Employee Voice: Create a Survey

Create a Survey


Surveys are data collection tools used to obtain specific information from individuals for analysis and reporting purposes. Employee Voice offers three options to create a survey:

  • Custom Survey - create your own survey from scratch using questions you create or select pre-made questions from the question library.
  • UKG Survey - use a template created by UKG industrial organizational (I-O) psychologists. These templates are built using the latest evidence-based framework in I-O psychology. They include a variety of question types and are organized with branching logic and follow-up questions.
  • Mercer | Sirota Survey - use a template created by Mercer | Sirota, a nationally recognized survey provider with expertise in survey design and a robust normative database. These templates include rating questions, with industry and region specific, normative benchmark data from about six million individual data points.

To create a survey from scratch, review sections in the following order:

  1. Create Survey
  2. Configure Survey Design
  3. Configure Questions
  4. Configure Metrics
  5. Configure Tags
  6. Configure Benchmarks
  7. Configure Translations
  8. Configure HTML Variables

To create a survey using an Employee Voice template or a Mercer | Sirota template, review sections in the following order:

  1. Create Survey
  2. Select Survey Template
  3. Configure Survey Design
  4. Configure Questions
  5. Configure Metrics
  6. Configure Tags
  7. Configure Benchmarks
  8. Configure Translations
  9. Configure

Create Survey

The first step in creating a survey is to decide if you want to create the survey using a template or create the survey from scratch.

To create a survey:

Navigation:Menu > Survey

  1. From the Surveys page, select New Survey.
  2. From the What Sort of Survey Do You Want to Send window, select on of the following options:
    • Select Survey Template

      If you choose to create the survey using a template, continue to the Select Survey Template section of this document.

    • Start from Scratch

      If you choose to create the survey from scratch, skip to the Configure Survey Design section of this document.

Select Survey Template

If you chose to create a survey using a template on the What Sort of Survey Do You Want to Send window, your next step is to select which template to use.

The Select Survey Template page displays the number of templates available, a filter to only show templates with benchmarks, and a textbox to search for templates, categories, or key words. Templates with benchmarks display a graph icon.
To select a survey template:
From the Select Survey Template page, select a template.

Templates created by UKG I-O psychologists are indicated with a Read More link.

Templates created by Mercer | Sirota are indicated with Bar Graph icon.

  • Select the icon to view the industry and region benchmarks available on the template. Not all benchmarks are available on every template.
  • Check the With Benchmarks box to view only templates created by Mercer | Sirota.The Select Survey Template page displays the number of templates available, a filter to only show templates with benchmarks, and a textbox to search for templates, categories, or key words. Templates with benchmarks display a graph icon.
    Note For help deciding which template to use, refer to the Employee Voice: Survey Templates Toolkit in the Learning Center.

Configure Survey Design

The survey design, such as title, description, colors, logos, privacy settings, export options, and goodbye message, are configured on the Design Survey tab.

To configure the survey design:
  1. From the Design Survey tab, at the Survey Title & Description textboxes, enter the title and description that displays to respondents.
  2. Check the Include employee Name in Greeting box to include the respodents name in the greeting.
  3. From the Survey Type drop-down list, select a privacy setting:
    • Identifiable – associates employee metadata with survey responses. Metadata enables more robust filtering capabilities on reports and allows managers across the organization to see their team’s data. However, associating metadata with a response could make it possible to see who submitted the response.
    • Anonymous – does not associate employee metadata with survey responses. Because no metadata is associated with survey responses, there are restrictions around reporting capabilities, such as the ability to filter by job title or location. However, since no metadata is associated with a survey response, it is not possible to see who submitted the response.
      Note Once a survey is launched, the privacy setting cannot be changed.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Project Admins Cannot Export Results – Project Administrators cannot export survey results into a Microsoft Excel document.
    • Project Admins Can Export Results – Project Administrators can export survey results into a Microsoft Excel document.
      Note Account Administrators can export all survey results into an Excel document at any time.
  5. Select Test Survey to preview the survey.
  6. At the Primary Color textbox, select a color or enter the Hex color code.
  7. At the Text Color textbox, select a color or enter the Hex color code.
  8. At the Survey Logo box, drag-and-drop your logo file or select Choose File. The recommended image size is 400 x 300 pixels.
  9. At the e-mail Logo box, drag-and-drop an inverted logo or select Choose File. The recommended image size is 300 x 50 pixels.
  10. At the Footer logo box, drag-and-drop a footer logo or select Choose File. The recommended image size is 300 x 50 pixels.
  11. In the Goodbye Messages section:
    1. At the Survey Headline textbox, enter a personalized message to the survey taker.
    2. At the Survey Sub Text textbox, enter additional text, if needed.
    3. Check the Allow Recipients to Opt In To HR Communications box, if needed.
      Note If respondents check the Allow Recipients to Opt In To HR box, their email address is provided with their survey responses, and they give up their right to confidentiality.
  12. Select Done to save the survey.

Configure Questions

When configuring survey questions, there are a few things to consider:

  • Will you create your own questions or use questions from the question library?
  • How will you organize the questions using question pages?
  • Will you use display logic to display specific questions to a targeted audience?
  • Will you use branching logic to display specific questions to a respondent based on their answer choice?
If you chose to use a survey template, you can add, edit or remove questions, as needed. You can also configure your own display logic or branching logic.
Note Mercer | Sirota questions cannot be modified. If you must change a question:
  1. Make note of the question.
  2. Delete the question.
  3. Create a new question with the original text and make changes as needed.
This section reviews how to:
  • Add Question Pages
  • Add Custom Questions
  • Add Questions from Question Library
  • Configure Display Logic
  • Configure Branching Logic

Add Question Pages

Question pages enable you to display survey questions on multiple screens. For example, the first page of the survey includes a welcome message, the second page includes engagement questions, the third page includes diversity questions, and the last page includes the goodbye message.

A few of the most common ways to use question pages are:
  • Group questions by topic
  • Branch to different question pages depending on the respondent's answer to a question using branching logic.
  • Display question pages to a specific audience using display logic.

Question pages also provide another way to view data on reports. For example, on the Details page of Manager Results and Custom reports, you can view the questions on each question page and receive an average score for each question page.

Manager Results Report, Details page. Survey Pages is expanded in the side section, listing five survey pages. The main section displays the Engagement metric with scores for the average favorability and each question on the Engagement Survey page.
Note It’s recommended to configure all your question pages before configuring display logic or branching logic.
To add a question page:
  1. From the Design Survey tab, in the Question Pages section, select Add Page.
  2. Select the Page Number to edit.
  3. At the Page Prompt text box, enter a title that displays at the top of the question page (for example, Manager Relationship).
  4. At the Page Title text box, enter a page title that describes the questions on the page. This title is used when configuring branching logic and viewing reports. It does not display on the survey.
  5. At the Page Description text box, enter a description or instructions for the respondent. Here’s an example: Please provide feedback regarding your communications with your immediate manager for the following questions.
  6. At the Block Logo box, drag-and-drop a logo file or select Choose File. The image displays on in the title bar for the questions on the same page. The recommended image size is 100 x 40 pixels.
  7. Select the Gear icon and select Preview to preview the question page.
    Create a Survey page, Design Survey tab. The Question Pages section displays one question page with 3 textboxes, Page Prompt, Page Title, and Page Description. It also shows a drag and drop location for a logo.
    View of survey page from the perspective of a respondent. A logo displays at the top of the page with the page title and page description below it. There is also an Ok button.
    Note Question pages can be reordered by dragging the question page block up or down.

Add Custom Questions

Employee Voice allows you to create your own questions to meet your business needs. The following question types are available:

  • Rating
  • Rating NPS
  • Ranked Choice
  • Multiple Choice Ranking Follow-Up
  • Multiple Choice Drop-Down
  • Multiple Choice Check Box
  • Open-Ended
Note Rating questions are also known as Likert Scale questions. When creating a rating scale, the number one position must be the most negative response.Create a Rating Scale window displays 7 options: 1 Strongly Agree, 2 Disagree, 3 Somewhat Agree, 4 Neither Agree or Disagree, 5 Somewhat Agree, 6 Agree, 7 Strongly Agree.
To add a custom question:
  1. From the Design Survey tab, in the Question Pages section, select a page on which to add a question.
  2. From the Page box, select Create Question.
  3. From the Question Type drop-down list, select a question type.
  4. Configure, as needed.
  5. Select Create Question.
    Note Questions can be reordered by dragging a question up or down.

Add Questions from Question Library

The question library includes:

  • Over 300 questions created by UKG in-house I-O experts.
  • Over 130 questions created by Mercer | Sirota, a nationally recognized survey provider.

To add a question from the question library:
  1. From the Design Survey tab, in the Question Pages section, select a page on which to add a question.
  2. From the Page box, select Add Question from Library.
  3. From the Question Library window, filter questions by the following:
    1. Survey – filter by questions used in a Mercer | Sirota template or an Ultimate Software template.
    2. Question Type – filter by type of question, such as multiple choice, ranking, rating, unstructured, and more.
    3. Tag – filter by tags, such as decision-making, empowerment, innovation, safety, senior leadership, accountability, and more.
    4. Benchmark Type – filter by type of benchmark. Select No Benchmarks to view questions with no associated benchmark data. Select All Company, Industry Specific, or Region Specific to view questions with Mercer | Sirota benchmark data.
  4. Select the Graph icon to view available benchmarks for the question.
  5. Select Preview to view the question.
  6. Check the box next to one or more questions and select Add Question(s).
    Create a Survey page. The Add Question From Library window displays four methods to filter questions: Survey, Question Type, Tag, and Benchmark Type.

Configure Display Logic

Display logic enables you to display specific questions to a targeted audience. For example, you may have questions that only employees in Europe should answer and other questions that only employees in North America should answer.

For example:Diagram shows Europe and North American participants should answer question page 1, Europe should answer question page 2, Europe and North Americans should answer question page 3, Europe should answer question page 4, and North American should answer question page 5.
To configure display logic:
  1. From the Design Survey tab, in the Question Pages section, select a page number.
  2. Select Show This Page to Specific People.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • All of the Below – the respondent must meet all the conditions for the page to appear.
    • At Least One of the Below – the respondent only must meet one of the conditions for the page to appear.
  4. Select Add Person Rule to add a condition.
  5. From the Directory Field drop-down list, select an employee directory field.
  6. From the Operator drop-down list, select one of the following:
    • == Equal to
    • != Not equal to
    • > Greater than
    • < Less than
    • >= Greater than or equal to
    • <= Less than or equal to
  7. At the Field Value text box, enter an attribute for the employee directory field.
    Note This value must match the attribute in the employee directory field exactly. For example, if you enter Hourly in the Field Value text box, but the employee directory uses Nonexempt, the display logic will not work.
  8. Configure additional rules, as needed.
    Create a Survey page, Question Page 1. Display logic is configured to show this page to at least one of the criteria: Employee Type is Equal to Salaried or Exempt Status is Equal to Exempt.

Test Display Logic

We recommend testing the display logic to make sure it behaves as intended.

To test the display logic:
  1. From the Design Survey tab, select Test Survey.
  2. In the Take Survey As box, select a check box and enter a value in the text box. For example, to view the survey as a female employee, check the Gender box and enter Female in the text box.
    First page of a survey as a respondent would see it. The Take Survey As area displays at the top including a checkbox for Employee Type: Salaried and Exempt Status: Exempt.

Configure Branching Logic

Branching logic enables you to display specific questions to a respondent by linking their answer choice to a rating, ranking, multiple-choice, or open-ended question to a specific question page.

For example:Graphic displays a yes/no question. The Yes answer choice branches to question 2. The No answer choice branches to question 3.
To configure branching logic:
  1. From the Design Survey tab, in the Question Pages section, select a page number.
  2. Select a question to add branching logic.
  3. Select Branch to Other Pages From This Question.
  4. Select Add Branching Question Rule.
  5. Check a box in the Value column.
  6. From the Page drop-down list, select the page for branching.
    Create a Survey page, Question Page 2 includes a yes or no question. Branching logic section displays a list of values: Any (show BEFORE other branched pages), Any (show AFTER other branched pages, Yes, and No. It also displays a drop-down list to select a page to branch to.
    Note The pages listed in the Page drop-down list come from the Page Title field.
    Create a Survey page. Question Page 2 section displays three textboxes: Prompt Title, Page Title, and Page Description. Branching Logic section provides option to select a Page Title to branch to.

Configure Metrics

Metrics are a quantifiable measure that is used to track and assess things that are important to an organization, such as engagement, diversity, innovation, and agility.

Questions are grouped together to form a metric. A metric must contain at least one rating question. You also have the option to associate the following with the metric:
  • Additional ranking questions
  • One or more open-ended questions
  • One or more themes

Create a Metric

One or more metrics can be added to a survey.

To create a metric:
  1. From the Manage Metrics tab, at the Create a New Metric text box, enter the name of the metric.
  2. Select the Plus icon.
  3. From the Add and Remove Rating Questions window, select one or more rating questions.
  4. Select Done.
  5. In the Metric Description section, at the Metric Description textbox, enter a description for the metric.
    Note Descriptions for Employee Voice metrics are pre-populated, but can be edited.
  6. In the Link Rating Questions section, at the Normalize the Rating Scale text boxes, enter values to normalize the rating scale.
  7. Select Done.

Add Additional Rating Questions

At least one rating question must be added to a metric, but you have the option to add additional rating questions.

To add additional rating questions:
  1. In the Link Rating Questions section, select Add Ratings.
  2. From the Add and Remove Rating Questions window, select one or more rating questions.
  3. Select Done.
    Displays the Add Rating Button

Add Ranking Questions

You have the option to add ranking questions to a metric.

To add a ranking question:
  1. In the Associate a Rankable section, select Add Rankable.
  2. From the Add or Remove One Rankable Item window, select one question.
  3. Select Done.
    Displays the Add Rankable Button

Add Open-Ended Questions

You have the option to associate open-ended questions to a metric.

To add open-ended questions:
  1. In the Associate Unstructured Results section, select Associate Open-Ended Questions.
  2. Select Add Open-Ends.
  3. From the Add and Remove Open-Ended Questions window, select one or more questions.
  4. Select Done.
    Displays the Add Open Ended button

Map a Theme to a Metric

You have the option to add a theme to a metric.

To map a theme to the metric:
  1. In the Associate Unstructured Results section, select Map themes to this metric.
  2. Select one or more themes.
  3. Select Done.
    Displays two radio button options, the options are Associate open-ended questions or Map UltiPro Perception themes to this metric
    Note To activate the option to toggle between Associate Open-Ended Questions and Map Themes to This Metric, select a radio button from the Associate Unstructured Results section.

Configure Tags

Tags are labels assigned to questions and provide another way of analyzing survey responses.

One way to use tags is to define sub-themes within a metric. For example, a survey may have questions about salary, 401k, healthcare and paid time off. All of these questions are assigned to the Compensation and Benefits metric. A Salary tag can be assigned to the questions about salary. Medical, Dental, and Vision tags can be assigned to the questions about healthcare. A 401k tag can be assigned to the questions about 401k. A Paid Time Off tag can be assigned to the questions about paid time off.

Diagram shows Compensation and Benefits Metric. This metric branches to Salary, 401K, Healthcare, and Paid Time Off survey questions. The Salary question branches to the Salary tag. The 401K question branches to the 401k tag, the Healthcare question branches to the Medical, Dental and Vision tags. The Paid Time Off question branches to the Sick and Vacation tags.
Note Metrics and tags are not interchangeable. Tags are more granular than metrics. Questions are assigned to a metric, and tags are assigned to a question.

Tags enable you to view survey results sorted by tag on the Details page of reports.

The following image shows the Compensation and Benefits Metric Details page of a report. Compensation and Benefits is the metric, and Salary, Medical, Dental, Vision, 401k, and Paid Time Off are the tags.

Manager Results report, Compensation and Benefits Metric Details page. The Score by Tag widget shows the tags assigned to the Compensation and Benefits metric, including the manager’s team score and the difference from All Results.

The following image shows the Details page of a report. By selecting Tags from the left menu, you can see the Average Favorability (or Rating Score) and Average EPS for all questions associated with the tag.

Manager Results report, Details page. Tags is expanded in the side section, listing the tags configured on the survey. The main section displays the Salary tag with the average rating score for the tag and scores for each question assigned to the tag.

Add Tags

Tags must be added to a survey before launching the survey or they will not able available on reports.

To add tags to a survey:
  1. From the Design Survey tab, in the Question Pages section, select a page number.
  2. Select a question.
  3. Select Edit Question.
  4. In the Add Tags section, select one or more tags, or enter a new tag in the Create New Tag Field.
  5. Select Save Question.
    Note Tags cannot be deleted. When a tag is created, it is available at the project level.

Configure Benchmarks

Benchmarks allow you to compare different data sets to your base data set when analyzing survey results.

There are three types of benchmarks:
  • Internal Comparisons - enable you to compare segments of the population, such as a specific manager’s team, a collection stream, or an employee directory field. Internal comparisons are configured on the report.
  • Imported Benchmarks – enable you to import benchmark data from outside of Employee Voice. Imported benchmarks are imported to the Advanced Options tab when creating a survey and are configured on the report.
  • External Benchmarks – enable you to use benchmarks from a third-party, such as Mercer | Sirota. External benchmarks are configured on the report.
To import benchmark data:
  1. From the Advanced Options tab, select Add a Benchmark.
  2. At the Title Your Benchmark text box, enter a title for the benchmark.
  3. Select Export This Survey’s Questions.
  4. The downloaded CSV file includes all rating questions and NPS questions that are configured on the survey. Enter benchmark data on the CSV file using the following guidelines:
    • Rating Average – should be a value between one and the number of points in the question’s rating scale.
    • Percent Favorable – should be a value between zero and one. This field is only needed for rating questions.
    • Standard Deviation – should be a value greater than or equal to zero. This field is only needed for rating questions.
    • NPS Score – should a value between -100 and +100. This field is only needed for NPS rating questions.
  5. Drag and drop the CSV file to the box or select Choose File.

Configure Translations

Employee Voice surveys can easily be translated into over 100 languages using the Add a Language feature.

Import Translated Survey Text

To import translated survey text:

  1. From the Design Survey tab, in the Add a Language box, select Add Language.
    Create a Survey page, Design Survey tab. The Add a Language area displays an Add Language button.
  2. From the Add a Language to This Survey window, select Export This Survey’s Text to download a CSV file containing the questions currently configured on the survey.
  3. Open the downloaded CSV file and add a column for each language.

    The column header must contain the ISO 639-3 standard language code, which can be found on the Add a Language to This Survey window or on the Employee Voice: Supported Language Codes Job Aid.

    Create a Survey Page. The Add a Language to this Survey window displays three steps: Export This Survey’s Text, Add Translated Text, and Import Translated Survey Text. The second option, Add Translated Text, includes a link to see the supported language codes.
    For example, in the Excel spreadsheet:
    • Column A displays the text ID number. Do not modify the text in this column.
    • Column B displays the survey text in English. The column header displays the language code, ENG.
    • Column C displays the survey text in French. The column header displays the language code, FRA-FR.The downloaded CSV file shows three columns: TFID, ENG, and FRA-FR.
  4. Once all translated text has been added to the CSV file, save the CSV file as UTF-8.

    From Excel:

    1. Select File, and then select Save As.
    2. Select More Options.
      The Save As window in Excel shows the file name and file type. It also shows a More Options link.
    3. Select Tools, and then select Web Options.
      The Save As dialog box shows three buttons: Tools, Save, Cancel. The Tools button is a drop-down with the options: Map Network Drive, Web Options, General Options, and Compress Picture.
    4. Select the Encoding tab.
    5. From the Save This Document As drop-down list, select Unicode (UTF-8).
    6. Check the box, Always Save Web Pages in the Default Encoding.
      The Web Options window displays the option to save this document as Unicode (UTF-8) and a checkbox to always save web pages in the default encoding.
    7. Select OK.
    8. Select Save.
  5. From the Add a Language to This Survey window, select Import Translated Survey Text.
  6. Drag-and-drop the CSV file to the box or select Choose File.

View Translated Survey

To view the translated survey:

  1. From the Design Survey tab, select Test Survey.
  2. In the survey footer, select a language.
    First page of a survey as a respondent would view it. Text is in French with a French or English link.
  3. Test the survey, as needed.

Configure HTML Variables

HTML variables can be used in surveys to personalize survey text.

Available variables include:
  • $first_name
  • $last_name
  • $manager_name (based on Manager ID)
  • $company_name (based on the company name configured in Account Settings)
    Note Variables are case sensitive.
HTML is supported in the following fields:
  • Survey Description
  • Page Description
  • Question Prompt
  • Question Optional Instruction
  • Goodbye Messages
HTML is not support in the following fields:
  • Buttons (ok, Next)
  • Rating Scale Labels (Strongly Agree, Strongly Disagree)
  • Multiple Choice Options
  • Ranking Question ChoicesCreate a Survey Page, Design Survey tab. The Survey Description textbox includes the HTML tag $company_name.First page of a survey as a respondent would view it. Description includes UKG.

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