Create a Review Template

Review Templates

Review templates are used to configure the sections and options to display on a performance review, such as review sections, scoring, rating scales, and contributors for a review. Administrators create review templates based on the needs of your organization.

The Review Templates page contains a listing of review templates that have been created for your company. New review templates can be added by selecting the Add button from the page. Review templates can be copied by selecting the Copy button. Reviews can be distributed or scheduled for distribution by selecting the Distribute button or Schedule button, respectively, for the selected review template. Review templates can also be added or distributed from the associated links in the Things I Can Do section.

From the Review Templates page:

  • Review templates can be edited by selecting the Review Template title link.
  • Create a copy of a review template by selecting a review and then selecting Copy.
  • Active templates can be distributed or scheduled; inactive templates cannot be distributed or scheduled.
  • Review templates cannot be distributed if the Distribute button is unavailable; this indicates that review template is inactive.
  • The Last Modified column indicates the date the review was last updated.
  • The Title column provides a link to review template details.

The Review Templates Page

Manage Review templates using the Review Templates page in Performance Reviews.

When created, Review templates are listed in the Review Templates page. Administrators can add, edit, copy, or delete Review templates. Additionally, administrators can browse distribution lists, schedule reviews, and distribute performance reviews.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Talent Management > Performance Management > Review Templates

  1. Select a Review template then select an action: Add, Copy, Distribute, Schedule, or Delete.
    Performance Reviews Review Templates Page
  2. Select a Review template link to modify the template.

Add Review Template Details

Configure the sections to display in a performance review from the Template Details page of the Add/Change Review Template.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Talent Management > Performance Reviews > Review Templates

  1. From the Review Templates page, select Add. The Template Details page appears.
  2. From the Template Details page, General Information area, enter a code, title, and description for the review template. When you distribute the review, you must enter a unique title for the review distribution. For example, Sales Review may be entered as the review template name. When you distribute the review, you might name the review, Bi-Annual Sales Review.
  3. Select a review type. Review types for your company can be created in the Review Types Business Rules page.

    Performance Reviews provides three review types:

    Review Type Description
    AdhocAny review that is generated outside the typical performance evaluation period.
    AnnualA regularly scheduled review based on the employee’s Next Performance Review date.
    PerformanceAny review that relates to an employee’s performance.

    There may be more review types listed, if custom review types are added for the Review Types business rule (Menu > System Configuration > Business Rules > Review Types).

  4. Select a status for the review template:
    • Active: An Active template indicates that the review template is active and available for distribution. An Active template can be edited. Edits do not affect reviews that have already been distributed; only new reviews are affected.

    • Inactive: An Inactive template indicates that the review template cannot be distributed. The template may be kept for informational or archival use or may not be ready for distribution.

  5. In the Review Sections area, select the sections to display in the review and the scoring to be applied. Select at least one section to be configured in Performance Reviews:
    • Goals

    • Competencies

    • Open Ended Questions

    • Developmental Comments

    If you select Goals or Competencies, you can choose from the following scoring options:
    • Score: This option is selected by default. To turn off scoring, deselect this option.
    • Rating Scale: Performance Reviews provide two rating scales, Three Point or Five Point. Administrators can also add user-defined rating scales, which appear in the drop-down list.
    • Weight: Generally, these options are used to show the level of importance of each section and weigh the score accordingly. The total for section weights must equal 100%. Weighting is optional.

    In the Not Applicable Ratings section, select goals and competencies to display an option to select Not Applicable as the rating.

    Other review options include:
    • Attach Documents: This option allows employees, managers, and administrators to upload, download, preview, replace, and delete supporting documentation in an employee's performance review.

    • Enable Bryte AI: This option allows employees to use Bryte AI, UKG's proprietary generative AI technology, to help draft their self-assessment in the Overall Comments section of their review.

    Performance Review Template Details Review Sections
  6. In the Final Score section, select the Final Score options. Options depend on whether you use scoring for Goals or Competencies in the Review Sections area.
    • If scoring is not enabled for Goals or Competencies (that is, the review is for comments only), and you want to allow managers to provide a final score, select Final Score, then select the rating scale. You must choose whether managers can select or enter the final score.
    • If scoring is applied for Goals or Competencies, you can select the Final Score rating scale.
      • If the rating scales are the same for all scores, Performance Reviews will calculate the final score of the review. To allow managers to override the final calculated score, select Allow the Manager to Override the Calculated Final Score.
      • If the rating scales are not the same, determine whether managers can enter or select a final score.
    Performance Review Template Details Scoring Section
    Note If a manager overrides the calculated score on a review, the new score becomes the final recorded score for the review and is used in features such as Compensation. However, both the original calculated score and the new score display on the Review Summary for all review participants.
  7. In the Rating Scale Display Options section, select how a rating scale appears:
    Performance Review Template Details Rating Scale Display Options
    • Display Both Numerical Rating and Rating Name: If this option is selected, the rating drop-down list displays the rating number.Display Numerical Rating and Rating Description
    • Display Numerical Rating Only: If this option is selected, the rating drop-down list displays the rating number.Display Numerical Rating
    • Display Rating Name Only: If this option is selected, the rating drop-down list displays the rating name.Numerical Rating Description
    • Display Numerical Rating as Stars: If this option is selected, the numerical rating displays as stars. A star is selected to rate the employee on a section.
      Display Numerical Rating as Stars
    • Use Advanced Options: If this option is selected, the average rating scales can be configured to appear differently for each section (for example, the template is configured so that a manager can select a numerical rating for goals and a rating name for competencies). The average rating display can be configured for:
      • Final Score
      • Goal Average
      • Competency Average
    Configuration options include:
    • Numerical Rating and Rating Name
    • Numerical Rating
    • Rating Name
    • Don’t display an average
    Performance Review Template Details Use Advanced Options
  8. In the Contributor Paths section, select a path for the review contributors. This section determines the workflow that the review follows.
    Performance Review Template Details Contributors
  9. In the Contributors section, select contributor options:
    • Include Manager II: If this option is selected, the contributor paths include the Manager II in the workflow path.
    • Allow Employee to view Manager II's comments: If this option is selected, then choose whether to allow employees to view the Manager II's comments in the review. By default, this is deselected. Performance Review Template Details Contributor Options
    • Include an Administrator Role: If this options is selected, the contributor paths include an administrator. Also, choose an Administrator Role from the drop-down list. This list includes all roles with Talent Management Administrator, Employee Administrator, and System Administrator role types.
    Performance Review Template Contributor Options
  10. In the Additional Contributor Feedback section, complete the following options:

    To include the Additional Contributor Feedback section in the Template Details page, you must enable Additional Contributor Feedback in the Talent Management Settings page (System Configuration > Talent Management).

    • Allow Managers to Add Additional Contributors: If this option is selected, managers can manually add additional contributors to contribute to this review.

    • Enable the Ability to Import Additional Contributors: If this option is selected, administrators can import up to 100 additional contributors per employee review.

    • Allow Managers to Edit or Delete Contributors from an Imported List: If this option is selected, managers can edit or delete imported contributors from an employee's review.

    • Contribution Weight: Enter the contribution weight for manager, additional contributors, and matrix managers. Goals and competencies must be included in the review to display the Contribution Weight section.
      • When additional contributor or matrix manager feedback, goals, and/or competencies are included in a review, the score is calculated using the percentage indicated in this section. By default, the score is set at 100% for managers. This setting means the manager's score is the final score and the additional contributor or matrix manager ratings are not calculated in the scoring.

      • If additional contributors or matrix managers are given a contribution weight, these scores are totaled then included in the manager's score. The final score is calculated using the identified contribution weight.This weight distribution is indicated as read-only in the Additional Feedback Selection.

      • This weight distribution is indicated as read-only in the Additional Feedback Selection section of an employee's review for managers to view.


      Additional Contributors and Matrix Managers can contribute to a performance review even if their contributions weights are set to 0.

    • Allow Employees to See Additional Contributor Feedback: If selected, employees can view additional contributor comments.

    • Hide Name(s) and Role(s) on Additional Contributor Feedback: If selected, the name and role of additional contributors on feedback are hidden from all participants of the review.

      Additional Contributor Feedback Options
  11. Select Next to proceed to the Review Sections Details page.
    Note For instructions to obtain feedback in reviews, open Feedback Visibility in Reviews..

Add Review Section Details

Configure specific details for each section of a performance review template in the Review Sections Details page of the Add/Change Review Template.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Talent Management > Performance Reviews > Review Templates > Next

  1. From the Review Sections Details page, in the General Instructions area, enter instructional text to display at the top of the review.
  2. In the Compliance section, select Display Compliance Statement, if applicable. A default compliance statement is available and can be edited to meet your needs. The statement appears when an employee signs and completes a review.
    Review Template Compliance Statement
  3. In the Overall Comments area, enter the instructional text that appears in the Overall Comments page of the review, if applicable.
  4. In the Goals area, enter instructional text to appear in the Goals page of the review, if applicable.
  5. In the Additional Details section, select if an employee is required to provide a rating or if a rating is optional.
  6. Select any additional information to appear with goals.
    Review Template Details Goals Instructional Text
  7. In the Competencies area, enter instructional text to appear in the Competencies page of the review, if applicable.
  8. In the Additional Details section, select if an employee is required to provide a rating or if a rating is optional.
  9. Select options in the Competencies to Include section to include competencies automatically when a review template is distributed.

    Employee Assigned Competencies: If selected, competencies assigned to the employee in the review are included.

    Job-Based Competencies: If selected, competencies associated with the employee's job are included in the review.

    Display Minimum Proficiency Level: If selected, the minimum proficiency level required for a job is displayed in the review. Rating scales used in reviews should be the same rating scales used in defining job competencies when Minimum Proficiency Levels are used.


    When selecting this option, refer to the View Job-Based Competency Rating Targets on Reviews job aid for important configuration information.

    Template-Based Competencies: If selected, you can choose competencies for inclusion in the review. With this option, employee-assigned and job-based competencies cannot be selected.

    Enable Weighting: If selected, you can select weights for template-based competencies.

    Review Template Details Competencies Instructional Text
  10. If using template-based competencies, select Add to include competencies in this review template. The Add Competencies page appears.
  11. When done, select Finish. The Review Sections Details page appears.
  12. If using template-based competencies with weights, enter any weights associated to selected competencies.

    Total competency weight must equal 100%.

  13. In the Open-Ended Questions area, edit the Section Name to change the section title of the performance review.
  14. Enter instructional text for the Open Ended Questions section.
  15. At Add a Question, enter a question.
    Write the question in a way that makes sense to all review participants
  16. If the question is required, select Required.
    Open Ended Questions Section
  17. Select Add Question.
    The question is added. You can hover over the question and use the icons to edit or remove the question.
  18. Continue to add questions, if needed.
  19. In the Developmental Comments area, enter instructional text that appears in the Developmental Comments page of the review, if needed.
  20. Select Next to go to the Summary page.
  21. Review the template details and sections. Select Save.

Copy a Review Template

Administrators can create a copy of a review template.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Talent Management > Performance Management > Review Templates

  1. Select a review to copy and then select Copy on the Actions bar.
  2. On the Template Details page, create a unique Code and a unique Title for the new Review template, then select Next.
  3. On the Review Sections Details page, edit the template if needed, then select Next.
  4. On the Summary page, review the original review template details in the Before column and the new template details in the Submitted column.
  5. Select Save to finish creating the review template copy.