Configure New Payroll Models

Payroll Models

All pay groups have an associated payroll model for regular payrolls. For off-cycle payrolls, the same or a different payroll model may be associated with the pay group.

The following system-delivered payroll models are available:

  • Base - Intended for employees who are paid the same amounts every pay period.
  • Base with Bring in Pay Data - Upload a pay data file or receive pay data from UKG Dimensions.
  • Enhanced - Intended for employees who require time entry.
  • Expanded Base - Intended for employees who are paid the same amount every pay period. The model includes a separate print process.
  • Expanded Base with Bring in Pay Data - Upload a pay data file or receive pay data from UKG Dimensions. This model includes a separate print process.
  • Expanded Enhanced - Intended for employees who require pay data entry.
  • Open Close - Intended for off-cycle payrolls that include instant checks or void payments.
  • Third Party Payment Import - Enables you to import third-party payments through pay data imports. The model is intended for off-cycle payrolls only and does not include create batches or check printing steps. You can modify only pay group assignments for the Third-Party Payment Import Payroll Model.
    Note Use either the Base with Bring in Pay Data or the Expanded Base with Bring in Pay Data payroll models to process pay data from UKG Dimensions.

Updated Import Time Payroll Models Labeling

Processes, steps, and titles for payroll models that include import time have been updated. Reference the table below to review the previous labels and compre to the updated labels.

Table 1. Payroll Model Names
Previous Updated
Base with Import Time Base with Bring in Pay Data
Expanded Base with Import Time Expanded Base with Bring in Pay Data
Table 2. Payroll Process Labels
Previous Updated
Bring in Time Bring in Pay Data
Cancel Time Import & Lose Changes Cancel Pay Data & Lose Changes
Submit Time and Calculate Payroll Submit Pay Data and Calculate Payroll
Table 3. Payroll Step Labels
Previous Updated
Import, verify time and run validation report for imported file Bring in and verify pay data and run validation report
Verify imported time Verify pay data
Cancel time import & lose changes Cancel pay data & lose changes
Submit imported time Submit pay data

Base Payroll Model

The Base payroll model is intended for employees who are paid the same amounts every pay period. The processes and steps in this model include the following:

Process Step
Start payroll Open and start payroll for this period
Create and calculate payroll Create payroll work tables
  • Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Run the Payroll Edit Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Exceptions report
Calculate payroll Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
Finish payroll Close and post the payroll for this period
  • Print checks
  • Print direct deposit advices
  • Create direct deposit file for transmission
  • Post payroll to history
  • Allocate tips
  • Run the Detail Deductions by Employee report
  • Run the Earnings Detail for Balancing report
  • Run the Detail Payroll Register report
  • Run the Paycheck Register report

Base with Bring in Pay Data Payroll Model

The Base with Bring in Pay Data payroll model is intended for employees who receive pay data from UKG Dimensions integration. In addition, you can upload a pay data file. The processes and steps in this model include the following:

Process Step
Start payroll Open and start payroll for this period
Create batches Create payroll work tables
Bring in pay data Import and verify time from alternate source
  • Run the Time Import Validation report
Verify pay data
  • Verify pay data
  • Run the Time Import Validation report
  • Run the Time Clock Balancing report
Cancel pay data and lose changes Cancel pay data and lose changes
Submit pay data and calculate payroll
  • Submit pay data
    Note UKG Dimensions pay data is processed on this step.
  • Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Run the Payroll Edit Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Exceptions report
Calculate payroll Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
Finish payroll
  • Close and complete payroll for this period
  • Print checks
  • Print direct deposit advices
  • Create direct deposit file for transmission
  • Post payroll to history
  • Allocate tips
  • Run the Detail Deductions by Employee report
  • Run the Earnings Detail for Balancing report
  • Run the Detail Payroll Register report
  • Run the Paycheck Register report

Enhanced Payroll Model

The Enhanced payroll model is intended for employees who require time entry. The processes and steps in this model include the following:

Process Step
Start payroll Open and start payroll for this period
Bring in time Bring in time for auto paid employees
Verify time entry
  • Verify time entry/PTO
  • Run the Web Time Entry Exceptions report
Cancel time entry/PTO and lose changes Cancel time entry/PTO and lose changes
Submit time and calculate payroll
  • Submit time entry/PTO
  • Create payroll work tables
  • Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Run the Payroll Edit Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Exceptions report
Calculate payroll Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
Finish payroll
  • Close and complete payroll for this period
  • Print checks
  • Print direct deposit advices
  • Create direct deposit file for transmission
  • Post payroll to history
  • Allocate tips
  • Run the Detail Deductions by Employee report
  • Run the Earnings Detail for Balancing report
  • Run the Detail Payroll Register report
  • Run the Paycheck Register report

Expanded Base Payroll Model

The Expanded Base payroll model is intended for employees who are paid the same amounts every pay period. The model includes a separate print process. The processes and steps in this payroll model include the following:

Process Step
Start payroll Open and start payroll for this period
Create and calculate payroll
  • Create payroll work tables
  • Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Run the Payroll Edit Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Exceptions report
Calculate payroll Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
Print payroll
  • Print checks
  • Print direct deposit advices
  • Create direct deposit file for transmission
Post and close payroll
  • Post payroll to history
  • Close and complete payroll for this period
  • Allocate tips
  • Run the Detail Deductions by Employee report
  • Run the Earnings Detail for Balancing report
  • Run the Detail Payroll Register report
  • Run the Paycheck Register report

Expanded Base with Bring in Pay Data Payroll Model

The Expanded Base with Bring in Pay Data payroll model is intended for employees who receive pay data from UKG Dimensions. The model includes a separate print process. The processes and steps in this model include the following:

Process Step
Start payroll Open and start payroll for this period
Create batches Create payroll work tables
Bring in pay data
  • Import and verify time from alternate source
  • Run the Time Import Validation report
Verify time
  • Verify pay data
  • Run the Time Import Validation report
  • Run the Time Clock Balancing report
Cancel pay data and lose changes Cancel pay data and lose changes
Submit pay data and calculate payroll
  • Submit pay data
    Note UKG Dimensions pay data is received on this step.
  • Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Run the Payroll Edit Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Exceptions report
Calculate payroll Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Print checks
  • Print direct deposit advices
  • Create direct deposit file for transmission
Finish payroll
  • Post payroll to history
  • Close and complete payroll for this period
  • Allocate tips
  • Run the Detail Deductions by Employee report
  • Run the Earnings Detail for Balancing report
  • Run the Detail Payroll Register report
  • Run the Paycheck Register report

Expanded Enhanced Payroll Model

The Expanded Enhanced payroll model is intended for employees who require time entry. The model includes a separate print process. The processes and steps in this model include the following:

Process Step
Start payroll Open and start payroll for this period
Bring in time Bring in time for auto paid employees
Verify time entry
  • Verify time entry/PTO
  • Run the Web Time Entry Exceptions report
Cancel time entry/PTO and lose changes Cancel time entry/PTO and lose changes
Submit time and calculate payroll
  • Submit time entry/PTO
  • Create payroll work tables
  • Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Run the Payroll Edit Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Exceptions report
Calculate payroll Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Print checks
  • Print direct deposit advices
  • Create direct deposit file for transmission
Finish payroll
  • Post payroll to history
  • Close and complete payroll for this period
  • Allocate tips
  • Run the Detail Deductions by Employee report
  • Run the Earnings Detail for Balancing report
  • Run the Detail Payroll Register report
  • Run the Paycheck Register report

Open Close Payroll Model

The Open Close payroll model is intended for off-cycle payrolls that create instant checks and void payments. The processes and steps in this model include the following:

Process Step
Open payroll Open and start payroll for this period
Close payroll
  • Close and complete payroll for this period
  • Post payroll to history
  • Run the Detail Payroll Register report

Third Party Payment Import Payroll Model

The Third Party Payment Import payroll model provides the ability to import third-party payments through time clock imports. The model is intended for off-cycle payrolls only and does not include create batches or check printing steps. The processes and steps in this model include the following:

Note The Third-Party Payment Import payroll model is not editable. You can modify only the pay group assignments for this payroll model.
Start PayrollOpen and start payroll for this period
Bring in Time
  • Import, verify time and run validation report for imported file
  • Run the Time Import Validation report for pay group
Verify Time
  • Verify imported time
  • Run the Time Import Validation report for pay group
  • Run the Time and Labor System Balancing report
Cancel Time Import and Lose ChangesCancel time import and lose changes
Submit Time and Calculate Payroll
  • Submit imported time
  • Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
  • Run the Payroll Edit Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Detail Listing report
  • Run the Pre-Check Exceptions report
Calculate Payroll
  • Calculate gross-to-net for pre-check results
Finish Payroll
  • Post payroll to history
  • Close and complete payroll for this period
  • Run the Detail Deductions by Employee report
  • Run the Earnings Detail for Balancing report
  • Run the Detail Payroll Register report
  • Run the Paycheck Register report

Manage Payroll Models

Manage payroll model tasks using the Models Summary page.

  • View a list of available payroll models, including associated pay groups, security permissions, creation date, and last modification date.
  • Add/Change a payroll model.
  • Delete a payroll model that is not system-delivered and not associated with a pay group.

Each pay period, the payroll administrator performs a series of steps to process a payroll and create employee pay statements; however, not all pay groups may use the same processing steps. For example, one pay group may be configured for the payroll administrator to enter employee payroll information and another pay group may be configured to import employee payroll information from a time clock system. UKG Pro provides a variety of system-delivered payroll models to designate which processing steps must be completed for each pay group.

Configure New Payroll Models

Configure new payroll models using the Add/Change Payroll Models work event.

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > Payroll Setup > Payroll Models

  1. From the Payroll Models Summary page, select Add.
  2. From the Model Details page, enter a code and description.
    Shows an example of the Model Details page in the Add/Change Payroll Model work event
  3. Select Next. The Choose Steps/Reports page appears.
  4. From the Choose Steps and Reports page, select if you want to base the model on a system-delivered or user-defined model.
    Note If you select System Delivered, the Third Party Payment Import payroll model is not available to select.
    Shows an example of the Choose Steps/Reports page
  5. Move steps, reports, and processing stops/pauses from the Available box to the Selected box.
    Note If you highlight a step in the Selected column (indicated by a blue outline) and then move a step from the Available column, the new step is added below the selected step.
  6. Select the Up and Down arrows to rearrange the order of the selected steps, reports, and processing stops/pauses, if needed.
  7. Select Next. The Name Processes page appears.
  8. From the name Processes page, enter a name for each of the payroll model processes.
    Shows an example of the Name Processes page
  9. Select Next. The Assign Pay Groups page appears.
  10. From the Assign Pay Groups page, select the available closed pay groups for regular payrolls to assign the payroll model.
    Note Selecting a pay group for regular payrolls automatically includes the pay group for the off-cycle payrolls. You can deselect the off-cycle payroll if a different payroll model is required.
  11. Select the available closed pay groups for off-cycle payrolls to assign to the payroll model, if needed.
    Shows an example of the Assign Pay Groups page
  12. Select Next. The Summary page appears with the new information.
    Note With UKG Pro™ Solution, you can delete payroll models you no longer need. You delete payroll models by selecting specific models to delete from the Model Summary page.

Secure Payroll Process

With UKG Pro™ Solution, a payroll administrator secure payroll processes so that only users in specific roles can run the payroll process.

By default, the processes in the payroll model can be run by any user who has access to the Paygroup Gateway or Payroll Overview pages.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Admin > Payroll Setup > Model Summary

  1. From the Payroll Models Summary page, locate the appropriate payroll model from the Security Permissions column and select the link.
    Note The Security Permissions column displays Default if a model is on default security or Configured if security permissions were previously edited. If the Security and Permissions column is not available, contact your system administrator.
  2. From the Payroll Security Permissions page, select Configured as the Security Type.
  3. In each of the Available Roles mover boxes, select the appropriate Roles to move for the Selected Roles.
    Note You can add one role at a time or all roles at once. If you do not select a role for a process, no user is able to run the process.
  4. Select Save.

    To view the payroll models’ security permissions to the specific users who can run each process select View Payroll Security Permissions Report from the Things I Can Do area. The security type and selected roles for every payroll model process will display. Select View users to see the role’s specific usernames.