Configure the Import Tool
Configure the Import Tool
Import Tool Overview
The Import Tool provides data integration capabilities between UKG Pro and third-party systems for employee data.
Import files are processed through UKG Pro business processes after validation is complete. Import files can contain one or more than one transaction types.
A CSV (comma-separated value) or standard format XML file can be uploaded to either a Test environment or a Production environment. The Import Tool processes files on a regular schedule or on-demand, as needed. Both CSV and standard format XML file types can be processed through file transfers using UKG Pro Data Exchange Service (UDES)/SFTP automation.
With CSV file mapping, you can map data to existing business processes. Once validated, the CSV file mapping can be saved as a reusable import template.
XML files can be used for more complex integrations. The UKG Developer Hub ( > select the UKG Pro menu > API Specifications > Import Tool API) includes an Import Tool Application Programming Interface (API). You can configure and test your API connection to send encoded XML transactions through to the Import Tool. The API supports the same XML format used in the import tool. The API works for all business processes that are supported by the import tool. The import results display in the UKG Pro Import Tool Import Results page (Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool > Results).

Configuration Settings
Configuration Settings enables you to configure global rules and apply them to import files.

From the Configuration Settings page (Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool > Configurations), administrators can:
- Configure e-mail notifications - enter multiple e-mail addresses by separating each address with only a semi-colon (no blank spaces).
For all processed transactions
For transactions that do not have a Pass status
- Enable Validate Mode to upload an import file for validation.
Select Save to enable validate mode
Select Ignore Warnings to confirm selection
ImportantWhile Validate Mode is enabled, employee records are not updated.-
If the file passes validation, the Results page displays the Validated status. If the file does not pass validation, the errors will display.
The Request Details page (Results > select Transaction link) displays a Cancelled Update Status for all files when Validate Mode is set to Yes. The Initiator Comments displays Imported by Import Tool (Processed in Validation Mode).
The Import Path displays the portion of the folder name (the ‘//us.saas/xx’ portion is not displayed) to place UDES files for automated file delivery.
Assign a value to the configuration settings displayed in the Name column, as needed. Double-click the applicable field in the Value column to view all settings. The values listed are those that are available to all of the configuration settings. Select the value that corresponds to the configuration setting, as applicable.
Select the PC Fields link to review Platform Configuration field settings.
Select the Validate link to validate your XML format import data against one or more XML schema definitions.
Import Data Containing Platform Configuration Fields
View platform configuration field details required to import data into UKG Pro.
Locate the platform configuration ID and Path associated with the business process included in the import file. There may be multiple platform configuration fields with the same name as one field may display on more than one UKG Pro page.
In order for data to be imported into platform configuration fields that have access rules configured, the user importing the data must have appropriate role access granted.
New Hire/Re-Hire
Global New Hire
Change Name, Address, or Telephone
Change Job
Company Property
Status and Key Dates

Validate XML Import Files
Validate your import data against the XML schema definition.
From the Validate page, administrators can:
Validate import data
View import file XML with translations
View sample XML by transaction type
View schema options

- To validate an import file, copy the XML data into the text box.
- If your XML data contains translations, check the Translate box.
- To validate codes in the XML, check the Validate Codes box.
- Select Validate.
- To view sample XML for a transaction type, select a transaction type from the Enter XML or Load Sample XML for Transaction Type drop-down list. Select Go.
- To view the schema for a transaction, check the Show Schema Options box. The Show XML Schema for Transaction Type drop-down list displays.
- Select the transaction type, as desired.
- Select Go. The XML schema for the selected transaction type displays.
Translations enable you to convert data from an external system to the code values configured in UKG Pro.
Translations can be configured when the source file value must be converted to an UKG Pro code table value. For example, Junior may need to be converted to Jr.

Prepare a Delimited File for File Mapping
Prepare a sample CSV (comma-separated value) or other delimited file to configure, validate, and activate an import tool file mapping.
When creating a file mapping, only the first row of data is validated.
When importing a file using the File Upload page or UDES/ SFTP, based on the data submitted, there may be data errors that are not caught in the file mapping validation.
Do not use a full file for file mapping as there are restrictions on the size of the sample file uploaded.
- Comma Separated Value (CSV) File if the file is comma-delimited. An example of a comma-delimited format is:
Employee Number,Company,Account Number
Other Delimited File if the file includes a different delimiter. At the Delimiter field that displays, specify the delimiter. An example of a pipe-delimited format is:
Employee Number|Company|Account Number
Consider the following when preparing a sample delimited import file:
Manage Delimited File Mappings
File Mapping enables you to map data from a CSV (comma-separated value) or other delimited file into UKG Pro employee data tables.
File mapping can be configured for a specific business process or a set of business processes.
File Mapping supports on-demand imports of data through the File Upload page or through file transfer using UKG Pro Data Exchange Service (UDES)/SFTP automation.
To activate a mapping, at the Active column, check the box for one or more mappings, and select Activate/De-Activate.
To deactivate a mapping, at the Active column, remove the check for one or more mappings, and select Activate/De-Activate.

From the File Mapping page, administrators can:
View file mapping details
Add a file mapping
Change a file mapping
Delete a file mapping
Activate or De-Activate a file mapping
- Export, Import, or Copy a mapping configuration
- Check the box next to a mapping and select the applicable option from the Actions drop-down list. You can download or copy the file mapping as a back-up or to use in a different environment, as needed.
View Available Templates
- Check the Show Available Templates box to display the list of templates that are delivered with the Import Tool. Templates are pre-configured mappings that are intended as a reference or a starting point to create a mapping.
To view a template, check the box next to the template, select Import Template from the Actions drop-down list, and select OK. The template displays in the Mappings section with the name beginning with the word Template and a date and time-stamp appended to its description.
- Check the Show Available Templates box to display the list of templates that are delivered with the Import Tool. Templates are pre-configured mappings that are intended as a reference or a starting point to create a mapping.
Upload Import Files
File Upload allows you to import files on-demand.
Files can be manually uploaded to either a Test environment or a Production environment. When preparing a file for upload, blanks lines should be omitted to reduce the risk of errors. To optimize performance, files sizes are limited to a maximum of 5MB.
From the File Upload page, administrators can:
Upload an import file
View uploaded import file history details

Manage Import Results
The Import Results page enables administrators to view and manage import records. To comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) security requirements, records older than 30 days are removed from the import tool.

From the Import Results page (Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool), administrators can:
Monitor import results
- View import file details:
- File Process Date - Select this link to view or edit import result details
- Service Submittal Date - Select this link to view or edit import result details
- Last Repost Date
- Repost Info
- Name - Select this link to view the Employee record
- Employee Number
- Status
- Transaction - Select this link to view transaction request details
- File Name - Select this link to view file summary information
- Messages
Review data validation errors
Review business process messages or errors
Repost import records
View file summary information
Export data
Import Results Details
The Import Results Details page displays information for the selected employee's imported record.
Administrators can view, manage, and repost import records.

From the Import Process Details page (Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool > select a File Process Date link), administrators can:
- View import record details:
- Transaction
- Name
- Employee Number
- Status
- File Name
- File Process Date
- Service Submittal Date
- Last Repost Date
Change Field Values
Review Messages
Review Import Data, Original Data, and Translated Data details
Correct errors and repost data
File Summary
File Summary displays transactional information for a file.

From the File Summary page (Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool > select the File Summary link), administrators can review a file's:
- Statistics
- Number of records staged from a file for processing
- Date submitted
- Processing time
- Transactions
- Business process it ran through
- Count for each transaction processed
- Status
- Actions Performed
- Reposted records, as applicable
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