Print Forms 1095-C using ACA Employer Services

Print Forms 1095-C using ACA Employer Services

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) employers are required to file Forms 1095-C detailing offers of health care coverage to individual employees.

A paper statement must be provided to employees unless they have provided consent to receive a copy electronically. This document provides instructions for employers who have signed-up for ACA Distribution or ACA Management Services, which includes the printing of Forms 1095-C.

  1. Sign-up for ACA Distribution or ACA Management Services. Contact your Executive Relationship Manager for details.
  2. Finalize and E-Sign Form 1094-C in UKG Pro.
  3. Assign PPACA Administrator role type to user(s).
  4. Submit Print Approval Consent.Menu > Administration > Reporting > PPACA > Print Services > select applicable large employer (ALE) > 1095-C
  5. Complete Forms 1095-C sort and shipping options.

    Review and plan to meet these important deadlines to ensure compliance.

    UKG Pro IRS
    Printing Deadline February 21, 2024March 1, 2024
    Filing Deadline March 29, 2024April 1, 2024

Assign PPACA Administrator Role Type

Before you approve your organization's Forms 1095-C for printing, you must designate the PPACA Administrator role type to a currently used role type for your organization or a new role.

Assign the PPACA Administrator role type to a user role and enable web access rights to the File Transfers and PPACA features from the Reporting section to allow the assigned users access to employees' final, approved Forms 1095-C in PDF format.

  1. Assign the PPACA Administrator role type to a user role (Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration > select existing role or select Add to create new role > Description/Role Types > select PPACA Administration role type).
  2. Enable web access rights to the PPACA feature from Reporting (Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration > select role > Web Access Rights > Reporting > PPACA).
  3. Enable web access rights to the File Transfers feature from Reporting (Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration > select role > Web Access Rights > Reporting > File Transfers).

    Careful consideration should be used when selecting users who will be assigned the PPACA Administrator role and the subsequent permissions. These individuals will have access to view confidential employee data, as reported on the Forms 1095-C.

Submit Print Approval

Provide consent to print final Forms 1095-C from the Print Approvals page

This page displays final forms 1095-C for each of your organization's applicable large employers' (ALE) members including ALE tracking details, ready to print, and approval statuses of Forms 1095-C. The summary table displays the following information:

  • Year
  • ALE Print Details link
  • Ready to Print status
  • Employee Identification Number (EIN)
  • Shipping Address, if applicable
  • 1095-C Version
  • 1095-C Print Approved
Print Approvals page

Upon submission of your approval, it is registered in UKG Pro and an email is sent to confirm the print order. If you do not provide print approval by the cutoff date, you will not receive priority processing and run the risk of not having your forms shipped to meet the deadline. You can check the status of your print order by contacting your ACA Benefits Specialist.

  1. Select an ALE from the ALE Print Details column to provide ACA Employer Services with your consent to print Forms 1095-C.
  2. From the Print Approval Consent section, read the message, and then check the box to provide consent to use UKG's Print Services to print Forms 1095-C.

    An informational message appears, noting that once the ALE's Form 1095-Cs are finalized, you can approve the ALE's Forms 1095-C for printing.

  3. From the Approval section, once Form 1095-Cs have been approved by your organization for printing, check the 1095-Cs are Approved to be Printed box.
    • Once the box has been checked and saved, consent cannot be removed.
    • If the check box is disabled, verify the ALE to ensure that it has been finalized. In some cases, a final validation takes place, which requires the ALE to be re-finalized. Once the ALE is in a finalized status, the check box is enabled.

Complete Forms 1095-C Sort and Shipping Options

After you submit print approval, indicate sort and shipping options for Forms 1095-C.

From the Date Approved section, you can monitor the progress of the 1095-C consent and print approval process.

  1. From the ALE Member section, review the ALE information, including tax year, ALE member name, Employer Identification Number (EIN).
    • For ALE's with multiple component companies, employers must designate a component company for billing from the Primary Billing Component Company menu.
  2. From the Sort Options section, select how you want to sort Forms 1095-C for printing. Sort options include organization level 1, organization level 2, organization level 3, organization level 4, location, and zip code. Add Last Name and First Name sorting options.
  3. From the Available box, double-click the option to move it to the Selected box. If you select more than one option, the forms are sorted within each option from the top down. For example, if you select Location and then Zip, the forms within each location will be sorted by zip code.
  4. Use the Move Up and Move Down icons to the right of the Selected box to adjust the order of the sort options, as needed.
    Sort selection for 1095C printing
  5. From the Shipping Options section, select one of the following options:
    • Boxed with Shipping Billed to Customer: Forms are shipped to the address entered (located in U.S. or Canada) in the Shipping Address section via UPS. Shipping costs are billed to your company’s account. With this option, you must select the service type.
    • Direct Mail to Employees
    • Boxed with Customer Provided Account: Forms are shipped to the address entered (located in U.S. or Canada) in the Shipping Address section, using the account you provide. With this option, you must enter the shipping provider, account number, and service type.
    • Customer Pick-Up (Weston, FL only)
    Shipping options for 1095C printing
  6. From the Shipping Address section, if you are using Boxed with Shipping Billed to Customer or Boxed with Customer Provided Account shipping options, enter the contact person and shipping address required for shipping the printed Forms 1095-C.

    Printed Forms 1095-C cannot be shipped to a post office box.

    1095C Forms Shipping Address
  7. From the Notifications section, enter the phone number and e-mail address for the individual who is to receive Form 1095-C status notifications from Print Services. You can enter up to two other e-mail addresses, as desired.
    Notification contact information for 1095-C shipping
  8. Select Save.

    Monitor the Date Approved section to see who provided consent, who last edited the page, and who provided print approval. The date of each of these activities also appears.

Monitor Print Status

You can monitor the progress of the 1095-C consent and print approval process.