UKG Pro Time Collection Host Server Administrator Guide
UTC Host Server
UKG Time Collection Host Server Overview
The UKG Time Collection (UTC) Host Server is a web-based utility that enables you to manage UKG TouchBase and UKG TimeBase time clocks.
When you first access the UTC Host using your organization's host URL, you will need to enter a user name and password. Your organizataion is given a default user name and password when the host application is first delivered. It is strongly recommended that you change the default password.
After you log in, you can view information about the UTC Host by selecting Administrator > Host. An About window appears and displays the version number, build time, profile (for example, UKG Time Management or UKG Time and Attendance), scheduler status, and company.
The UTC Host contains a permanent, primary menu across the top of the page.

A secondary menu appears below the primary menu, and its options are specific to the section you are viewing.
Time Clocks Page
The Time Clocks page is the homepage of the UTC Host. This page enables you to manage all of your time clocks, including TouchBase, TimeBase, and web clock devices.
The Time Clocks page appears when you sign in to the host or when you select Time Clocks from the primary menu. Use this page to:
- Check on the status of devices.
- Authenticate new clocks.
- Keep existing clocks up to date.

The page contains helpful information about the devices, including the name of the configuration package installed on each device and the date and time of the last heartbeat the host received from the device. (Select the time stamp to view the Command Queue for the device.) If a device is registered on the host but has not been assigned a name, its name appears as "Unknown-#" or a similar default. Select the name of the device to edit the device settings.
The Status column shows the most recent communication between the device and the host. Hover over the icon for details or to view the last time the host received a heartbeat. Select the status indicator icon to view the Event Log for the device: Three statuses are available:
- A red circle indicates the device is offline (host has not received a heartbeat from the clock in several minutes).
- A green circle with a check mark indicates the device is online and communicating with the host.
- A yellow triangle indicates the device is communicating with the host, but there is a communication issue (for example, device is sending heartbeats to the host but it has not been authenticated).
The Auth column displays either a button to authenticate or reauthenticate the device or a green check mark to indicate the device has been authenticated.
At the far right of the page, the four colored squares can be toggled for each time clock device. Once categorized, use the colored categories to sort time clocks.
For example, you can quickly list all offline devices by selecting Offline under Time Clock Status, to show only devices whose status is Offline. You can also show only certain device types, using the drop-down menu in the top right of the page, next to the search bar. Use the menu to show only TouchBase, TimeBase, or mobile (web clock) devices. To clear the search results, select the Clear Searches icon in the top right next to the search bar.
Authenticate a Device
Devices on the UTC Host need to be authenticated when they are first added, before they can be used. Once a device has been added, the device authentication can be revoked at any time, or the device can be reauthenticated.
When a new device is added to the UTC Host, it appears in the Time Clocks List as an unauthenticated device. (You may need to sort and locate the device in the list.)
Properties must be assigned to the device before it is authenticated.
Reauthenticate a Device
After a clock has its authentication revoked, you may want to reauthenticate the clock.
- Select the device name in the first column.
- Select Reauthenticate to the right of the device name. The device is automatically reauthenticated, and packages are updated accordingly.
Send Requests to Devices
Requests are sent to devices either to force updates, request information, or request transmissions. Devices must be authenticated before you send them requests.
Edit Time Clock
From the Time Clocks page, select any time clock name to view the clock settings. Clock settings are unique to the model of clock. Some of these settings may include serial number, name, OS version, and group. The tabs and options vary depending on if you are viewing a TouchBase, TimeBase, or web clock (mobile) device.
- Group – Select the group to which the device belongs.
- Configuration – Select the configuration package that you want this device to use.
- Time Zone – Select the time zone in which the device displays the time for users and record transactions.
- Face Detection – Applies to TouchBase devices only. Determines whether an employee can sign in without having a face captured in the camera photo. When enabled, an employee cannot sign in unless the device detects a face. (Refer to the Face Detection section for more detailed information.)
- Verification Mode – Applies to TimeBase devices only. Select the employee verification mode on sign-in: Pin Only, Fingerprint Only, or Pin and Fingerprint.
- Timeout – Specify the duration, in seconds, that the host waits before marking the device as offline in the TouchBase list. This value overrides any default timeout settings provided in your organization's custom host configuration. The default value is 300 seconds.
- Reboot Schedule – Enter the time in HH:MM format when the device reboots. Use a comma to separate multiple entries, using a 24-hour format. For example, to schedule your device to reboot at 4:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m., enter: 04:00, 14:00, 21:00.
- Recipients – Enter email addresses for the recipients of clock Alerts (for example, an Offline Clock Alert). The recipients listed only receive emails on Alerts for this specific clock. This can be useful if you have many clocks in different locations, and you only want local IT administrators to receive updates.
- Log Configuration – Changes the way the Android device logs events, warnings, errors, and other information on the time clock itself. This changes the way the device logs appear when requested. Contact Time Collection Support if you wish to modify this option.
- Notes – Enter any notes for this device.
To edit clock settings, select the device name from the list. Some fields are view only, and others can be changed. For example, the Serial Number and External Reference fields are view only, but the Name field can be changed to reflect something descriptive about the clock, such as its location. Be sure to save any changes.
The Edit Time Clock page provides several other options:
- Authenticate or Revoke Authentication.
- View Schedules – Enables you to view and modify schedules.
- Delete – Permanently removes the device from the UTC Host.
Several other tabs are available:
- Network Details tab – Applies to TouchBase and TimeBase devices only. This tab displays the connection type and various details on the device network connection (for example, DNS addresses, Ethernet IP, Wi-Fi IP, MAC addresses, and Gateway information). The Last Updated field indicates the last time the network details for this device were updated.
- User Defined Fields tab – Lists user defined fields 1 through 10 that you can change at any time. These fields provide an additional layer of customization for your host and clocks. Contact the Time Collection Support team for more information.
- IP Authentication tab – Applies to web clock devices only. A single web clock can be accessed by multiple devices if multiple IP addresses are authenticated in this list. This tab enables you to add authenticated devices that can access this web clock in any browser, by supplying device IP addresses to the host. Select Add at the bottom of the page to add new, authenticated IP addresses. In the Choose IP Address to Add screen, select all of the IP addresses that should be able to access this web clock from the list, and then select OK. (Refer to the IP Addresses section for more detailed information.)
- OTT Authentication tab – Applies to web clock devices only. A one time token (OTT) can be given to a particular user and browser, enabling that user to access that web clock on his or her machine from any IP address. You can authorize a single user on a specific browser, on a particular machine. For detailed instructions, refer to the Create the Web Clock and One-Time Tokens job aid.
- OTT Restrictions tab – Applies to web clock devices only. This tab enables you to add additional IP restrictions to the OTT authentication. If you select Add at the bottom of the One Time Token Restrictions page, the Choose IP Address to Add page appears where you can select the IP addresses that are allowed to access this web clock. Select Delete to remove any authorized addresses.
Face Detection
TouchBase devices use face detection to detect employee faces when they clock in or out on time clocks. Face detection can prevent time punches when no face is detected.
The Face Detection Enrolled option defaults to True. When the option is set to True, employees must have a face in the photo or they cannot punch on a TouchBase clock.
- Enrolled – The face-detection feature is enabled on the device. When an employee tries to sign in, if the device does not detect a face in a photo, the employee cannot sign in, and the No Face Detected dialog box appears.
- Not Enrolled – The face-detection feature is not enabled on the device, for any employee. The device does not try to detect a face in each photo when an employee signs in.
- Use Employee Level Flag – The face-detection feature is available on the device, but it is only used if the employee signing in has face-detection enabled from the time system.
If this feature is not specified for a device, then it is set for a device group or for individual employees.
The face detection setting has three levels, which are all configured from the host:
- Device – Every employee signing in on the particular device must have a face detected in photos.
- Group – All devices in a device group have face detection required in photos.
- Employee – The device uses face detection in photos only if the employee has the feature enabled. This level is helpful if there are issues with a particular employee.
A higher-level setting overrides a lower-level setting. A setting for a TouchBase device overrides a setting for a TouchBase group and for an individual employee, and a setting for a TouchBase group overrides a setting for an individual employee.
Failed Facial Recognition
If you are using Face Recognition, the Transmissions Failing Face Recognition page displays all punch transmissions that were flagged as mismatches by TouchBase facial recognition.
To access this page, select List Failed Facial Recognition from the Transmissions page. The page is searchable and shows the actual photo that was flagged along with the details of the original punch, name of the clock, and the employee's badge number and name.

An Export Transmissions button allows authorized UTC Host users to generate a Microsoft Excel file of all flagged punches. Users specify a date range, whether to include only punches that failed facial recognition, and whether to include photos.
IP Addresses
The IP Addresses page displays a list of all the authorized network addresses from which web clocks are allowed to connect to your host.
To access this page, select IP Addresses from the secondary menu. Each record lists helpful information about the address, including date and time when the authorized IP address was created. A green check mark indicates the IP address is authorized for use with web clocks, and a red "X" indicates it is not authorized.
To delete, authorize, or unauthorize an address, check the box to the left of the record and then select the respective button at the top of the page.
Select Import at the top of the page to import a CSV with multiple authorized addresses at one time. Contact a Time Collection Support representative for more information.
To create a new authorized IP address:
- Select Add IP Addresses from the secondary menu.
- Enter a name and description.
- Ensure Master is selected as the company to which the address applies.
- Enter the IP address.
- Check the Authorized box if you would like to authorize this address for use immediately.
- Select Save.
To edit an IP address, select the name of the address in the list, make any necessary changes, and select Save. The Edit IP Address page displays a list of mobile web clock devices that have connected to the host using the authorized IP address, as well as the authentication token that was sent to that clock.
Biometric Fingerprint Scanner
A biometric fingerprint scanner validates employee identity in real-time to eliminate costly buddy punching.
The scanner identifies the employee via a finger scan instead of the employee inputting a badge number on the keypad or swiping a badge. The biometric data is immediately encrypted and then stored on the clock and in the UTC Host Server database as a template, which is only used to validate future finger scans at the time clock. This template is never stored as an actual image and cannot be reverse engineered back into an image or other format that would be recognizable to other biometric systems.
A biometric enrollment mode is available for supervisors to walk employees through the fingerprint registration before the first use. A biometric test mode allows employees to test fingerprint scans on the clock without recording a punch.
Additionally, data management options in the UTC Host comply with known data privacy and security measures, including automatic purging of biometric data for inactive employees and purging an employee's biometric data upon request.
Relay Schedule for TouchBase (Gen6+) and TimeBase Clocks
The Relay Schedule feature is available for TouchBase (Gen6+) and TimeBase clocks with relays.
Bell Relay Schedule
The Bell Relay Schedule tab enables you to set schedules for relays (Time Clocks > Edit Time Clock > Bell Relay Schedule tab), and the schedules are created in the local clock time.
The tab displays a list of relays and their scheduled actions. For example, you can wire the clock to third-party devices such as bells or buzzers to signify shift changes or meal/break start and end times. The relays trigger at set times during the day for a set duration.

Column Name | Description |
ID | Internal ID number of the relay event. |
Name | Name of the relay event. |
Description | Description of the event. |
Start Time | Start time of the event, in 24-hour format. |
Duration (secs) | Duration for which the relay should be triggered, in seconds. |
Sun-Sat | Days of the week which this event is triggered. Select days using the corresponding check boxes. |
Actions | Edit modifies an existing relay event, and Delete removes the event. |
Select Add to add a new relay event.
Select the Clone Bell Schedule button to copy a relay schedule to other clocks without having to manually set up the same schedule on each device. This button opens a dialog window that lists the clock devices, and the schedule can be copied to the selected devices.
Command Queue
The Command Queue displays a list of pending commands that have yet to reach your selected device.
The Command Queue is accessed by selecting the Last Communication time of the device being interrogated. If you select the Show All TouchBases box and the Refresh icon next to it, the page displays all pending commands for the host.
To cancel a command, check the box next to any commands in the first column and then select Abort Notifications. Check the box next to Include Server Processed to show commands that have already reached your device.
The Command Queue can be used to alert you about devices that may not be receiving commands from your host (if a request remains in a pending state for an extended period of time). For more information regarding the Command Queue, contact the Time CollectionSupport team.
Event Log
Using the drop-down menu in the top left corner of the Event Log page, you can quickly switch between the event log of multiple devices.
To view the event log of any device, select the status indicator icon next to the device in the list. The Show Summary link shows the last time important transmissions occurred, including the last successful heartbeat or the last time your device data was updated. The navigation bar along the top of the list enables you to search within the results, filter results by transmission status, and select intervals of time to view. Navigate the list by using the arrows, and check the Auto-Refresh box to automatically update the Event Log as new events occur.
Event statuses include:
- Complete Transmission – The event has been completed and information can be viewed.
- Error – An event failed (for example, failed download or data update attempt due to network issues).
- Warning – A device hasn't been authenticated, but it is communicating.
- In Progress – A command has been processed by either the host or device, but the action has not been completed (for example, a lengthy download).
Firmware Updates
The Firmware Updates page lists firmware updates that are available for your devices. These updates can be deployed wirelessly to your time clocks.
To access the Firmware Updates page, select List Firmware Updates from the secondary menu. To remove a firmware update, select Delete in the last column. To upload a new firmware update to the host, select Create Firmware Update in the secondary menu. UKG maintains your host with up-to-date firmware updates, but you can contact your Time Collection representative with questions.
Device Configurations
The Configurations page displays a list of Time Collection configurations on your host.
Each configuration contains your customized time and configuration applications that are loaded to your time clocks. Three options are available to change the page view:
List Packages – Lists the current and previous versions of this configuration package. At any time, you may download a configuration package by selecting Download. A package can be downloaded for extensive editing, and then uploaded as a new version.
- If you have created a new configuration package after editing it off the host, or if UKG has given you a configuration package, you can upload that package to a particular configuration by selecting Upload Package. UKG uploads new configuration packages on your behalf, for security purposes or for feature changes that have been introduced. To change existing configuration packages, contact the Time Collection Support team.
- You can create an encrypted password file for an administrator to access TouchBase devices that communicate with this host. When an administrator signs in to a TouchBase device with this password, the device launches the administrator functionality. For information on signing in to a TouchBase device as an administrator, including the administrator ID and the default launcher password, refer to the TouchBase User Guide for IT Administrators. This password is the same one used for signing in to a TouchBase device using the global administrator account. Select Generate a Launcher Password to create a new launcher password.
Note Once the file has downloaded, be sure to upload the file to the package itself. Select the Edit Package tab on the Edit Time Clock Configuration page. Expand the launcher section and select the auth file, and then select Replace File at the bottom of the page. Navigate to the newly downloaded auth file, and then upload it as a replacement. - Edit Package – Lists the package files in your customized time and configuration applications, as well as scripts and setting files, which can be viewed. Changes cannot be made to these files on the UTC Host.
- Edit Settings – Lists the settings that are automatically populated when you first upload a configuration package. You can navigate through the categories to make changes, but UKG recommends reaching out to the Time Collection Support team.
Configure a Time Clock
Be sure to contact UKG before creating new configurations or modifying settings in existing configurations.
- From the Configurations page, select Create Configuration.
- Enter a name and description.
- Select Save.
- Upload configuration packages before attempting to load this configuration to devices.
To edit a configuration, select the name of the configuration package. Modify the name and description, as needed. Select Save.
To remove a configuration from the host, select Delete next to the item.
Device Groups
The Groups page lists the groups that have been set up for your time clock devices. You can edit device schedules for an entire group of devices.
A group schedule can determine when the device is fully functional or when access is restricted to clocking in and clocking out. For example, a schedule can prevent employees from accessing the time-off request form during the morning rush. Group schedule changes are unaffected by your time system. To edit device schedules for an entire group of devices, select Edit Schedule for any device group on the Groups page. Select Create to create a new schedule or Cancel to return to the clock settings.
Creating or editing device groups on the UTC Host is not recommended because groups are pulled directly from your time system. Changes made to device groups on the host are erased when data is updated. Contact the Time Collection Support team if you wish to make changes to your device groups.
The only exception is modifying face detection settings. Select the name of the device group from the Groups page. The face detection setting for a group of devices should be set on the host rather than in your time system. You can specify to use face detection (Enrolled), not use face detection at all (Not Enrolled), or use face detection only if specified for an employee (Use Employee-level Flag). Be sure to save your changes.
To delete a group, select Delete to the right of the group name. A group cannot be deleted if it is currently in use by devices or employees.
Manage QR Codes
QR codes help you to quickly configure TouchBase devices to your hosts.
- From the Time Collection list page, select List QR Codes. The page displays QR codes for your host.
- Select Email next to any code to send a copy of the code to any email addresses.
- Select Download to download a JPEG of the QR code directly to your local machine. Three options are available in the top right corner of the page: Download Template, Bulk Import, and Export. Select Download Template to download a blank CSV template for importing multiple QR configurations. Complete the CSV file, and then upload the file using Bulk Import to add multiple new QR codes at once. You can also select one more existing QR code and then select Export to save them in a CSV file. Contact the Time Collection Support team if you need further assistance.
To create a new QR code to configure devices:
- Select Create QR Code at the top of the page.
- Enter a name for this QR code, and then enter a description, which is optional.
- Select the type of QR code from the drop-down list. Legacy is used for configuration applications on or before version 2.15.0. Modern is used for configuration applications version 2.16.0 or newer.
- Enter the host URL that the QR code will direct your device towards. This defaults to the address of your specific host and does not usually need to be modified.
- Select the network type, either Wi-Fi or Ethernet, that the QR code will configure on your device. Additional fields need to be completed after making this selection. Contact your Time Collection Support team for assistance.
- Select Save.
To edit a QR code:
- Select the code in the Name column.
- Make any necessary changes.
- Select Save to save your changes to the original or Save As Copy to keep the original and save the new code (new name is then needed).
- To delete a code, select Delete on the Edit QR Code page.
TouchBase Web Clocks
Web clocks allow you to turn any browser enabled device into a mobile time clock. If you have the Web Clock feature enabled on your UTC Host configuration, you can add new web clocks at any time.
To create and add a new web clock to your UTC Host, select Create Web Clock from the Time Clock List page, complete the fields, and select Save. (The fields are very similar to those displayed when editing a TouchBase or TimeBase device.) You must then authenticate the device before it can be used. For web clocks, you must also specify IP addresses for devices that will act as a mobile clock communicating with the host.
When an employee completes an action on a time clock device, such as clocking in or starting a meal break, the device transmits that information to the UTC Host, and eventually passes that on to your time system.
From the primary menu, the Transmissions tab enables you to view the transmissions that are delivered to your host and their various stages of processing.

The Transmissions page lists all of the events transmitted from your time clock devices, across all employees. Navigate the pages of this list using the arrows in the upper left corner. The search bar is located in the upper right corner. For each event, the page lists the status (delivered, failed, or not attempted), thumbnail of the transmission, date and time when the host processed the transaction and when the event occurred on the clock, description of the event, badge number and name of the employee associated with the event, and name of the time clock device from which this transmission originated from.
Supervisor approved punches from the TouchBase web clock and TouchBase clocks are highlighted in blue. In addition, the approver's name and badge are listed.
Select a thumbnail image to view details for a transmission. The Transmission Details section appears on the left side of the page. The Activity Stream appears on the right side of the page; it lists all of the transmissions requested by the employee.
If you think that certain transmissions are missing and need to be transmitted again, select Resend Transmissions. In the pop-up window, select the devices you wish to request transmission be resent (by default, all are checked), and then select start and end dates for which you want to resend transmissions as well. Select Resend Transmissions to request your clocks resend data, or Cancel to leave the window. This is similar to requesting a group of devices to resend transmissions from the Time Clock list.
To view all transmissions that have successfully processed through the host and have been sent to your time system, select List Deliveries from the Transmissions page.
Staging Details
The Transmission Stage Details page displays the raw transaction data logged on time clock devices after the data has been parsed and separated into different transactions, and before being processed by the host.
To access this page, select List Stage Details from the Transmissions page. The Transmission Stage Details page displays all communications with the host, not just punches. However, it does not display heartbeats sent to the host. The primary purpose of this view is to see what the host receives before it processes the data.
The page displays the status, date and time the event occurred on the clock, event category (description) and type, and badge number and name of the employee associated with the event. You can select a status icon to view further details about the status (for example, an error may have occurred or the transmission may be delayed).
Stage Masters
The Trasmission Stage Masters page displays information about the raw data that the host receives from the device.
To access this page, select List Stage Masters from the Transmission page. On the Transmission Stage Masters page, each row represents the data sent in a single transmission from a device to the host. The transmission includes data from multiple transactions and user actions on the device that occurred since the previous transmission from the device to the host.
The page displays the status, date and time that the host saved the data to the database, location on the host (requested URL) where the device sent the data, server address that received the data, and IP address of the device that sent the data. In an environment with a single host, the server address has the same value for all data transmissions. You can select a status icon to view further details about the status (for example, an error may have occurred or the transmission may be delayed).
Transmission Event Types
The Transmission Event Types page lists all the event types that can be transmitted to your host. All user transactions are associated with one of these event types.
To access this page, select List Event Types from the Transmission page. Each event type listed includes the following information:
- Name of the transmission event type.
- External ID, which is the ID for the event type in the time system where it originates and is populated automatically.
- Description of the event type.
To create new event types specific to your organization, contact the Time Collection Support team.
Labor Metrics
Labor Metrics
Labor Metrics (LMs) can be used to help categorize time and attendance for your employees and to divide a working day into different payroll groups. These groups can be by department, job, or project.
To view LMs, select Labor Metrics from the primary menu of your UTC Host. Each LM page displays a filtering bar across the top of the page, which you can use to sort the LM list based on what Time Collection groups they apply to. You can also use the arrows to navigate the list. For each LM listed, the page displays the name and description of the LM, the group this LM applies to, and the automatically generated ID (external reference) of the LM from the time system. Each LM must be part of at least one group, but can be part of multiple groups as well.
To navigate through and select different types of LMs, use the secondary menu. By default, LMs are labeled in this menu as LM1 through LM10, but your custom host configuration may have different friendly names. The friendly names are set in your host configuration, provided by UKG. To change these names, contact the Time Collection Support team.
The Employees page displays the employees, rule sets, and employee images on your host.
To access this page, select Employees from the primary menu. The ability to view employees directly on the UTC Host is included only for convenience. You should never create new employees directly from the host, and editing employees should be restricted to a few specific actions. The employee list is pulled directly from the time system, and many changes made directly on the host are overwritten.
The Employees page displays the following for each employee listed:
- First and last name.
- Badge number, as recorded in the time system.
- Groups which the employee is a member of, configured in the time system.
- Roles of the employee, configured in the time system.
- Last transmission received regarding this employee. Select the link to view the transmission details.
- External reference number assigned by the time system.
- Team which this employee is a member of, if applicable.
Use the filter bar at the top of the list to sort employees either by employee group or employee role. You can also use the search bar in the top right corner to narrow results. Use the arrows to navigate the pages of the list.
Although you can select Create New Employee from the secondary menu to create new employees, new employees should always be added from the time system for your organization. Changes made on the host are overwritten. Contact the Time Collection Support team for assistance.
You can view a list of employee roles that are available on your host. These roles are created and pulled from your time system, and changes made on the host are overwritten when updated. Employee roles are assigned to employees who use time clock devices, and the role affects what buttons and options are available. (For example, a supervisor can override employee time punches that have been rejected.) In general, you should not need to modify roles on the UTC Host. If you require changes to these roles, refer to your time system for further details, or contact the Time Collection Support team.
Also, you can view detailed information about employee images and how the host is validating the images for facial recognition. To view this information, select List Employee Images from the secondary menu. Contact the Time Collection Support team for assistance with your facial recognition feature.
Edit Employees
Most of the information on the Edit Employee page is pulled directly from the time system, and changes are overwritten on the host. However, five settings on the Profile tab can be edited and are not overwritten: Rule Set, Face Detection Enrollment, Alert Eligibility, Fingerprint Threshold, and Face Recognition Threshold.
- Rule Set – Select which rule set the employee should be assigned to. Rule sets are used to apply punching restrictions to groups of employees (for example, break length validations).
- Face Detection Enrolled – Check this box if the employee should be enrolled in face detection for punching. This setting is used if a TouchBase device has its facial recognition set to the Use Employee Flag option.
- Eligible for Alerts – Check this box if an alert email should be sent to administrators when this employee badge is used to check in, but the facial recognition fails. You may choose to enable this feature (for example, for new employees that are on probation, or for repeat offenders for buddy punching). If the box is not checked, then the failed facial recognition information is logged on the host.
- Fingerprint Threshold – Select the threshold level for timeclocks with fingerprint identification. A higher threshold requires the device to have a better fingerprint match for validation. If your employees are struggling to use the fingerprint scanner (regular failed scans), you may consider lowering the threshold to be more lenient with scan results. Setting the threshold to Disabled disables the fingerprint feature.
- Face Recognition Threshold – Set the threshold level for time clocks with facial recognition. A higher threshold requires the device to have a better facial recognition match for validation. If your employees are struggling to check in (regular mismatched images), you may consider lowering the threshold to be more lenient with image results.
Be sure to save your changes.
Rule Sets
Rule sets are created on the UTC Host. They are used to restrict employee time punches on time clocks and perform punch validation. For example, if your organization has mandatory minimum break times, a rule set can prevent employees from returning to work if they have not met the minimum break time.
To access the Rule Sets page, select List Rule Sets in the secondary menu from the Employees page. The Rule Sets page lists each rule set and the external reference, which is a reference of the rule set for the host itself. To remove any rule set from the host, select Delete in that row.
Several employee validation rules are available.
Rule Name | Description |
BreakLengthValidation | Validates the minimum break length against the value specified in the breakLength parameter or in the schedule. This ensures that the employee does not return to work before taking the minimum-length break. You can use two comma-separated parameters. For example, if you specify "fromSchedule=true, breakLength=600000" then the host first tries to find the break length in the employee's schedule. If the break length is not specified there, then it validates against the breakLength parameter. |
CheckOutStateChangeIntervalValidation | Validates that there is a minimum duration between an employee's last check out punch and current punch. |
DuplicatePunchValidation | Prevents two punches of the same type from being considered separate transactions, if the punches occur within the amount of time, in milliseconds, specified in the length parameter. |
EmployeeUDFBooleanValidation | Validates against the Boolean (true/false) status of a user-defined field (UDF) in the employee record. For example, TouchBase may reject a punch if the UDF is set to false. This validation rule requires additional configuration. Contact a UKG representative for more information about configuring this type of validation. |
EmploymentStatusValidation | Validates whether the employee is currently employed by your company. |
FailValidation | Rejects any punch to which this validation rule is applied. |
LabourMetricValidation | Verifies that the labor metric is valid. |
MealLengthValidation | Validates the minimum meal length against the value specified in the mealLength parameter or in the schedule. This ensures that the employee does not return to work before taking the minimum-length meal. You can use two comma-separated parameters. For example, if you specify "fromSchedule=true, mealLength=600000" then the host first tries to find the meal length in the employee's schedule. If the meal length is not specified there, then it validates against the mealLength parameter. |
OkValidation | Accepts any punch to which this validation rule is applied. |
PunchIntervalValidation | Validates that there is a minimum duration between employee punches. |
ScheduleLockoutValidation | Prevents employees from clocking in late or clocking out early. The validation rule accepts in and out grace periods in milliseconds. |
ScheduleValidation | Validates that the transaction fits within the employee's schedule. |
Create Rule Sets
New rule sets can be created to meet your organizational needs.
To access the Create Rule Set page, select Create New Rule Set from the secondary menu. Enter the name and external reference, which must be unique. If the External Ref field is left blank, it is generated automatically. The external reference cannot be changed once it is set. The page displays a list of the rule set conditions that you can use. To run a rule on multiple transaction types, use a comma as a separator.

In soft validation, a rule is checked when an employee checks in on a time clock, but violation of a rule does not prevent the employee from checking in. For example, you may choose to check if employees are punching in too often, but not actually prevent a punch from going through if the rule is broken.
Active rules at the top of the list are checked first; if a punch is rejected due to a particular rule, the remaining rules are not checked. You can use the up and down arrows to the right of each rule to move that rule up or down in the list. Rules can also be present in multiple rule sets. For example, all of your rules sets might check for break length validation, but maybe only one rule set checks for meal length validation as well. This example shows the use of rules in multiple rule sets and the order of checking rules in the list.

To edit a rule set, select the name of the rule set in the list, make any necessary changes, and select Save.
Employee Biometric Data
The Profile tab on the Edit Employee page (Employees > select employee) contains two fields that control biometric settings: Fingerprint Matching Strategy and Verification Mode Override.

The Fingerprint Matching Strategy field controls the threshold of what is considered a match when an employee scans a finger. This threshold is useful if employees have trouble with the biometric scanner recognizing the finger; these employees can be set to a lower matching threshold. The clock is more "lenient" on what is considered a match. Or, this threshold is also useful if you want to enforce the highest standard of security. The available settings are High, Medium, Low, and Always Accept. The default is Medium. (The Always Accept setting always accepts any finger scan.) The lower this threshold is, the higher the probability of False Acceptance Rate (FAR). FAR describes the probability at which a matching algorithm makes false acceptance errors. The higher this threshold is, the higher the probability of False Rejection Rate (FRR). FRR describes the probability at which a matching algorithm makes false rejection errors.
For reference, if using the default setting of Medium, the FAR rate is estimated to be 0.01 percent or 1 FAR in every 10,000 attempts.
The Verification Mode Override field drop-down list includes five employee-level verification mode override settings:
- Verification override = [BLANK] – This setting, which is the default, uses clock-level setting.
- Verification override = “Keypad + FP or Badge Card + FP” – This setting requires the employee to input a badge first and then scan an enrolled finger to validate identity (Bio Verify mode).
- Verification override = “Fingerprint Only” – This setting allows the employee to scan a finger without needing to input a badge number (Bio Identify mode).
- Verification override = “Keypad or Badge Card only” – This setting allows keypad or badge swipe input of a badge number but does not prompt the employee for biometric scan (Exempt Bio mode).
- Verification override = “Badge Card only” – This setting allows only a physical badge swipe to input a badge number, but it does not prompt employee for biometric scan (Exempt Bio mode).
These settings take precedence over the clock-level verification mode setting.
In addition, the Employee Fingerprints page (Employees > List Employee Fingerprints) lists all employees so you can quickly see who has an enrolled fingerprint template. The columns on the page include:
- Employee ID – Employee's unique ID number.
- First Name and Last Name – Employee's first name and last name.
- Fingerprint ID – The finger the employee used for enrollment (for example, RIGHT_INDEX for the right index finger or "0" if the employee has not enrolled).
- Alg Version – Name of the "matching algorithm" used to validate employee finger scans. Applies to TimeBase clocks only.
- FP Version – Finger scan module firmware version identifier. Applies to TimeBase clocks only.
- Template Count – Number of successful finger scan templates (for example, "3" for three successful finger scans).
- Origin Time Clock – Name of the time clock where the finger enrollment template was originally captured.
- Device Type – Type of clock device (for example, TouchBase or TimeBase).
Delete an Employee's Fingerprint Enrollment
The Fingerprints tab on the Edit Employee page (Employees > select employee) allows you to delete an employee's fingerprint enrollment from the host.
- Select the Fingerprints tab for the selected employee. The enrollments are listed with the name of the clock at the time of enrollment.
- Select Delete to the right of each enrollment you want to remove.
- Select Save.
- Go to the Admin menu.
- Locate the Sync TouchBase Data job. This job will delete the enrollment from the clock.
- Select Run Now and wait for the job to complete. A notification is sent to each clock to update information.
- Check the clock status to confirm the tables have been updated.
Employee Messages
Employee Messages
Employee messages can be used to send messages to your time clock devices for employees to see (for example, notices, reminders, and other general announcements). You can use your time clock as a bulletin board for broadcasts, while also controlling who receives the message.
To access the Employee Messages page, select Messages from the primary menu. The page displays a list of messages currently on the host. Use the arrows at the top of the page to navigate through the list of messages. Select View Recipients to open a page of recipients for the message; the page includes employee names and when they acknowledged receiving the message. To edit a message, select its name in the Name column.
Create an Employee Message
Time clock messages keep your employees informed.
Distribution Lists for Messages
Distribution lists for each group are automatically added. You can create your own distribution lists as well.
To access the Distribution Lists page, select List Distribution Lists from the secondary menu. The page includes a name and description for each distribution list. Select the name of any list to edit it; you cannot delete or modify any of the default lists created by the host.
To create a distribution list, select Create New Distribution List from the secondary menu.
- Enter a name and description for the distribution list.
- Enter a list of employees you would like to target with this list. Begin typing an employee name to see suggestions.
- Select Save.
UTC Host Security Users
UTC Host Security Users
You can view and modify the list of users who can log into the UTC Host. The Administrator account exists by default and cannot be removed.
To access the Security Users page, select Users from the primary menu. The page lists the full name and login identity of the user, company to which the user belongs (should always be Master), user's email address, and date and time of the last time the user logged into the host.
To edit an existing user, select the user's full name. Make any necessary changes. If you need to change a password, check the Update Password box so the Password field can be edited. Select Save.
Create a UTC Host User
New users can be created to access the UTC Host.
- Select Create New Security User from the secondary menu.
- Enter the full name of the user.
- At the Email field, enter the name that the individual uses to sign in to the UTC Host.
- At the Username field, enter the email address of the user.
- Enter the password that the individual uses to sign in to the UTC Host.
- Enter the name of your organization.
- Select one of the predefined security groups. The Administrator Group includes users who have access to the entire UTC Host application. The Users Group includes users who have access to the entire UTC Host application except for the pages accessed through the Users and Admin menus. Power Users have access to the entire UTC Host application except for the pages accessed through the Admin menu.
- Check the Enabled box if this user should be active and allowed to sign in to the UTC Host.
- If the password expires, check the Does Password Expire box.
- Select Save.
UTC Host Administration and Jobs
UTC Host Administration
Administrators can view many advanced features of the host by selecting Admin in the primary menu.
The default page is the Jobs page. You can select from multiple options along the secondary menu as well. However, most features in the administrative section are not covered in detail in this guide because UKG should configure these features for you (for example, loggers and jobs). These features are displayed only for your reference. If you wish to modify any of them, contact the Time Collection Support team for more information.
The exceptions in the administrative section are the List Alerts and IP Addresses tabs. Alerts are used for sending messages to administrators to inform them of events such as offline clocks, low battery warnings, or buddy punches. An alert is also available to warn about an approaching expiration date for TouchBase Web Clock authentication tokens. IP addresses are used to configure authenticated IP addresses for web clocks.
Some of the options include:
Resources – Select List Resources from the secondary menu. The
Company Resources page displays the resources for your UTC Host, including settings like the
aliased names for your company labor metrics.Note The Tip key name (TipKeyName) in TimeBase clocks can be configured (for example, TimeBase.TipKeyName = "cashTips"). A Tip parameter enables you to rename the Tip key.
- Staging Imports – Select List Staging Imports from the secondary menu. The Import Staging Masters page displays each unique ID, the date and time it was created and last modified, the status, entity type, and any message.
- Server Logs – Select List Server Logs to view errors logged by the host during operation. This information is helpful during troubleshooting. Select Show Stack Trace to view a trace of the original error source.
- Job Logs – Select Job Logs from the secondary menu to open a log of all the jobs that have been run from your host. These are the same jobs found in the job configuration list. You can view details about when a job was triggered, the job and changes made, and whether the job was successful.
UTC Host Job Configurations
The Jobs page displays a list of jobs that are run on your host and time clock devices.
These jobs may include processing new punches, purging old transactions, or updating time clock configuration packages. The jobs are configured to run on a schedule, but you may select Run Now to immediately begin a job.

Jobs should be configured for your organization when your host is deployed. If you wish to add a new job configuration, contact the Time Collection Support team.
To edit a job configuration, select it from the list. You can toggle jobs on and off using the Enabled check box at the bottom of the page. Select Delete to remove a job from the host.
UTC Host Alerts
Alerts are used to send emails to administrators and supervisors to inform them of actions that require their attention (for example, a possible buddy punch or a device that is running low on battery).
To view the Alerts page, select List Alerts from the secondary menu. The page displays all of the alerts and other related information, including the alert's current state and date and time the alert was last run. You may select Run Now to immediately send the alert emails.
To edit an alert, select it from the list. You can toggle alerts on and off using the Enabled check box at the bottom of the page. Select Delete to remove an alert from the host.
To view a list of alerts that have been run on the host, select Alert Logs from the secondary menu.
Create a UTC Host Alert
You can create new alerts to inform administrators and supervisors of actions that require their attention.
UTC Host Server Logs
The Server Log page displays errors logged by the host.
To access this page, select List Server Logs from the secondary menu. The information displayed on the page can assist a Time Collection Support representative if you have issues with your host. Select Show Stack Trace next to a record to view a trace of the original error source.
UTC Host Archive Transmissions Job
Administrators can enable and run the Archive Transmissions job on the UTC Host. The Archive Transmissions job generates reports of transmissions for a specified number of days. Reports can be scheduled to run at specific times or at regular intervals.
Reports are stored on the UTC Host in the list of Archive Transmissions. The UTC Host stores 15 archive punch transmission files before the oldest file is overwritten with the most recent file. The UTC Host purges each file 90 days after creation. Limiting the number of files maintains privacy compliance, helps performance, and controls data size.
When a report is generated, the UTC Host sends an email to notify the administrator that the report is available to download. Administrators can view details, download, and delete reports from the list of Archive Transmissions.
Configure the Archive Transmissions Job in UTC Host
A system administrator must configure the Archive Transmissions job in the UTC Host to enable running Archive Transmission reports.
- Select Create New Job Configuration.
- For Job Type, select Archive Transmissions.
- Enter a name and description.
- Select a schedule.
- Complete the following parameters:
Download Archive Transmissions Reports
Administrators can view a list of archives and can download historic Archive Transmission files from the UTC Host.
Glossary of Terms
This list includes some common UTC Host terms.
Term | Definition |
Configuration Metadata | Metadata about configuring settings in the settings.xml configuration file. |
Configuration Package | For TouchBase and TimeBase clocks, configuration packages are software packages uploaded to clocks, often customized for your organization. |
Employee Rule Set | A set of employee validation rules that can be applied to employees and checked when they punch in. |
Firmware Update | A firmware update updates the ROM version running on time clock devices, and it is distinct from a configuration update. |
Heartbeat | UKG time clocks frequently send notifications to the host called heartbeats, which tell the host the device is still online and ready to accept transactions. A missed heartbeat may indicate that a clock has gone offline. |
Host | The host is a web-based application used to manage your time clock devices. It acts as an intermediary for punches between the clocks and your time system. |
Job Configuration | This configuration, which can be run on the UTC Host, helps to manage time clocks and transmissions. |
Labor Metric | A tool to manage employee time and attendance by dividing a working day into distinct payroll groups (based on department, job, project, or others). |
Resource | Term used to represent "Company Resources," which is a list of customer specific settings defined on the UTC Host server during configuration (Admin > List Resources). These settings control various configurable parameters for each customer environment. |
Role | A set of permissions on the TouchBase device that can be assigned to employees. |
Security User | A user with permission to sign in to and administer the UTC Host. |
TimeBase Clock | Time clock device with basic punch entry capability. TimeBase clock models can be ordered with or without a biometric fingerprint scanner for validating employee identity. |
Time Clock | A device used to track employee hours. |
TouchBase Clock | Time clock device with punch entry capability and additional advanced features. TouchBase clocks have a camera that can take photos and validate employee identity using facial recognition analysis. |
Transmission | The data collected on a time clock device for user transactions that have been processed by the host and are sent to the time tracking system. |
TouchBase Web Clock | Browser-based clock interface that allows customers to use their own web-based devices for punch entry. Access to web clock interface can be locked down via IP address and by device using token-based authentication. |
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