Create Process Templates

Process Overview

The UKG People Assist Digital Process Manager solution enables you to streamline and expedite common HR processes by sending employees or HR team members a series of tasks to complete. Digital Process Manager automates, digitizes, and manages the steps associated with an HR process.

Once administrators create a process template, users can launch a process for a specific employee by selecting a configured process template. Users can edit the template before launching the process. These templates ensure a consistent experience for all users and employees.

After launching a process, tasks become available as established in the process template and are assigned to an individual (employee or user) or a role. At this point, further actions become available for the user at the task level, such as sending a reminder or adding a notification.

Tasks assigned to employees appear in the employee portal. Employees can complete their tasks under the My tasks tab or the employee portal home page. Tasks assigned to users appear in the User Portal, and users can complete their tasks under the My tasks tab.

Digital Process Manager Tasks

A task is a single activity that can be assigned to an employee or a user to complete. In the UKG Digital Process Manager feature, there are six types of tasks available to build a process template.

The following table provides a brief description of each of the types of tasks available to build a process template.

Table 1. Process Tasks
Task TypeDescription
Fill out a web formThe assignee completes an existing form digitally.
Fill out a PDFThe assignee completes a web form which fields are mapped to a fillable PDF. The information provided in the form populates the PDF.
Sign a documentThe assignee electronically signs a PDF document. If the document has more than one signature, add a task for each signature.
Acknowledge a documentThe assignee confirms that they have read and understood a PDF document. After someone completes an acknowledgement task, the PDF displays an acknowledged watermark.
Custom taskThe assignee is instructed to perform an action within or outside the platform and to confirm when the action is complete.
Review a completed taskThe user reviews a previously completed task. Users can approve the task, request changes, or complete the task and cancel all dependencies.This type of task can only be assigned to users.
Note The Fill out a PDF and Sign a document tasks require a PDF template.

Create Process Templates

A process template is a series of tasks to complete.To create a process template, configure its name, description, archive options, and access, and then add process tasks.

Navigation:Menu > Admin > Process configuration > Process templates tab

  1. On the Process templates tab, select New template.
  2. Enter a template name.
    The Template ID field autopopulates. You can edit the ID during the process template creation. Once the process template is created, the ID cannot be edited.
  3. At the Name displayed to the employee field, enter the template name that will be visible to employees from the employee portal. This step is optional.
  4. At the Template description field, enter instructions associated with this template.
  5. If you are using the UKG Document Manager solution as your file management system, select the Archive PDF files automatically checkbox to send all PDF files with an assigned document type to the corresponding employee folder when the process is complete.
    Note The document type must be defined in the PDF template for documents to successfully archive to the UKG Document Manager solution.
  6. Select the Send email to employee once process is completed checkbox to automatically notify the employee when the last task in the process launched for them has been completed.
    Important Create a case to enable this feature.
  7. In the Restrict user access to template section, select an Operator and an Organization from the corresponding drop-down lists, to restrict user access to a process template by scope. If no organizations are selected, all users have access to the template.
  8. Select Create process template.
    Screenshot of a process template settings page displaying task types to add and template creation summary.The Template Details page appears displaying all task types and a template creation summary.

    Once the process template settings have been defined, you can add tasks to the template.

Add Process Template Tasks

When configuring a process template, select the tasks needed to complete the process.

Navigation:Menu > Admin > Process configuration > Process templates tab

  1. On the Process templates tab, select a process template.
  2. Select the Add task button in the first type of task you want to add to the process template, and then configure the task settings.
    Screenshot of the page from where you select the first task for the process template.
    Important Task settings vary slightly depending on the type of task. Please use the table in the Process Task Settings section to learn more about common and specific settings for process tasks.
  3. Select Create task.
    The Template Details page appears displaying the first task added and process creation details.
  4. Select Add a task for each task required to complete the process.
    These tasks are available to use in any combination and order, as needed.
  5. Enter task settings for each process task.

Process Tasks Settings

As you add each task to a process template, you must determine the task settings. There are settings that are common to all process tasks types and others that are required only for some process task types.

Task Settings

The following table provides a brief description of each task setting and lists the tasks where each setting is used.

Task SettingDescription Task Type Where Used
Task nameName displayed for the task in the process template and in the portalsAll task types
Task IDUnique identifier used for Robotic Process Automation (RPA)All task types
Task descriptionDisplays additional information or instructions for completing the taskAll task types
Task assignmentIndicates who's responsible for completing the taskAll task types
RoleIndicates who's responsible for completing or monitoring the task All task types
Mark as dependent onDetermines whether the availability of the task depends on the completion of a previous task in the same processAll task types except for Review a completed task
FileUsed to select the PDF to be completed, signed, or acknowledged.Fill out a PDF, Sign a document, and Acknowledge a document.
FormUsed to select the web form to be completed.Fill out a web form
Signature fieldsUsed to select the signature field associated with that task. Documents can have more than one signature field.Sign a document
Fetch previous data or Pre-fill fields in this task with data form the selected taskUsed to share information or a document between tasks.All tasks except for Custom task and Review a completed task.
MessageMessage displayed to assignee providing instructions to complete a custom task. You can add links to Knowledge Base articles or to external sites.Custom task
Task to reviewIndicates the task to be reviewed by the user.Review a completed task

Add Remaining Process Tasks

To add more tasks to the process template, access the process template on the Process templates tab. Use the Task Settings table as a reference as you configure settings for each task.

Admin > Process configuration > Process Templates > select a process template > select Add a task > select a task type

Add Custom Notifications

You can add notifications to any process task to inform recipients when the task is completed. Any user in the organization can be a recipient, even if they are not assigned to any tasks within the process. You can send notifications to one or more roles.


Adding a custom notification to a task in a process template sends the notification each a time a process is launched using the process template. To send notifications on a case-by-case basis, add a notification to a task within a launched process instead.

Navigation:Menu > Admin > Process configuration > Process templates > select a process template > select a task

  1. On the selected task, select the ellipsis in the Actions column.
    The list of available actions appears.
  2. Select Add custom notification.
  3. From the Recipients field drop-down list, select the user(s) and role(s) that will receive the notification.
  4. At the Email subject field, enter the email subject.
  5. At the Email body field, enter the email body text. You have the option to add variables to the email body.
  6. To add variables, select the Show button in the How to add variables to notifications section, and then select a variable field row to add it to the email body text.
  7. Select Create notification.
    On the process list view, the selected task now displays an envelope icon that indicates that the task has a notification.