Enroll in a Life Event

Select a Life Event

Select a life event on the Life Events page. You can view the description, message, status, and audit information for each life event.

Llife Events Page from the Myself Menu
  1. From the Life Events page, select the Description link for the applicable life event. The About This Life Event page appears.
  2. Review the life event information, as needed.

Enter Life Event Information

The About This Life Event page provides specific information related to this life event. The Draft button allows you to enter and save some information now and continue the election at a later time.

  1. At the When Did This Happen field, enter a date for the life event, if needed.
  2. At the What Was the Reason field, select a reason, if needed.
  3. Select Next. Either the Verify Beneficiary and Dependent Information page or a required/optional plan page appears.

Verify Beneficiaries and Dependents

Verify information for employees' beneficiaries and dependents on the Verify Beneficiary and Dependent Information page. This page includes summary information for each contact name, relationship, and designation.

Tip If you are unable to add or change information on this page, or do not have an Add, Edit, or Delete button available to you, it may be due to your company's configuration. Contact your company's system administrator for more details.
  1. From the Verify Beneficiary and Dependent Information page, review the summary information to ensure it is accurate.
  2. Update information by completing one of the following using the Add/Change contact page.
    • To add a beneficiary or dependent, select Add.
    • Select the Name link and then select Edit to update existing beneficiary or dependent information.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Select Next.

Enroll in a Plan

Depending on the benefit plan and deduction/benefit type, you may select one or more benefit plans. The Current Plan section displays deduction/benefit plans in which you are enrolled for the deduction/benefit type as of the current system date.

The Steps section displays the About Life Events or About Open Enrollment and Confirm Your Changes steps. A Verify Beneficiary and Dependent Information step also appears, if applicable. In cases where only a single plan can be selected for the deduction/benefit type, all plans appear on one Select a Plan page. When multiple plans can be selected for the deduction/benefit type, each plan appears on a separate page. You must select or decline each plan. For example, for the Flexible Spending Account plan type, you may select or decline dependent care or health care.

Evidence of insurability (EOI) may be required for life insurance plans. A message appears stating that evidence of insurability is required for amounts surpassing the amount the company has configured as the guaranteed issue amount for a particular plan. The maximum benefit amount that can be elected appears.

Based on the valid dependent relationships configured by your company for the Open Enrollment plan, only those dependents who match the relationship configured for the plan will appear for enrollment. For example, while you may have "spouse", "child", and "brother" configured as dependents in your contacts, the plan you are enrolling in may only have spouse and child configured as valid dependent relationships for plan enrollment.

If the plan includes benefit options, the options may be displayed in alphabetical order or by employee option cost in ascending order, depending on your company configuration.

Navigation:Menu > Myself > Open Enrollment

  1. From the Open Enrollment page, select a session.
  2. Select or decline plan.

    Select Draft to enter and save information and continue the election entries later. When you return to complete your elections, the About Life Events or About Open Enrollment page appears.

  3. Depending on how the deduction/benefit plans are configured, additional fields may appear. Complete the following:
    • Enter a flat amount or percent, if applicable. UKG Pro displays an amount based on the plan configuration as well as employee pay frequency.
    • Select a benefit option such as employee only, employee plus one, or family, if applicable. Enter additional required information (for example, you may need to enroll dependents and enter dependent information).
    • Enter additional information.
      • For a medical plan type, you may be required to enter physician information.
      • For a flexible spending plan type, you may be required to enter an annual contribution. Once the limit is reached, the deduction is stopped.
      • For a life insurance plan, you must elect a benefit amount. Based on your company's configuration , you may need to enter a calculation rate, percentage, or flat amount.
        Note The maximum benefit amount, how the benefit amount is calculated, and the cost per pay is displayed. If you elect an amount that requires evidence of insurability, a message appears. Evidence of insurability requires that you provide medical information for review and approval before the benefit amount you elected becomes effective. Your coverage amount may be adjusted until EOI is approved and the per pay deduction cost of the adjusted coverage will display. For details, contact your Benefits Administrator.
      • For a plan configuration with beneficiaries, you may be required to enroll applicable beneficiary information as well as percentages for primary and secondary beneficiaries.

    If you are assigning multiple beneficiaries, ensure that the sum of percentages in each column equal 100. Primary beneficiaries must total 100%; secondary beneficiaries must total 100%.

    Depending on the plan configuration, when you decline a plan, you may be required to enter a decline reason. A disclaimer message may appear.

  4. Select the dependents to be enrolled in the plan.
  5. Confirm or enter each dependant’s Social Security Number, data of birth, and gender.
  6. Select Next.

Review and Submit Elections

Review the election information on the Confirm Your Changes page. This page contains personal information as well as the selected and declined benefits. You can compare current benefits to the newly selected benefits. Selected plan details may include covered family members, pay period cost, and beneficiaries.

  1. From the Confirm Your Changes page, review the selected and declined benefit type and plan details including covered family members, plan beneficiaries, and cost information.
  2. Return to the applicable page to complete changes, as needed.
  3. Select Draft to continue the election at a later time or select Submit to complete your elections now. If you select Submit, you cannot make any changes without the assistance of your Benefits Administrator.
  4. Select OK, the Confirmation page appears.
  5. Select Print to print a summary of your elections.
  6. Select Close.