Enable Web Access Rights for E-Filing

Enable Web Access Rights for E-Filing

To approve an ALE for E-Filing, the user's role must have Web Access Rights granted to the Approve for eFiling element in Role Administration.

Navigation:System Configuration > Security > Role Administration

  1. From the Role Administration page, search for and select the desired role. The Add/Change Role page appears.
  2. Select Next.
  3. From the Web Access Rights page, navigate to Reporting > ACA Manager > Filing and History > Approve for eFiling.
  4. For the Approve for eFiling element, enable the View and Edit permissions.
  5. Select Save. The users in this role can use the Approve for eFile button to approve finalized ALEs for e-filing.
    eFiling and Form Statuses page with Approve for eFile button and selected ALE highlighted