app to replace legacy mobile apps: the previous UKG Pro mobile app (now named "UKG Pro Classic"), the UKG Dimensions mobile app, and the UKG Talk mobile app. Administrators can configure access to the UKG Pro Classic mobile app, access to the new UKG Pro mobile app, and new app notifications in the legacy mobile apps.

Once enabled, the Mobile App Access page displays in role administration. System Administrators can then configure mobile app access rights by role.

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > System Settings > Mobile App Settings

Mobile App Change Settings
  1. From the Mobile App Integrations page, select Edit.
  2. Configure the following mobile app settings:
    • Enable Classic Mobile App
      • ON: Employees can log into the UKG Pro Classic mobile app

      • OFF: Employees cannot log into the UKG Pro Classic mobile app

    • Enable New Mobile App

      • ON: Employees can log into the new UKG Pro mobile app

      • OFF: Employees cannot log into the new UKG Pro mobile app

    • Enable Notifications for New Mobile App

      • ON: A message appears in legacy apps (UKG Pro Classic mobile app, UKG Dimensions mobile app, UKG Talk mobile app) instructing employees to download the new UKG Pro mobile app

      • OFF: A message does not appear in legacy apps instructing employees to download the new UKG Pro mobile app

  3. At the Company Access Code field, enter a 5–15 character code that employees will use to install the mobile app. This company access code will be unique to your organization. The company access code:
    • Is created by your organization. UKG does not provide the company access code.
    • Cannot be changed once it is saved. If your company has a test environment, you can enable the mobile app for that environment, but do not use the company access code you want to use in production because the code is unique and cannot be changed. For example, if you want the “Acme” company access code for your production environment, then use “AcmeTest” for the test environment.
    • Does not need to be a combination of letters and/or numbers.
    • Is not case-sensitive.
    • Should be an easy word for your employees to remember. For example, your company name.
  4. At the Show Installation Instructions field, toggle ON to display UKG Promobile app installation instructions on the UKG Pro home page. If enabled, all users will see the Company Access Code and link to installation instructions on the UKG Pro home page.

    While you are testing your mobile app access rights configuration, at the Show Installation Instructions field, toggle OFF to ensure that all employees do not view installation instructions and attempt to download the mobile app during testing.

    Mobile App Instructions Gadget
  5. Select Save.

Configure UKG Pro Mobile App Access Rights

Configure mobile app access rights for employees assigned to a selected role on the Mobile App Access Rights page.

Initially, all the UKG Pro areas/elements are collapsed and the associated access rights are disabled. Access rights can be assigned to an entire area (and inherited by all elements within the area) or assigned individually to selected elements within an area. When selected elements in a UKG Pro area have different access rights than others in the same area, the corresponding rights for the high-level area are shown to be partially enabled.

The available access rights include Add, View, Edit, Delete, and Execute. Assigned access rights for the elements are indicated with icons on the Mobile Access Rights page:

  • Green check marks indicate rights that are enabled.
  • Unchecked boxes indicate rights that are disabled.
  • Checkboxes with yellow tick marks indicate rights that are partially enabled.
Mobile App Access Rights
Mobile app access rights work differently than web access rights in that they are aggregated.
  • Access to the mobile app: If a user has multiple roles assigned to them and one role has access to themobile app and another does not, the user will have access to themobile app.
    • For example, if access to the mobile app is only available for a user’s Manager role and not for the Employee role, then managers who have both roles assigned will have access to the mobile app.
  • Access within the mobile app: If a user has multiple roles and one role has limited access to features in the mobile app while the other has full access to the mobile app, the user will have full access to the mobile app.
    • For example, if a user is assigned to both the employee and manager roles and View access right is enabled for Pay for the employee role and disabled for the manager role, the user will still be able to view Pay. If the user is only assigned to the manager role, that user would not be able to view Pay in the mobile app.

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration

  1. From the Role Administration page, identify the roles that need access to the mobile app.
  2. To edit an existing role, in the Description column, select the appropriate role link. The Description / Role Types page appears.
  3. Select the Mobile Access Rights tab. The Mobile Access Rights page appears with all elements collapsed.
  4. From the Mobile Access Rights page, expand the areas to view the current access rights settings for the associated elements.
  5. Enable the mobile app features by checking the applicable Add, View, Edit, Delete, or Execute columns. To enable individual pages, expand each subsection, as needed.
    • Check the Add box to enable add rights.
    • Check the View box to enable view-only rights.
    • Check the Edit box to enable viewing and editing rights.
    • Check the Delete box to enable delete rights.
    • Check the Execute box to enable execute rights.
    • Uncheck any box to disable the assigned access rights.
  6. Select Save. The Role Administration page appears.
  7. Enable mobile app access rights for additional roles, as needed.
    Important Confirm that all mobile app access rights for each role are configured correctly before moving the Show Installation Instructions field slider button to ON. This ensures that employees do not view installation instructions and attempt to download the mobile app before the configuration has been fully tested.

Configure Mobile Features in UKG Pro WFM Web

Only enabled UKG Pro WFM mobile app features appear in the UKG Pro mobile app.

Note For more information, refer to the following resources:

Review the following table for information about UKG Pro WFM mobile configuration, including relevant UKG Pro WFM Online Help topics.

FeatureUKG Pro WFM ConfigurationRelevant UKG Pro WFM Online Help topics
Punch and Timecard
  • From People Profile > Employee Role, the Time Entry Method must be set to one of the following:
    • Timestamp
    • Timestamp & Hourly

  • From the Function Access Profile, the correct Access Control Points must be set to Allowed

Administration > Application Setup > Access Profiles > Employee
  • From the Function Access Profile, the Employee > Calendar > Calendar views for employees Access Control Point must be set to Allowed

Administration > Mobile App > Access the system through the app
  • The Notification Profile must have the following destinations selected:
    • Mobile app

    • Control Center

  • From the Feature Switch page (Menu > Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > Feature Switches), the following Feature Switches must be selected:

    • Enable mobile app

    • Enable notification for mobile app

Administration > Mobile App > Notifications in the app
QR Codes
  • Scan QR Codes (for employees): From the Function Access Profile, Employee > Time Stamp for Employee > Allow scanning of QR Codes must be set to Allowed

  • View and Print QR Codes (for managers): From the Function Access Profile, Manager - Common Setup > QR Codes > View must be set to Allowed

  • Create, Edit, View, and Print QR Codes (for administrators): From the Function Access Profile, Manager - Common Setup > QR Codes > Edit must be set to Allowed

Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > QR Codes

UKG Pro Mobile App Features

The UKG Pro mobile app supports the following features.

UKG Pro Mobile App Features for Employees

Important This list includes all mobile app features, but a system administrator determines which features are available for each organization. The features in the UKG Pro mobile app may be different from the features in UKG Pro web.
  • Profile

    • View and edit personal information

    • Add, view, edit, or delete alternate phone numbers

    • View employment information, salary, and job history

    • View, add, edit, and remove emergency contacts

    • View, update, and remove employee photo

    • Add, view, edit, or delete name pronunciation

    • View, add, edit, and remove licenses and certifications

  • Company Information
    • View directory, organization chart, and news & information

  • Pay

    • View pay statements and generate pay statement PDFs

    • Access Model My Pay

    • View, add, edit, inactivate, and remove direct deposit accounts

    • View Filing Forms (Form W-2)/Year End Slips (T4) and generate PDFs

    • View and add Withholding Forms (Form W-4)/Personal Tax Credits (TD1)

    • View third party pay data and generate a PDF of a third party pay statement

  • Development & Feedback

    • View and update goals

    • View competencies and update competency notes

    • View, add, edit, and delete notes

  • Benefits

    • View benefits

    • View and edit retirement plans

  • Giving

    • View available Giving campaigns

    • View year-to-date (YTD) contributions

  • Performance Development

    • View and update 1:1 meetings

    • View feedback about me

  • Workforce Continuity

    • Complete Workforce Continuity forms

  • Document Upload

    • Upload a JPEG or take a picture

  • Knowledge Base

    • Submit forms

    • Update and manage submitted forms

    • Add and preview attachments

    • Use supporting links to articles in the Knowledge Base

  • UKG Talk

    • Activity feed

    • Groups

    • Assigned tasks

    • Direct Messages

    • Interactive apps and events

  • Time Clock

    • Punch in or out

    • Transfer punch

    • View punch and transfer details

  • Timesheets

    • View timesheet details

    • Add, copy, and submit timesheets

    • Add, edit, and delete punches

    • Add, edit, and delete labor metrics

    • Add and edit time codes

    • Add notes

  • Time Off

    • Request time off

    • Cancel a time off request

    • View time off history

    • View balances

  • Schedule

    • View schedule

    • View My Team's Schedule

    • View or acknowledge schedule

    • Request schedule change

    • View change requests

    • View total scheduled hours

    • View coworker schedule

    • View shift details

  • Availability

    • Add availability

  • Calendar

    • View calendar

    • View and cancel time off requests

    • Request open shift

  • Timecard

    • View timecard

  • Punch Mapping

Note If your organization uses the UKG Ready mobile app, the time shortcuts (such as Time Clock and Timesheets) open the corresponding page in the UKG Ready mobile app or the UKG Ready website.
Note If your organization uses the UKG Learning mobile app, the learning shortcut opens the UKG Learning mobile app.

UKG Pro Mobile App Features for Managers and Administrators

  • Employee Profile

    • View and edit employee personal information, including name, address, and phone number

    • Add, view, and edit employee emergency contact information

    • Add, view, edit, and delete employee photo

    • View and edit employee employment and salary information:

      • Employee job and organization details

      • Employee job and salary

      • Employee salary

      • Employee termination

    • View employee job history and status history, including job and salary details

    • Add, view, edit, and delete employee licenses and certifications

    • Add, view, edit, or delete employee alternate phone numbers

  • Goals

    • View goals and goal details

    • Add percentage complete

    • Add goal notes

  • Competencies

    • View goals and goal details

    • Add percentage complete

    • Add goal notes

  • Notes

    • Add, view, edit, and delete general notes

  • Team Goals

    • View team goals

    • Add, view, edit, and delete team goal notes

  • UKG Talk

  • Team Timesheets

    • View, copy, edit, and approve timesheets

    • View team timesheet total hours

    • View labor metric summary details

    • View and edit shifts

    • Add notes

  • Time Off

    • View, approve, and deny time off requests

    • View time off request details

    • View approved time off requests

  • Team Schedule

    • View and copy schedules

    • Apply schedule templates

    • Add, edit, and delete shifts

    • View, approve, and deny change requests

    • View approved change requests

    • Publish or unpublish schedule

  • Team Timecard

    • View, edit, and approve employee timecards

    • View and edit employee punches

    • View, edit, and delete employee shifts

    • View, edit, and manage employee schedules

  • Usage Insights (Administrators Only)

UKG Pro Mobile App Time Features by Solution

The Time features available in the UKG Pro mobile app vary based on your Time solution.

UKG Pro Workforce Management (UKG Dimensions)

Note Configuration is required in UKG Dimensions web and UKG Pro web to enable access to the mobile app integration.
  • For Employees

    • Time Clock

      • Punch in or out

      • Transfer a punch

    • Time Off

      • Request time off

    • Calendar

      • View calendar

      • View time off requests

      • Cancel time off requests

      • Request open shift

    • Schedule

      • View schedule

    • Timecard

      • View timecard

  • For Managers and Administrators

    • Team Timecard

      • View, edit, and approve employee timecards

      • View and edit employee punches

    • View, edit, and delete employee shifts

    • View, edit, and manage employee schedules

    • Switch Roles

UKG Pro Time and Attendance

  • For Employees

    • Time Clock

      • Punch in or out

      • Perform a transfer punch

      • View punch and transfer details

    • Timesheets

      • View timesheet details

      • Add and submit timesheets (determined by access rights)

    • Time Off

      • Request time off

      • View time off history

      • View balances

    • Schedule

      • View My Schedule

      • View My Team's Schedule

  • For Managers and Administrators

    • Team Timesheets

      • View, edit, or approve timesheets

    • Time Off

      • View, approve, or deny time off requests

      • View time off request details

      • View approved time off requests

    • Schedule

      • View My Schedule

      • View My Team's Schedule (determined by permissions)

UKG Pro Time Management

  • For Employees

    • Time Clock

      • Punch in or out

      • Perform a Transfer Punch

      • View punch and transfer details

    • Timesheets

      • View timesheet details

      • Add and submit timesheets

    • Time Off

      • Request time off

      • Cancel a time off request

      • View time off history

      • View balances

  • For Managers and Administrators

    • Team Timesheets

      • View, edit, or approve timesheets

    • Time Off

      • View, approve, or deny time off requests

      • View time off request details

      • View approved time off requests

UKG Pro Workforce Management Classic

  • For Employees

    • Time Clock

      • Punch in or out

      • Perform a transfer punch

      • View punch and transfer details

    • Timesheets

      • View timesheet details

      • Add, copy, or submit timesheets

      • Add, edit, or delete punches

      • Add, edit, or delete labor metrics

      • Add or edit time codes Add notes

    • Time Off

      • Request time off

      • View time off history

      • View balances

    • Schedule

      • View or acknowledge schedule

      • Request schedule change

      • View change requests

      • View total scheduled hours

      • View coworker schedule View shift details

    • Availability

      • Add availability

  • For Managers and Administrators

    • Team Timesheets

      • View, copy, edit, or approve timesheets

      • View team timesheet total hours and labor metric summary details

      • View or edit shifts

      • Add notes

    • Team Time Off

      • View, approve, or deny time off requests

      • View time off request details

      • View approved time off requests

    • Team Schedule

      • View or copy schedules

      • Apply schedule templates

      • Create, edit, or delete shifts

      • View, approve, or deny change requests

      • View approved change requests

      • Publish or unpublish schedule

Activate Employee Photos on the UKG Pro Mobile App

When the Employee Photo Management feature for the mobile app is activated, all employee role types with permission can add, edit, or delete photos on the mobile app.

The image requirements for employee photos are the same in both the mobile app and UKG Pro. Any changes made to employee photos on the mobile app also appear in UKG Pro web.

To activate the Employee Photo Upload feature, a system administrator must complete these tasks:

  1. Enable the feature in the Employee Settings.
    1. Navigation: Menu > System Configuration > System Settings > Employee
    2. From the Employee Settings page, select Edit.
    3. In the Employee Photo section, select the check box for Enable employee photo upload and display.
    4. Select Save.
  2. Enable the Add/Change Employee Photo and Delete Employee business processes.
    1. Navigation: Menu > System Configuration > Workflow Administration > Business Processes
    2. From the Business Processes page, enable the Add/Change Employee Photo and Delete Employee Photo business processes for Manager, Employee, and Administrator, as applicable.
    3. Optionally, enable workflow approvals. Workflow approvals are not required, but are recommended.
    Note The Add/Change Employee Photo and Delete Employee business processes for Employee only apply to the mobile app.
  3. Enable Employee Photo Management Mobile Access Rights (Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration > select a role > mobile app Access Rights).
    1. Employee Access Rights Navigation: Myself > Employee Photo Management
    2. Manager Access Rights Navigation: My Team - As Manager > Employee Photo Management
    3. Administrator Access Rights Navigation: My Team - As Employee Admin > Employee Photo Management
    4. From the mobile app Access Rights page, select the check boxes for Add, Edit, and Delete, as applicable.

Customize the UKG Pro Mobile App Instructions

The Mobile App Sign In Instructions that display for your employees can be customized. Employees access the Mobile App Instructions page by selecting the View Instructions link that displays on the UKG Pro home page Mobile App gadget.

Mobile App Access Instructions for Employees

You can customize the Mobile App Sign In instructions (Step 3) that display for your employees using Platform Configuration labels.

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > Labels

  1. From the Labels page, at the Search field, enter the search term: username.
  2. Press Enter to display the search results.
    Customize Mobile App Instructions Using Platform Configuration Labels
  3. At the Actions column, select the Edit link that corresponds with the MobileInstructionsStep3Text Alias. The Edit Label pop-up page displays.
    Mobile App Instructions - Edit Labels
  4. Enter the instructions in the fields (up to 1000 characters), as desired.
  5. Select Save. The updated instructions display on the Mobile App Instructions page that employees can access from the Mobile App gadget that displays on the UKG Pro home page.

Provide Access to the UKG Pro Mobile App

Once a system administrator has enabled and configured the UKG Pro mobile app, roll out the UKG Pro mobile app at your organization.

  1. Provide the Access URL or Company Code to your employees one of the following ways:
    • Send the URL or Company Code to employees by email

    • Post the URL or Company Code on an internal web page

    • Embed the URL or Company Code in your native launcher application

    • Include the URL or Company Code in your new hire training materials

    • Create a QR code that contains the URL or Company Code to speed up app logins
      Note For more information about QR codes for UKG Pro WFM, review the QR Codes page.
  2. Share key resources with employees, such as UKG Mobile Apps for Employees.
  3. Increase adoption with the resources in the UKG Pro Mobile App User Adoption Toolkit.

UKG Pro Mobile App Security

The mobile app has the following security features.

Tokens and Device Security

The only data that persists on employees' devices is in secure storage, including:
  • Access token: Validates the UKG Pro HCM network requests made in the mobile app

  • Refresh token: Allows employees to re-authenticate, if biometric login with Fingerprint, Touch ID, or FaceID is successful

  • Company access code or tenant URL: Provides a faster login experience (the mobile app saves this unique company code)

Note The mobile app will not launch or store security token for rooted (Android) or jailbroken (iOS) devices.
The mobile app stores tokens and other data on the device in an encrypted format:
  • On iOS devices, the mobile app uses the Core Data framework for storage

  • On Android devices, the mobile app uses a SQLite database

Note Entries for both iOS and Android devices are encrypted using the AES 256 algorithm.

UKG Pro Mobile App Login Experience

Access Code
When employees log into the mobile app for the first time, they must enter the company access code or tenant URL. They can enter the code manually, or they can scan a QR code.
Direct Login and Single Sign-On (SSO)
Once employees have entered the code, they are redirected to the IDP in the system browser. From the login page, they can log in using SSO or username and password.

If authentication is successful, employees are redirected to the mobile app and the web session with the IDP in the system browser ends.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
If your organization uses MFA, during login, employees are taken to a page where they can select a verification method: text message, call, or email. They receive the code and enter it on the page to access the mobile app.
Note If employees use biometrics, they bypass MFA.
Employees are prompted to enable biometrics the first time they log in (if the device supports biometrics). If employees do not enable biometrics the first time they log in, they must use their username and password to log in. To enable biometrics, they can go to Menu > Settings.
  • For UKG Pro suite customers, employees with biometrics enabled can log in using biometrics for authentication for 180 days.

  • For WFM customers, employees with local authentication enabled can log in using biometrics, pin, or passcode for 180 days. After 180 days, employees must use SSO or username and password to log in; then, biometrics, pin, or passcode are extended for another 180 days.

When the 180-day token expires, employees are not prompted to use biometrics to log in, and instead must use their username and password (and MFA, if applicable).

The 180-day token does not expire when employees log out of the mobile app or quit the mobile app. The 180-day token expires when:
  • An employee using direct login (username and password) resets their password, or has their password reset for them by an administrator

  • An employee is terminated in UKG Pro WFM

Note A best practice is not to use the UKG Pro mobile app on shared devices. If you must use a shared device:
  1. Do not enable pin, passcode, or biometrics (Fingerprint, Touch ID, or Face ID).

  2. When you are done using the mobile app, log out.

Important Previously, for UKG Pro WFM customers, administrators could configure Extended Authentication and Local Authentication for Login settings from the Logon profile. Now, authentication configuration is no longer available for the new UKG Pro mobile app. Authentication configuration is still respected in the legacy UKG Dimensions mobile app. For more information about UKG Pro WFM configuration, refer to the UKG Pro WFM Help.

Features with Sensitive Information

Some mobile app features contain sensitive information, including Personal Identifiable Information (PII). In order to protect employee information, accessing these features requires increased security:
  • If employees logged in using biometrics, they must re-authenticate using biometrics (if biometrics fail, they can use SSO or username and password

  • If employees logged in using SSO or username and password, they do not need to re-authenticate

Note The token for features with sensitive information lasts for 12 hours. After 12 hours, if employees want to access features with sensitive information, they must re-authenticate using biometrics, username and password, or SSO.
Features with sensitive information include:
  • Edit employee profile

  • Update employee photo

  • Add and edit licenses and certifications

  • Generate Year End PDFs

  • Edit direct deposit accounts

  • Upload employee document

  • Edit job and salary

  • Terminate employee

Increased Security Options for WFM Features

The following options are available for administrators to control, monitor, and increase mobile app security.
Access Method Profiles
Access Method Profiles enable organizations to change a user's Role Profile based on different criteria. You can define the components that an employee can access from different locations, corporate or personal devices, or from the mobile app. You do this by mapping a Role Profile to access method types (Known IP, Mobile Device or Workforce Mobile) and corresponding access method values.

For more information, refer to the Access Method Profiles page.

Local Authentication for Punch
Local authentication requires the employee to authenticate before performing a punch, using a method such as biometrics or a passcode.

For more information, refer to the Local Authentication page.

A geofence is a geographic area that is defined as a "known place" in the system. The geography of a known place can be a GPS latitude/longitude combination, a Wi-Fi Network, or both. Known places are associated with jobs in the business structure. A mobile device can detect its location when an employee punches in and out. Based on the system setup, a punch can be notated or declined based on if the employee is inside a known place when attempting to punch. Geofencing uses the known place parameters (GPS, Wi-Fi Networks, Wi-Fi Access Points, QR Codes) to determine if an employee is in the proper place when attempting to punch.
Security Audit Report
The Security Audit Report enables you to generate a report that includes the following actions for one or more people over a specific period of time:
  • Account lock-out

  • Authentication

  • Login

  • Password change
    Note Data for password change is collected daily at 11:00 p.m. local time. If you run a report that includes the current day, any password changes that were made on the current day will not appear in the report until the next day.
  • Restricted IP

  • Restricted IP hop

  • Unknown user login

  • User logout

  • Proxy access

For more information, review the following pages:

UKG Dimensions Mobile App

The UKG Dimensions mobile app provides access to the same WFM and HCM functionality as UKG Dimensions web. For more information about the UKG Dimensions solution, review the documentation in the UKG Community Library.

Note UKG Dimensions is being renamed UKG Pro Workforce Management. In the UKG Community Library, you can browse and search for content using "UKG Pro Workforce Management." The UKG Dimensions mobile app will not be renamed.
Important UKG has released a new app that will replace the UKG Dimensions mobile app. For more information on switching to the new UKG Pro mobile app, refer to the Enable the UKG Pro mobile app section.

UKG Dimensions Mobile App Security

The following authentication settings impact the login experience:

  • Extended authentication
    • An administrator can enable extended authentication, allowing employees to bypass entering their username and password.

    • Extended authentication can be configured for a maximum of seven days. During those seven days, employees can open the UKG Dimensions mobile app with no authentication.

  • Local authentication settings
    • Not required: When an employee logs in, they aren't prompted to authenticate.

    • Any: When an employee logs in, they are prompted to authenticate using biometrics, a passcode, or a pattern. If the employee doesn't have one of these forms of authentication enabled on their device, they cannot access the Dimensions mobile app.

    • Biometric: When an employee logs in, they are prompted to log in with biometrics. If the employee doesn't have biometrics enabled, they cannot access the Dimensions mobile app.

A best practice is to set extended authentication to seven days and enable Any for Local authentication. If this best practice is followed, employees do not need to enter their username and password for seven days. After seven days, employees can authenticate using SSO or username and password.

Note This best practice is not recommended for organizations that use shared devices.

UKG Ready Mobile App

The UKG Ready mobile app provides access to the same time and attendance features and scheduling functionality as UKG Ready web. For information about the UKG Ready solution, review the documentation in the UKG Community Library.

UKG Ready in the UKG Pro Mobile App

From the UKG Pro mobile app, employees can access the UKG Ready mobile app or website. A system administrator must enable UKG Ready features in the UKG Pro web mobile app access rights.

Access UKG Ready Features in the UKG Pro Mobile App

Employees must download both the UKG Pro mobile app and the UKG Ready mobile app.

When an employee selects a UKG Ready quick link from the UKG Pro mobile app, the corresponding page in the UKG Ready mobile app opens. If the UKG Ready mobile app is not installed on the device, the corresponding page on the UKG Ready mobile website opens.

The first time an employee selects a UKG Ready quick link, they must log in. A system administrator can configure additional login security settings.

From the UKG Ready mobile app or the UKG Ready website, employees can navigate to other UKG Ready features. Currently, employees cannot navigate to UKG Pro from the UKG Ready mobile app or from the UKG Ready website.

Configure UKG Ready Mobile Features in UKG Pro Web

A system administrator must enable UKG Ready access from the UKG Pro mobile app:
  • For managers: Menu > Security > Role Administration > select a role > Mobile App Access Rights > My Team - As Manager > Time (Workforce Ready)
  • For administrators: Menu > Security > Role Administration > select a role > Mobile App Access Rights > My Team - As an Employee Admin > Time (Workforce Ready)
  • For employees: Menu > Security > Role Administration > select a role > Mobile App Access Rights > Myself > Time (Workforce Ready)
A system administrator selects the features they want to give manager, administrators, and employees access to from the mobile app.
Note Enabling the UKG Pro Mobile App Access Rights makes the UKG Ready quick links available in the UKG Pro mobile app, but does not control access or security for UKG Ready features. A system administrator must configure UKG Ready features separately.