Manage Tax Authorizations in the Payment Services Gateway

Manage Tax Authorizations

UKG requires a signature on tax authorization forms, such as Power of Attorney (POA), in order to submit payroll tax liabilities, file returns, and contact agencies on your behalf.

From the Tax Filing page in UKG Pro (Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payment Services > Tax Filing) you can view new tax authorization forms, designate the authorized corporate signer and reviewers, initiate the signature workflow, and monitor the form status.

Configure Access to the Tax Filing Page

To access the Payment Services Gateway, select the web access rights for the appropriate user roles.

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration

  1. At the Role Administration page, select an appropriate role.
  2. At the Add/Change Roles page, select the Web Access Rights.
  3. Expand Payroll Processing.
  4. Expand Payment Services.
  5. Select View for Payment Services.
  6. Select View for Tax Filing.
  7. Select Save.

Configure Qualifiers to Determine Access to Payment Services Gateway

Qualifiers are parameters that you can apply to user role assignments that restrict which companies or employees a user can view in UKG Pro.

While a role determines the pages and actions available to a user, its qualifiers determine the set of companies or employees that are accessible to that user via the role.
Important The Payment Services Gateway uses only Company and Pay Group qualifiers to determine what employee data the user can view.

If a user has multiple roles that include Payroll Processing, ensure that all assigned roles include web access rights to the Payment Services Gateway. If a user with multiple roles includes a role without access to the Payment Services Gateway, UKG Pro selects the most restrictive role. Remove or modify a Payroll Processing role that does not have access to Payment Services Gateway, or create a combined role for Payment Services Gateway users.

Refer to the Role Administration Guide for more details on configuring role security and qualifiers.
Note Guest User Accounts may not have web access rights to the Payment Services Gateway. Refer to the User Administration Guide for more details on configuring Guest User accounts.

View Manage Tax Authorizations in the Tax Filing page

You can view and manage tax authorization forms for legal entities.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payment Services > Tax Filing

  1. From the Payment Services Gateway, select Tax Filing.
  2. Under What would you like to do today?, select Manage Tax Authorizations.
    Tax Filing screen What would you like to do today
  3. From the Manage Tax Authorizations page, you can view the listing of tax authorization agencies, grouped by legal entities.
    You can filter the listing by legal entities from the drop down list.Manage tax authorizations home page
  4. On the Not Started tab, view the listing of tax agencies that require a new tax authorization form to be completed.
    • Electronic Signature: Tax agencies that accept electronic signature through DocuSign. These forms are sent via DocuSign email, electronically signed, and returned to UKG through DocuSign.
    • Physical Signature: Tax agencies that require a physical signature on tax authorization forms. These forms must be downloaded, printed, signed, and returned to UKG via upload in the Payment Services Gateway.

Sign Forms with Electronic Signature via DocuSign

If an agency accepts an electronic signature, UKG uses DocuSign to complete and sign the required forms.

You can designate the authorized corporate officer and may add additional reviewers to the document review workflow. The signing officer and any reviewers will receive an email from DocuSign with a link to Tax Authorization forms that require a signature. For more information, refer to the Tax Authorization Forms with Electronic Signature job aid in the Learning Center.

Set up Electronic Signature Workflow

Designate authorized corporate officer and add additional reviewers.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payment Services > Tax Filing > What would you like to do today? > Manage Tax Authorizations > Not Started

  1. From the Manage Tax Authorizations page, select Start in the Electronic Signature box.
  2. At the Signing Officer Name field, enter the full name of the registered authorized corporate officer.
    Set up Electronic Signature for Tax Authorization forms
  3. At the Signing Officer Email field, enter the email address of the registered corporate officer.
  4. To add a Reviewer to the electronic signature workflow, at the Does anybody else need to review these forms before the officer receives them? field, select Yes. The reviewer will receive the form before the signing officer.
    Note All reviewers must approve the form before the form is sent to the signer.
  5. At the Reviewer Name field, enter the full name of the reviewer.
  6. At the Reviewer Email, enter the email address of the reviewer.
    Select Add next reviewer to add another reviewer to the workflow. You may add up to five reviewers to the electronic signature workflow. Additional reviewers receive the forms via DocuSign email in the sequence you designated in the workflow.
    Important Review the names and email addresses carefully. Once submitted, the fields cannot be edited. If you discover an error in names or email addresses after submission, create a case in the UKG Community to create a new form and restart a new workflow.
  7. Select Send forms via DocuSign.

Provide a Physical Signature

Some tax agencies require a physical signature for Tax Authorization forms, or may have additional requirements such as a notary or witness. Forms that require a physical signature are available for download and return in the Payment Services Gateway.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payment Services > Tax Filing > What would you like to do today? > Manage Tax Authorizations > Not Started

  1. From the Manage Tax Authorizations page, select Start in the Physical Signature box.
  2. Select Download Forms to download all forms that require a physical signature.
  3. Review the instruction sheet included with each form.
  4. Review the company information that is populated in the fields of the tax authorization form. Complete each form according to the instructions.
    Note If any company information is incorrect, include the updated information in the existing case in the UKG Community.
  5. The authorized corporate officer must sign the form as indicated by the instruction sheet.
  6. Return the forms back to UKG according to the instructions provided. Upload and attach the signed form in the Payment Services Gateway.

Upload a Completed Physical Signature Tax Authorization Form

Once the physical signature form is signed and complete, you can upload a scanned copy of the form in the Payment Services Gateway.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payment Services > Tax Filing > What would you like to do today? > Manage Tax Authorizations

  1. From the Manage Tax Authorizations page, select Upload forms. The Upload forms button is only enabled if you have physical signature forms available.
    Manage Tax Authorizations screen with Upload forms button enabled
  2. From the Upload Forms page, you can upload multiple physical signature form files.
    Note Only Physical Signature forms should be uploaded through the Payment Services Gateway. Electronic Signature forms are returned to UKG through DocuSign and do not need to be uploaded.
  3. Browse your computer to select the file. Only PDF files are accepted.
    Payment Services Gateway, screen with two physical signature form PDF files uploaded, submit button is enabled
  4. Select Submit.
  5. The Physical Signature Forms are submitted to UKG and are under review. The Physical Signature Form appears in the Completed tab once the form has been submitted to the agency for approval.

Review Tax Authorization Form Status

You can view the status of your tax authorization forms.

View Tax Authorization Forms In Progress

You can view the status of the tax authorization forms in progress.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payment Services > Tax Filing > What would you like to do today? > Manage Tax Authorizations > In Progress tab

Tax Authorization forms in progress tab
The listing shows all tax authorization forms that are in progress, grouped by legal entity.
  • State
  • Tax Agency
  • Form Name
  • Reason
  • Signature Type
    • Electronic
    • Physical
  • Status (Electronic Signature)
    • DocuSign Started: Electronic signature workflow through DocSign has been initiated.
    • Received by UKG: Signed forms have been returned to UKG through DocuSign and are under review.
  • Status (Physical Signature)
    • Downloaded: Physical Signature forms have been downloaded.
    • Received by UKG: Signed forms have been returned to UKG through an upload in the Payment Services Gateway and are under review.
    • Incomplete: UKG received a partial or incomplete form. UKG will contact you for missing information.

Select a form from the list to view details on the status of the tax authorization form.

For electronic signature forms, the status indicates:
  • DocuSign started: The electronic signature workflow has been initiated. The Recipients order show the reviewers and signing officer that was designated during setup.
    Note If you notice an error within the Recipients order listing, contact UKG through a support case in the UKG Community.
  • Received by UKG: Electronic signature forms have been completed and signed through DocuSign and have been received by UKG. Forms in this status are still under review.
  • Completed: The electronic form was reviewed, approved, and filed with the tax agency.
Tax Authorization Form View status
For physical signature forms, the status will indicate:
  • Downloaded: displays the date the physical form package was downloaded.
  • Received by UKG: indicates physical signature form has been received by UKG, and is under review.
  • Incomplete: UKG received a partial or incomplete form.
  • Completed: The physical form was reviewed, approved, and filed with the tax agency.

View Tax Authorizations With Completed Status

You can view the status of your tax authorization forms on file with the tax agency.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Payroll Processing > Payment Services > Tax Filing > What would you like to do today? > Manage Tax Authorizations > Completed tab

The listing shows all tax authorization forms that are on file with tax agencies. The listing includes the following fields:
  • State
  • Tax Agency
  • Form Name
  • Expiration Date
Tax Authorization Forms Completed tab