Process Third Party Import Transactions

Third Party Time Clock Import

The Third Party Time Clock Import feature is used to import third party payments and process off-cycle payrolls with post-only checks.

This feature is useful for quick and efficient quarterly or year-end reporting. For example, recording stock option transactions and updating employee check history can be completed using this time clock import.

The Third Party Time Clock Import templates are system delivered and must be used with the Third Party Payment Import payroll model. Note that third party import files can only be imported through UKG Pro Portal.

The Third Party Time Clock Import feature uses the system delivered payroll model to import third party payments and process off-cycle payrolls for post-only payments. This model must be assigned to an Off-Cycle Payroll and is not available for Regular Pay processing. It also does not include creating batches or check printing processes and it cannot be edited.

These are important guidelines to note prior to importing and posting a Third Party Time Clock Import file:

  • An earning value and a tax value are required in the same file (greater than zero dollars).
  • The file does not allow multiple rows for the same check; one row in the file corresponds to one check.
  • The check created contains only the imported data from the file including taxes. No auto-paid earnings or deductions are included in the check.
  • The imported tax amounts are not editable and cannot not be recalculated.
Sample 3rd Party Import File
Note When you Undo your payroll process back to start, the system does not delete manual or instant checks created (either manually or by import) during payroll processing. You must manually delete instant checks to remove them from the batches.

Configure Third Party Import Templates

Third Party Import templates can be configured to import third party employee payments.

Two system delivered Time Clock Import Templates are available:

  • Third Party Payment Single Earnings
  • Third Party Payment Multiple Earnings

The templates are available to view and edit from UKG Pro backoffice, however the payroll import process can only be done via the UKG Pro Portal. The import template is created and maintained from the Time Clock Import Template setup table.

Navigation:UKG Pro backoffice > Setup Tables > select Time Clock Import Template

  1. From the Time Clock Import Template page, select 3PRTYSINGL template.

    The Third Party Post Only Import field was added to the Time Clock Import Template General tab and is required to import third party payment values.

  2. Select the Setup tab to verify the configuration for the 3PRTYSINGL template.
  3. Verify that the template includes the required target fields for: TaxCode, TaxAmt, CheckNumber, and PayDate.
    Time Clock Import Template Page - Verifying PRTYSINGL template

    The tax codes for federal, employee Social Security, employee Medicare, and employee state withholdings are hard coded however the state tax codes must be imported. The the tax codes must compatible with the UKG Pro format (for example for SIT, XXSIT where XX designates the state code). The template currently only supports U.S. earnings, deductions, and taxes. Employer taxes do not need to be imported as they are calculated during the calculation process. The employee imported tax amounts are not editable and will not be recalculated.

  4. Use the parameters and locations to organize your third party import file. If you would like to configure your own template, select the Add or Save As button and adjust the template setup.

Third Party Payment Single Earning Example

Use an Excel File with specific column information according to your Third Party Payment Single Earnings template. Validation errors may occur when saving your import template.

Below is an example of a time import Excel file using the Third Party Payment Single Earnings template:

Sample Excel Table Sample Excel Table

When configuring your own template, you may see the below errors when attempting to save:


This error is caused when the General Tab is set to include Third Party Post Only Import and the target fields for tax-related items or check numbers are NOT part of the template.

Error Message

This error is caused when the General Tab is NOT set to include Third Party Post Only Import and the target fields for tax-related items or check numbers are part of the template.

Error Message

Import, Validate, and Post Payment for Third Party Time Clock Import File

You can import time clock data from a third party, and then validate the data and post payments.

  1. From the Payroll Gateway page, select a pay group.
  2. From the Payroll Overview page ensure the Pay Type is Off-Cycle and the Payroll Model is Third Party Payment Import.
  3. Select Start Payroll. The Process Payroll page appears.
  4. Select Run.
  5. Select Bring in Time. The Import Time page appears.
  6. Select the Import Template.
  7. Select Browse to locate the import file saved on your local hard drive.
  8. Select Run to return to the Payroll Overview page.
  9. Select Verify Time.

    A yellow exclamation point and an exceptions link will appear if there is a discrepancy with the imported file and the time clock import template. Select the Exceptions link to view the time import exceptions. The Time Import Exceptions page details any errors contained in the import file that need to be resolved and this page also includes troubleshooting hints.

  10. From the Things I Can Do section, select View Pay Data. The Pay Data Status page can be used in place of the Time Clock Balancing Report.
  11. If needed Use these import details and your import file to make any entry corrections to your file and import the file again.

    If entry corrections need to be made to the import file you must Undo the Bring in Time step and import the file again. The Undo Bring in Time process will remove all records imported for Third Party Post Only transactions. If manual or instant checks are created during payroll processing (either manually or by import), these checks will remain in the batches and must be manually deleted.

  12. If all exceptions have been resolved, select Submit Time and Calculate Payroll.

    When payroll is calculated the checks will be marked as Post Only and cannot be changed or deleted. If there are outstanding exceptions on the import file the checks will not be marked as Post Only. The administrator will need to Undo the payroll process and import the file again.

  13. Select View/Edit Payroll Results/Instant Checks to view the imported earnings. Taxes and amounts can be modified.
  14. When all pays are accurate, select Finish Payroll.

Third Party Time Clock Import Troubleshooting

When importing a Third Party Time Clock Import file, imported records are validated. If there is an exception, exception messages may appear.

Exception Message To Resolve
To import taxes, earnings must be included in the same file. In order to import taxes each check must also include an earnings. To correct, update the import file to include one or more earnings for the check associated with this tax value.
Taxes are required for third party post only transactions. Third party import transactions must include taxes. To correct, update the import file to include one or more taxes for the check associated with this earning.
Tax value is not assigned to the employee. The data value does not exist as a tax assigned to the employee. To correct, update the value imported or, if applicable, add the tax value via My Team or Employee Admin > My Employees > Taxes > Work Location.
Calculation rule for earning is not eligible for third party post only transaction. The calculation rule for the earning is not eligible for this import template. Imported earnings must have a Flat Amount calculation method. To correct, update the calculation rule for the earning to Flat Amount.
Taxes must be associated with an earnings amount greater than zero. Imported taxes must have an earnings amount greater than zero. To correct, add an earnings and amount greater than zero dollars to the import file or update the import file data value amount to be greater than zero dollars.
Employee has duplicate tax values on same check. Employee has duplicate tax values on the same check. To correct, remove duplicate tax values from the check and if appropriate update the tax amount. Ensure each tax value is included only once per transaction.
Multiple check numbers are not allowed on the same check. Multiple check numbers cannot be used on the same check. To correct, update the import file to contain one check number per transaction.
Multiple pay dates are not allowed on the same check. More than one pay date is not allowed for the same check. To correct, update the file to contain one pay date per transaction.
Check number is required for post only checks. Check number is required for third party post only transactions (post only checks). To correct, add the check number to the import file for the transaction.
Employer taxes cannot be imported. Employer taxes are not supported at this time. To correct, remove all employer taxes from the imported file.
Canadian tax deductions are not supported for third party post only transactions. Canadian taxes are not supported for third party post only transactions at this time. To correct, remove all Canadian tax deductions and associated amounts from the imported file.
Canadian earnings are not supported for third party post only transactions. Canadian earnings are not supported for third party post only transactions at this time. To correct, remove all Canadian earnings and associated amounts from the imported file.
Canadian deductions are not supported for third party post only transactions. Canadian deductions are not supported for third party post only transactions at this time. To correct, remove all Canadian deductions and associated amounts from the imported file.
Valid earnings but there is an exception associated with the same check. The earnings are valid and does not require correction. However, there is an exception associated with the same check as the earning and the entire check was not imported. To correct, update associated exceptions in the file and import the file again.
Deduction is valid but there is an exception associated with the same check. The deductions are valid and does not require correction. However, there is an exception associated with the same check as the deduction and the entire check was not imported. To resolve, update associated exceptions in the file and import the file again.
Tax value is valid but there is an exception associated with the same check. The tax value is valid and does not require correction. However, there is an exception associated with the same check as the tax and the entire check was not imported. To resolve, update associated exceptions in the file and import the file again.
Invalid pay date for third party post only transactions. The Pay date for the third party post only check is invalid. To correct, update the imported pay date to be within two days of the current date or within two days of the prior quarter end date.
Deductions must be associated with an earnings amount greater than zero. Imported deductions must be associated with an earnings amount greater than zero. To correct, add an earnings and amount greater than zero dollars to the import file or update the import file data value amount to be greater than zero dollars.