Manage Pay Groups

Pay Groups

Manage pay groups that you created for your company on the Pay Groups page.

  • View high level information about all pay groups in your company such as the following:
    • Code, description, and country
    • Pay frequency (biweekly, weekly, or monthly)
    • Status (active/inactive or closed/processing payroll)
    • Payroll models for regular and off-cycle payrolls
    • Pay calendar schedule (current and next) and payroll calendar extension option
  • Add or change pay group information (for example, code and description) and general information (for example, pay frequency and payroll processing model)
  • Review a pay group pay period schedule
  • Change a pay group deduction schedule
  • Change a pay group earnings schedule
  • Extend or view a pay group pay calendar
Pay Groups Business Rule Page

Add or Change Pay Groups

Add or change pay groups used in payroll processing on the Pay Groups page.


Customers using UKG ProPayment Services for Tax Filing, must create a case in the UKG Ultimate Community after adding a new pay group and specify if the new pay group should be added to existing bank files.

  1. From the Pay Groups page, complete one of the following:
    • To add a pay group, select Add.
    • To change a pay group, select an available pay group link listed in the Code column, and then select Add.
  2. From the Add/Change Pay Group(s) page, select the country from the drop-down list.

    If you select a country other than the United States the Payroll Processed by Third Party drop-down list is available. This is used for global payroll processing. The required steps from this point forward are different if this is a global pay group.

  3. From the Add/Change Pay Group(s) page, enter the code, and description.
  4. From the General Information section, select the pay frequency (for example, Weekly, Biweekly, Semi-monthly or Monthly).
  5. Enter scheduled hours. Scheduled hours are used to automatically pay employees during the payroll process. These hours can be overwritten at the employee level.
    If the selected Pay Frequency is: Scheduled Hours are:
    Weekly 37.50 or 40.00
    Biweekly 75.00 or 80.00
    Semi-monthly 86.6667
    Monthly 173.3333

    While 40 hours is the standard amount for a full-time work week, some industries deduct for a daily 30-minute lunch break, resulting in a 37.5 hour work week.

  6. From the Status drop-down list select the pay group status.

    Contact your Account Manager before inactivating a pay group. You cannot inactivate a pay group if there are active employees assigned to this pay group.

  7. Enter the General Ledger segment. Note that the Pay Group code automatically defaulted to the GL Segment field; however, a numerical value must be entered.
  8. Select the bank from the available banks list.
  9. From the Payroll Processing Setup section, select the processing model for regular and off-cycle payrolls.
  10. Select a time entry template for regular and off cycle payrolls, if applicable.
  11. Select the payroll step set to be used for this pay group from the available list.
  12. Select how to handle pending instant checks.
  13. In the Pay Calendar Creation section, enter the first period end date and the first period pay date.
  14. Select an alternative pay day when the pay day dates fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or designated holiday.
  15. Select Save. The Pay Groups page appears with the new information.

Modify Pay Group Pay Periods

After a pay group is added, you can review the pay periods of a pay group on the Pay Periods page.

Administrators extend the pay calendar for the upcoming year and these pay dates appear on the Pay Periods page.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Admin > Business Rules > Pay Groups

  1. From the Pay Groups page, at the applicable pay group row, select the Calendar icon in the Schedule column. If the Calendar icon does not appear, select Schedule from the menu. The Pay Periods page appears.Shows an image of the Pay Group Summary page with editable Start and End Date fields
  2. Review the information and complete the following, if applicable.
    • Change pay dates for the pay group
    • Change the pay Period Start Date and the Period End Date for the pay group.
      Note If you are a UKGTax Filing customer, changing pay dates for you current or next payroll could result in late tax filing.
    • Change the pay date status (active or inactive)
    • Cancel the direct deposit advices for a pay group's pay date
    • Cancel the regular pay process for the pay group's pay date
  3. Select Save. The Pay Periods page appears with the new information.

Change Pay Group Deduction Schedules

If the deduction is configured to display in pay data entry, the change reflects on those employee pay checks in which the deduction is assigned.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Admin > Business Rules > Pay Groups

  1. From the Pay Groups page, at the applicable pay group row, select the Calendar icon the Schedule column. If the Calendar icon does not appear, select Schedule from the menu. The Pay Periods page appears.
  2. Select the Deductions tab. The Deductions page appears.
    How to change pay group deduction schedules
  3. At the applicable deduction row, select the pay period drop-down list to complete modifications. For example, to change the first pay period of every month for a Parking deduction, select the drop-down list in the First column and select None or All.
    • All - deductions will be scheduled for the pay period every month.
    • None - deductions will not be scheduled for the pay period every month.
  4. Select Save. The Deductions page appears with the new information.

    View additional details about a specific deduction schedule by selecting the Deduction link in the applicable Code column and opening the Deduction Plan Schedule page. The page name reflects the selected deduction. For example, if selecting a Parking deduction, the page displays as Change Parking Schedule.

Change Pay Group Earnings Schedules

If the earnings are configured to display in pay data entry, the change reflects on those employee pay checks in which the earnings is assigned.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Payroll Admin > Business Rules > Pay Groups

  1. From the Pay Groups page, at the applicable pay group row, select the Calendar icon in the Schedule column. If the Calendar icon does not appear, select Schedule from the menu. The Pay Periods page appears.
  2. Select the Earnings tab. The Earnings page appears.
    How to change pay group earnings schedules
  3. At the applicable earnings row, select the pay period drop-down list to modify. For example, to change the first pay period of every month for a Bonus payment, select the drop-down list in the First column and select None or All.
    • All - earnings will be scheduled for the pay period every month.
    • None - earnings will not be scheduled for the pay period every month.
  4. Select Save. The Earnings page appears with the new information.
    Note View additional details about a specific earnings schedule by selecting the Earnings link in the applicable Code column and opening the Earnings Plan Schedule page. The page name reflects the selected earnings. For example, if selecting Bonus earnings, the page displays as Change Bonus Payment Schedule.

Extend the Pay Calendar

After company and employee information is verified and updated, you can extend the pay calendar for each active pay group from the Pay Groups business rule page. The last payroll of the year cannot be processed until the calendar has been extended for the following year.

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > Business Rules > Pay Groups

The following steps demonstrate how to extend the pay calendar and specify rules for calendar dates for the upcoming year.


Configure holidays for the next year on the Holidays page before extending the pay calendar. Pay dates that fall on holidays change based on selections. You cannot skip a year or month when extending a pay calendar.

  1. From the Pay Groups page, in the Pay Calendar Current column, select Extend for a pay group.
  2. From the Extend Pay Calendar page, enter the first period end date and the first period pay date.
  3. Select an alternate pay date when pay dates fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
  4. Select Save. The Pay Groups page appears with the new information after refreshing the page.