Manage Assignable Goals

Assignable Goals

Assignable Goals, are goals that can be assigned to an individual employee or a group of employees. These goals are a manager’s desired result for their team and are usually established ahead to direct employees in accomplishing specific tasks within a given time frame.

These goals can be aligned with corporate goals and can be designated as editable, if desired. The Assignable Goals feature allows organizations to easily align their organizational goals across teams.

In order to include goals in a review for evaluation purposes, active goals must be assigned to the employee before the review can be distributed. Managers can create a library of assigned goals. Once the goals are assigned to an employee, the goal becomes part of the employee's assigned goal plan on the employee's Goals page.

Goals must be inactive and undistributed to be deleted.

Assignable goals are defined on the Assignable Goals page.


Assignable goals are unique for each company; therefore, they must be established by the customer and are not system-delivered.

Assignable Goals Management

Managers can create a library of assignable goals that can be selected when goals are assigned to an employee in their individual Goals page.

Manage assignable goals using the Assignable Goals page.

Goals must be inactive and undistributed to be deleted.

The information that appears in the Assignable Goals page, includes the assignable goal title, description, assignments, editable, start date, due date, weight, and status. By default, active goals display in the Assignable Goals page. Use the Find By filter to display inactive goals.

Administrators or managers can:

  • View Assignable Goals
  • Add Assignable Goals
  • Change Assignable Goals
  • Delete Assignable Goals
  • Assign or Remove Goals
  • Change Goal Owner

Navigate to the Assignable Goals Page

Review the title, description, assignments, editable status, start date, due date, weight and goal status on the Assignable Goals page.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Assignable Goals

  1. From the expanded navigation menu, select My Team.
  2. From the Talent Management section, select Assignable Goals.
    Assignable Goals Page

Add or Change Assignable Goals

Add or change assignable goals on the Add/Change Assignable Goals page.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Assignable Goals

  1. From the Assignable Goals page, complete one of the following:
    • To add an assignable goal, select Add.
    • To change an assignable goal, select the applicable Assignable Goal link.
    Add/Change Assignable Goals
  2. At Description , enter a description for the goal. The goal description length can be up to 5,000 characters.
  3. At Category , select a goal category from the drop-down menu. The goal category is associated with the specified goal.
  4. At Weight , enter the percentage goal weight, if applicable.
  5. At Status , select whether the goal is Active or Inactive indicating if the goal is available for selection.
  6. At Goal Type, select a goal type from the drop-down menu. The goal type is associated with the specified goal.
  7. At the Corporate Goal Alignment drop-down menu, select a goal alignment, only if the goal is aligned with a corporate goal.
  8. At the Organizational Impact drop-down menu, select an organizational impact for the goal.
  9. Select This is a Stretch Goal, if applicable.
  10. At the Goal Dates section, enter the Start and Due dates of the goal.
    • Performance Reviews does not enforce these dates. Dates are for customer reference and tracking purposes only.
    • Goal Start and Due dates can be set as required fields on the Change Talent Management Settings page (System Configuration > Talent Management > Edit).
    • Goal Start and Due dates can be edited while a review is in progress.
  11. At the Editable by Employees section, select if an employee can edit this goal once it has been assigned to his/her goal plan.
  12. Select Save. The Assignable Goals page appears with the new information.

Assign Goals for Employees

Goals can be assigned to specific employees on the Assignable Goals page.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Assignable Goals

  1. From the Assignable Goals page, select the goals to assign and select the Assign icon. The Assign Goals page appears.
  2. Select the Select Employees button. The Find Employees page appears. From here you can assign goals to employees:
    • Use the Find By filter to search for employees, then select the checkbox at one or more employees.
    • Use the Select All or Deselect All links to select or deselect all employees in the list, even on multiple pages.
    Find Employees page with emphasis on the Find By filter and the Select All and Deselect All options
  3. Select Finish. The Assign Goals page appears with a list of the selected employees for assigning the goal.
  4. Select Save. The Assignable Goals page appears with the new information.

    Selecting the Goal Assignments link shows only employees you are qualified to view that are assigned to the goal. There may be other employees assigned to the goal.

Remove Goals Assigned to Employees

Goals that have been assigned to employees can be removed from employee assignment on the Assign Goals page.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Assignable Goals > select Assignments link

  1. From the Assignable Goals page, select the Assignments link for the applicable goal. The Assign Goals page appears with the list of employees assigned to the goal.
  2. Select employees to whom you wish to remove the goal. Select the Remove icon.
  3. Select Save. The Assignable Goals page appears with the new information.
    • Only non-editable assigned goals can be removed from an employee's assigned goals. Editable goals assigned to an employee's goal plan cannot be removed.
    • For information and steps on mass inactivating goals, refer to the Mass Inactivate Goals job aid.

Change a Goal Owner

Administrators can change the goal owner of one or more assignable goals on the Assignable Goals page.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Talent Management > Performance Management > Assignable Goals

  1. From the Assignable Goals page, select goals then select the Change Owner icon.
    Administrator Assignable Goals page highlighting Change Owner button
  2. At the Change Goal Owner page, search for a new goal owner. Select the applicable row of the new goals owner then select OK.
  3. The Assignable Goals page appears with the new owner assigned to the goals.