Add UKG Pro Workforce Management Settings for a New Employee

Add UKG Pro Workforce Management Settings for a New Employee

If your organization uses the UKG Pro Workforce Management solution, specific settings must be configured to complete the New Hire process. Complete these settings on the Workforce Management page, which displays during the Add Employee work event or the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event.

The Workforce Management page displays various sections and drop-down list values based on your solution’s configuration.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > My Employees > Things I Can Do section > Add Employee (Hire/Rehire) or Add US/Canadian/International Employee link

Note For the Workforce Management page to be available, the WFDT product key must be registered by your system administrator. Additionally, administrators can use the Display Settings page (Menu > System Configuration > System Settings > Display > Pro Workforce Management section) to configure whether or not the Workforce Management page displays during work events.
  1. From the Workforce Management page, at the Enable Access drop-down list, select one of the following options:
    • Yes - Add employee access to the UKG Pro WFM solution.
    • No - Do not add employee access to the UKG Pro WFM solution. Select this option if the employee does not use timesheets or request time off in the UKG Pro WFM solution, or if the employee is active in multiple companies and another record is already active in the UKG Pro WFM solution.
    Note Sections on this page vary based on your organization's product licenses.
    Workforce Management page of the Add Employee work event
  2. Select the Make Primary Record box, if applicable. This option is only visible when the employee is active in multiple companies. An organization can send multiple employee records to the UKG Pro WFM solution.
    Important An employee can have different employee numbers in different component companies only if the organization is using the UKG Pro Pay API solution for Payroll Integration.
    • If a primary employee record already exists in another company and you select Yes for Employee Access, the Make Primary Record box is unchecked by default. This secondary employee record will sync to the UKG Pro WFM solution. The Profile Template fields and the Direct Assignment Fields section are not available as they are not required for secondary records.
    • If Yes is selected for Employee Access, you can choose to leave the Make Primary Record option unchecked. The record would then become the non-primary or secondary record.
  3. Complete the fields in the Time section, using the following table. Verify any auto-populated text. If applicable, select a new template or time zone.
    • Profile templates contain assignments to specific fields in a UKG Pro WFM Person Record. You can assign templates to an employee to control how they interact with the Time solution. This process enables you to limit the amount of information that employees can select (for example, forms and result codes). Contact your UKG Pro WFM solution consultant for assistance.
    • Fields in the Time section may populate automatically based on rules configured by your system administrator. Refer to the Auto-Populated UKG Pro Workforce Management Settings section of the Hire Employees Guide for more information about modifying auto-populated fields.
    Field NameDescription
    License TemplateAssignments related to UKG Pro WFM licenses, including Timekeeping, Attendance and Leave, Scheduling, and Analytics as well as manager and employee licenses.
    Timekeeping Template Assignments related to UKG Pro WFM timekeeping (for example, employment terms, pay rules, transfer sets, device groups, and work rule profiles).
    Employee Template (Optional) Assignments related to UKG Pro WFM employee-specific attributes (for example, logon profiles, authentication type, manager profiles, employee profiles, function access profiles, display profiles, and locale policies).
    Schedule Template (Optional) Assignments related to UKG Pro WFM scheduling, including group assignments and overrides, rule sets, schedule group profiles, shift and pattern template profiles, and forecasting category profiles.
    Accruals Template (Optional) Assignments related to UKG Pro WFM accruals, including accrual profiles, cascade profiles, and full-time equivalency.
    TimezoneEmployee’s time zone. If a time zone is not selected, then the configured default value from the clocks applies.
  4. Complete the Direct Assignment Fields section, using the following table. Verify any auto-populated text. Select a new value, as needed.
    • Direct assignment fields allow you to override the default profiles within the profile templates. Contact your UKG Pro WFM solution consultant for assistance.
    • Fields in this section may populate automatically based on rules configured by your system administrator. Refer to the Auto-Populated UKG Pro Workforce Management Settings section of the Hire Employees Guide for more information about modifying auto-populated fields.
    Field NameDescription
    Accrual ProfileA collection of accrual policies that specify how employees accrue time and money. You can assign one or more accrual profiles, each with different effective dates.
    Employee Job Transfer Set

    The jobs to which the employee can transfer.

    The Employee Job Transfer Set field must be completed in order to use the Manager Additions field. Both fields are governed by the same, single effective date.

    Manager Additions

    A list of jobs from which a manager can select to transfer an employee, along with the effective date of transfer. Employees cannot transfer themselves to jobs in the Manager Additions list; they can only transfer to jobs in the Employee Job Transfer Set.

    Use the Add (+) and Delete (-) icons to add or remove a transfer set.

    Pay Rule

    The rule that controls how time and attendance information is processed for each employee.
    Employment Terms Group

    The group used to identify employees who share several pay policies (for example, pay rule and holiday profile). An employee cannot be in more than one employment terms group.

    Manager Job Transfer SetThe jobs to which the manager can transfer any assigned employees.
    Percentage Allocation RuleThe rule that is applied to employees who hold multiple jobs or who are funded from multiple sources.
    Schedule Group AssignmentThe schedule group assignment for the employee and the date the assignment takes effect.
    Employee GroupThe group to which the employee belongs.
    Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) PercentageA ratio, consisting of effective-dated employee hours to full time hours, used to calculate accruals for pay purposes.

    The FTE Percentage field appears if the accruals option is enabled. This number must be a positive integer between 1 and 100. Employees must have a current active value.

  5. Verify any auto-populated text in the Activities Profile Template drop-down list in the Activities section. Select a new value from the drop-down list if needed (for example, Hourly Employee or Manager). If you do not want to override the value in UKG Pro WFM, select No Change.
    Note The Activities product key (WFDWK) is registered in the UKG Pro solution if the Activities feature is part of your solution. The Activities feature enables employers to track grants, projects, and job costs providing a detailed view of employee time allocation.
  6. Complete the Leave & Attendance section, if applicable, using the following table. Verify any auto-populated text and select a new value, if needed.
    Note Fields in this section may populate automatically based on rules configured by your system administrator. Refer to the Auto-Populated UKG Pro Workforce Management Settings section of the New Hire Guide for more information about modifying auto-populated fields.
    Field NameDescription
    Attendance TemplateAssignments related to UKG Pro WFM attendance, including the attendance administrator and the attendance profile. If you select a template, enter an effective date.
    Leave TemplateAssignments related to UKG Pro WFM leave, including the leave administrator name and leave profiles.
  7. If you are a customer of the UKG TeleStaff solution, you may choose to complete the TeleStaff Information section:
    1. Enter the employee’s badge ID (alphanumeric). The Badge ID field identifies specific information located on a person’s badge (for example, a police officer’s badge).
    2. Enter the seniority number, which can include a decimal. The number in this field defines an employee’s seniority within a team. This number assists with staffing purposes when the date of hire does not fully meet the staffing criteria.
    The UKG TeleStaff solution provides automated scheduling for public safety organizations, including fire, EMS, police, and corrections.
  8. Select Save.
  9. Select Next to continue with the Add Employee work event or the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event.

Add UKG Pro Workforce Management Settings for an Existing Employee

If your organization uses the UKG Pro Workforce Management solution, you can access employee settings specific to this solution on the Workforce Management page. This page resembles the Workforce Management page used when adding a new employee, but the dates are visible. The page displays the current, historical, and future dated profile templates and direct assignment fields selected for the employee. Use this page to enable or edit UKG Pro Workforce Management settings for existing employees.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > My Employees > select employee

  1. From the employee's page, select the Workforce Management page.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. (Optional) To modify employee access to the UKG Pro WFM solution, at the Enable Access drop-down list, select Yes to add employee access or No to remove employee access.
    Note If the employee access is changed from Yes to No, the employee is sent to the UKG Pro WFM solution as terminated even though the employee remains active in UKG Pro. If the employee access is changed to No, be sure to set all the employee's profile templates and direct assignment fields to the Empty value. This step ensures that the employee will not accrue or calculate hours or labor while inactive in UKG Pro WFM.
  4. (Optional) To reassign the primary employee record:
    1. Check the Make Primary Record box. A warning message appears advising you of the change. The Profile Templates and Direct Assignment Fields sections cannot be edited.
      Note The Make Primary Record option is only visible when the employee is active in multiple companies. If no other active employee record exists for the UKG Pro WFM solution, the Make Primary Record option does not appear.
    2. For the effective date, select either the current date or a date in the future.
    3. Select Ignore Warnings. The page is automatically saved, and the field values from the previous primary employee record are copied.
  5. (Optional) To edit the effective date for an existing assignment, select Effective Date Current Values, and then enter or select a new date.
    For example, you can enter a back dated value if an employee's paperwork was received after the effective date for an assignment. You can also adjust the effective date for an assignment to a back dated value if the initial assignment was incorrect.
    Important If you select Effective Date Current Values, you can only edit the effective date for existing profile templates and direct assignments. You will be unable to edit any other values on the Workforce Management page until you save or cancel your changes.
    Note Certain restrictions apply when modifying values:
    • The selected date cannot be prior to the employee's date of hire.
    • The selected date cannot be prior to the previous effective dated value.
    • The selected date cannot be after the current effective dated value.
    • Each profile template or direct assignment field value must have a unique date.
    • The Activities Profile Template field is not effective dated. Only one option is assigned to the employee. If an employee is transferred, this field displays the most current assignment.
  6. (Optional) To add an effective-dated value, select the Add (+) icon next to the date field.
    Note Certain restrictions apply when entering values:
    • The selected date cannot be prior to the employee's date of hire.
    • The selected date cannot be prior to the previous effective dated value.
    • Each profile template or direct assignment field value must have a unique date.
    • The Activities Profile Template field is not effective dated. Only one option is assigned to the employee. If an employee is transferred, this field displays the most current assignment.
    The new assignment field and date field appear above the existing values. When the new value becomes the current value, the previous value is moved to the list of historical values. You can select the arrow next to the assignment field to view historical values.
  7. (Optional) To delete a pending future-dated entry or an unsaved entry, select the Delete (-) icon next to the date field.
    Note You cannot delete a current or previous effective dated value after it has been saved. It is recommended to create and set up values for profile templates and direct assignment fields that are named "Empty" within your UKG Pro WFM configuration. Instead of removing a previous assignment, you can set the employee to this value to end the assignment.
    When a value is deleted, the previous value is populated.
  8. (Optional) To change a profile template or direct assignment value without modifying the effective date, select a new option from the appropriate drop-down list.
    Note Certain restrictions apply when modifying values:
    • The License Profile Template field can be modified at any time.
    • The Timekeeping Profile Template field value can only be deleted if another value exists in the history.
    • The Accrual Profile, Employment Terms, and Schedule Group Assignment fields have a value in the drop-down list named "Unassign" when a new value is added. This value allows the user to end date the previous value.
    • In the Direct Assignment Fields section, after choosing a field value, you cannot choose blank for the value. Once saved, it becomes a required field. It is recommended to create and set up values for profile templates and direct assignment fields that are named "Empty" within your UKG Pro WFM configuration. Instead of removing a previous assignment, you can set the employee to this value to end the assignment.
    • The Activities Profile Template field is not effective dated. Only one option is assigned to the employee. If an employee is transferred, this field displays the most current assignment.
    • Based on the Profile Auto Assignment rules for your organization, some settings may have been automatically populated. If you need to update those fields, your system administrator can create an exception for the employee in the Profile Auto Assignment rules. If a system administrator does not create an exception, the setting reverts to the previously auto-populated value after a job history change, a change to the employee's supervisor field, a change to the employee's status history, or a rule sync is performed.
  9. Complete any additional changes, and ensure all required fields are populated.
    Note Certain restrictions apply when entering or modifying values:
    • After a time zone is chosen to override the default system time zone, it becomes a required field. The field can be changed, but it cannot be removed.
    • Based on the Profile Auto Assignment rules for your organization, some settings may have been automatically populated. If you need to update those fields, your system administrator can create an exception for the employee in the Profile Auto Assignment rules. If a system administrator does not create an exception, the setting reverts to the previously auto-populated value after a job history change, a change to the employee's supervisor field, a change to the employee's status history, or a rule sync is performed.
  10. Select Save.
    • When an employee is transferred, the Make Primary Record indicator is copied to the new employee record along with the field values for profile templates and the Direct Assignment Fields section.
    • Before terminating a multi-hire employee who has both a primary record for Workforce Management and a non-primary record, an error message appears stating that you must assign a new primary record before you can continue. If you are terminating a secondary employee record or the primary employee record in which no other employee records exist, you can terminate them without making additional assignments.

Auto-Populated UKG Pro Workforce Management Settings

Your system administrator can configure auto-population rules for Profile Template and Direct Assignment fields to enable you to easily add UKG Pro Workforce Management settings for a new hire.

If Profile Auto Assignment rules are configured for your organization, and no exception exists for the employee, settings targeted by the rules are automatically populated during the New Hire process, a job history change, a change to an employee's supervisor field, or a change to an employee's status history.

If configured, Profile Auto Assignment rules automatically populate values for the following fields on the Workforce Management page:
  • Accrual Profile
  • Accrual Profile Template
  • Activities Profile Template
  • Attendance Profile Template
  • Employee Group
  • Employee Job Transfer Set
  • Employee Profile Template
  • Employment Terms
  • FTE Percentage
  • Leave Profile Template
  • License Profile Template
  • Manager Additions
  • Manager Job Transfer Set
  • Payrule
  • Percentage Allocation Rule
  • Schedule Group Assignment
  • Schedule Profile Template
  • Timekeeping Profile Template
  • Timezone


Exceptions prevent a field from automatically populating based on Profile Auto Assignment rules. If a Profile Auto Assignment exception exists for an employee, the Profile Auto Assignment rules do not automatically populate any fields. Exceptions are created automatically when an auto-populated field is changed during the New Hire process. System administrators can also create exceptions manually.

If you need to update an auto-populated field after the New Hire process is complete, your system administrator must create an exception for the employee. If a system administrator does not create an exception, the setting reverts to the auto-populated value after a job history change, a change to the employee's supervisor field, a change to the employee's status history, or a rule sync is performed.

After a system administrator removes an employee from the list of exceptions, the Profile Auto Assignment feature immediately checks for existing rules that apply to the employee. If any rules are applicable, the employee's Workforce Management record is updated.


Profile template or direct assignment fields that are effective dated automatically populate with the employee’s date of hire entered on the Dates page in the work event.

  • If the employee was hired with a future hire date and the Future Dating option is activated in the UKG Pro solution for the Add Employee work event, the employee is added to the UKG Pro WFM solution as of the actual date of hire.
    Note When the Future Dating option is activated and the workflow is in the Contingent status, the Auto Profile Assignments feature does not auto-populate settings after future dated changes to job, employee status, or terminations.
  • If the employee was hired with a future hire date and the Future Dating option is not activated in the UKG Pro solution for the Add Employee work event, the employee is added to theUKG Pro WFM solution on the date the employee’s information was entered in the UKG Pro solution. In this case, you can complete the additional setup in the UKG Pro WFM solution.

Employee Record Updates

After an applicable job history change, a change to an employee's supervisor field, or an applicable change to an employee's status history, the Profile Auto Assignment feature immediately checks for existing rules. If any rules are applicable, the employee's Workforce Management record is updated.

  • After a change to an employee's supervisor field, the Profile Auto Assignment feature checks for existing rules that apply to the employee and the supervisor.
    Note The effective date for the supervisor's assignment field will be based on the history records for the supervisor, not the date when the employee's record was updated.
  • After a job history or employee status history change that meets the following criteria, the Profile Auto Assignment feature checks for existing rules that apply to the employee:
    • The record has an effective date that is on or after the employee's last date of hire
    • The record affects current and future pay periods
    Note If only the home company is updated, the Profile Auto Assignment feature does not update the employee's assignments.


While you verify and edit auto-populated fields, consider the following items:

  • If you do not modify a field that was automatically populated, your system administrator may update the field if the rule changes in the future.
  • If you modify the value in a field that was auto-populated, after you save the information, the system automatically creates an exception for the employee.
  • If you select Back and edit job-related data on a previous page, fields on the Workforce Management page automatically update if the changed data impacts a rule.