Personalize the Home Page

UKG Pro Home Page

UKG Pro web has two home page options, the Classic Dashboard and the Smart Dashboard.

The Classic Dashboard has gadgets that are arranged by a system administrator.

The Smart Dashboard has sections such as Coming up and For me.
  • Different sections and widgets appear depending on your organization's UKG solutions, for example the UKG Talk What's happening section and UKG Pro WFM My schedule widget.

  • From the My shortcuts section, you can add shortcuts to pages you want to easily access.

Note The UKG Pro mobile app has the same sections and shortcut functionality as the Smart Dashboard
Depending on your configuration, you may be able to switch between the two dashboards.

Switch Between the Classic and Smart Dashboards

Switch between the Classic and Smart Dashboards on the home page.

Both dashboards must be enabled by a system administrator; if only one dashboard is enabled, you cannot switch to the other dashboard.

  1. From either dashboard, hover over the vertical bar on either side of the page. The navigation arrow appears.
    The Smart Dashboard with the arrow highlighted.
  2. Select the arrow. The other dashboard appears.

Edit Your Smart Dashboard Shortcuts

From the Smart Dashboard, you can select shortcuts. Shortcut options can include UKG Pro pages, UKG Pro WFM pages, and external shortcuts added by a system administrator.

  1. From the Smart Dashboard, at the My shortcuts section, select the Edit shortcuts icon. The Manage shortcuts window appears.
    The Smart Dashboard shortcuts with the More icon highlighted.
  2. From the Manage shortcuts window, you can:
    • Remove shortcuts

    • Reorder shortcuts

    • Search for available shortcuts

    • Add shortcuts

    The Manage Shortcuts window.
  3. Select Apply.

Dashboard Management for Administrators

For the Classic Dashboard, system administrators can rearrange the layout of gadgets.

For the Smart Dashboard, system administrators can:
  • Add external links to the shortcuts section

  • Configure the sections and widgets that appear (depending on your organization's UKG solutions)

    • For example, if Punch and My Schedule are enabled in UKG Pro WFM, those widgets appear on the UKG Pro Smart Dashboard

Change the Layout of Content Gadgets on the Classic Dashboard

Change the layout of content gadgets on the Classic Dashboard.

The location of certain system-delivered gadgets cannot be changed.

If the location of a gadget is changed and that gadget is later removed by a system administrator, the gadget will no longer appear on the Classic Dashboard.

New gadgets added by a system administrator appear at the bottom of the appropriate content page zones in an order defined by the system administrator.


This feature must be enabled by a system administrator (Menu > System Configuration > Display > Content Management).

  1. From the Classic Dashboard, select a gadget by its title bar and drag it to the desired location. Gadget outlines appear for suggested drop locations.
    Dragging a Content Gadget
  2. Repeat for each gadget. The new layout is saved automatically.

Add External Shortcuts to the Smart Dashboard

System administrators can add external pages to the list of shortcuts available on the Smart Dashboard. By default, employees already have shortcuts to UKG Pro and UKG Pro WFM pages.

Note Deep linking between products that need authentication is not supported.

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > Content Management > Home Page Setup

  1. From the Home Page Setup page, select Add. The Add shortcut window appears.
    The Home Page Setup page with the Add button highlighted.
  2. From the Add shortcut window, at the Destination step, enter a URL. You must enter a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL.
    The Add shortcut window with an example URL provided.
  3. Select Next.
  4. At the Preview and customize step, from the Image drop-down, select Automatic or Custom.
    If you select Automatic, the image for the shortcut is automatically generated from the linked page.The Add shortcut window with Automatic image selected. The Preview shows the automatically generated image.
    If you select Custom, you can select an icon and a color. The Add shortcut window with the Custom image selected. There are new fields for icon and color.
  5. Enter a name for the shortcut.
  6. Select Add. The shortcut is now available for employees.