Add or Change a Paid Time Off Request

Add or Change Employee PTO Requests

From the Add/Change PTO Request page, you can add a request or modify an existing PTO request. The PTO request may also be submitted for applicable workflow approval for processing.

Navigation:Menu > Myself > Benefits > PTO Requests


The UKG Pro solution does not verify whether the employee has the requested paid time-off available or allowed to be taken.

  1. From the PTO Requests page, complete one of the following:
    • To create a PTO request, select Add.
    • To modify a request, select an existing PTO request.
  2. From the Add/Change PTO Request page, select the type of PTO benefit (for example, vacation, sick leave, or personal).
  3. Enter the From and To dates.
  4. At the Total field, enter or modify the total hours to be taken during the requested time frame, as needed.
  5. Enter any notes about the PTO request, if necessary.
    Note As a manager or administrator, the Request Processed in Payroll check box allows you to flag this item as already processed. Check this box only if the request is entered after the payroll cycle is processed.
  6. Select Save.
    The Summary page appears.
  7. Select one or more appropriate reviewers for the workflow approval process from the Approver Level options.
  8. Select Submit. The PTO Requests page appears, displaying the pending PTO request.

    The PTO request stays in a pending status until it is approved. Changes to PTO requests cannot be made while the transaction is pending.