Complete Manager Assessments

Manager Assessment

If your company includes managers in the review contributor path, you are required to complete a manager assessment of your employee.

If the employee is a required contributor to the review, you can collaborate with the employee to complete the review process. A Manager Only contributor path does not include the employee in the review.

When it is your turn to participate in a review, an email is sent requesting a manager assessment. The applicable sections of the performance review, in the Review Summary page, are then completed.

Manager email

Review Summary

The Review Summary page provides access to all the components and details of an employee's performance review.

Sections are added to a review when the template is created. These sections appear on the Review Summary page once the performance review is distributed.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Talent Dashboard > Reviews > select review > Review Summary

Note Employee reviews can also be accessed from your Inbox.
  1. Select a review from the Talent Dashboard, the Talent Profile, or the Inbox. The Review Summary page appears.
  2. Open each section of the review, by selecting any of the Start buttons.
    • If the option, Additional Contributor Feedback, is enabled, managers must first assign additional contributors to an employee's performance review. Managers can later view the status of additional contributor feedback from the Review Summary page.
    • Review sections do not have to be completed all at once or in any particular order. Once review information is entered, it can be saved and can be edited up until it is sent to the next contributor.
    • The final score appears only after the Goals and Competencies sections are completed.
    • A review cannot be sent to the next contributor until all required sections are complete.

Additional Contributor Feedback

If enabled, Additional Contributor Feedback provides managers with the option of sending the review to others outside of the contributor path to gain additional feedback on an employee's performance.

Managers can add and configure additional contributors and matrix managers for a review from the employee's Review Summary page. A maximum of 100 additional contributors can be added per employee review.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > Requests > select review > Review Summary

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Talent Dashboard > Reviews > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the employee's Review Summary page, Additional Contributor Feedback Selection section, select Edit. The employee's Additional Contributor Feedback Selection page appears.

    If your administrator has imported additional contributors, additional contributors may already appear associated to the employee's review.

  2. If you do not wish to include additional contributor or matrix manager feedback on this review, from the employee's Additional Contributor Feedback Selection page, check the box, Do Not Use Additional Contributors in This Review and then select Save.

    Manager ratings, additional contributor, and matrix manager ratings are incorporated into the overall performance weighting based on the percentages listed in the Contributor Weighting section. This scoring is assigned by your administrator and is displayed in read-only format.

  3. Select the Add button to include additional contributor feedback on this review. The Find Employees page appears.
  4. From the Find Employees page, select up to 100 additional contributors. You may select anyone in your company that is not already imported or included in the contributor path of the review.
  5. Select Save. The contributor selections list displays on the Additional Contributor Feedback Selection page of the review.
  6. From the Relationship column, select the relationship of the additional contributor to the employee being reviewed.

    A matrix manager is someone who acts in a similar capacity to a manager by providing feedback and guidance to the employee. The employee may not report directly to the matrix manager, but may have a dotted-line relationship instead. Matrix managers are a type of additional contributor who has more access to a review than an additional contributor, but less than a manager. Matrix managers have view-only access to Employee Notes and Personal Development Plans. Matrix managers can also provide feedback in the Developmental Comments section.

  7. From the Goals and Competencies columns, select Not Included if you do not want an additional contributor to provide feedback for goals and/or competencies in the review. An additional contributor can also Comment Only or Rate and Comment on goals and/or competencies in a review.
    • If scoring is not enabled for Goals or Competencies, the Additional Contributor Selection Feedback step only allows for comments to be selected for Goals and Competencies.
    Additional Contributor Feedback Selection
  8. If the review contains a configured open-ended questions section, select Not Included if you do not want to include this section in the additional contributor review.
    • Additional contributors can complete the Overall Comments section even if no other sections are included.
  9. Select Save. The Review Summary page appears, indicating your additional contributor feedback selections have been saved.

    Selections can only be edited prior to sending the review.

  10. Select Send to initiate the review. The review is sent to the first contributor and additional contributors based on the contributor path of the review. Once sent you may not change the contributor selection for this review.
  11. From the confirmation box, select OK. The Talent Dashboard page appears with an updated review status.

    When the additional contributor feedback selections have been made and the review has been sent to contributors, the Additional Contributor Feedback Selection section of the review becomes read-only. Managers can select the Edit button to track the progress of each contributor in the review.

    Managers can also add additional contributors and send reviews back to a contributor for reassessment after the review process has started. If notifications are enabled, the contributor is notified via email that a reassessment has been requested. Once the review is sent back to a contributor, the assessment is removed from the manager's view until it is completed.

    Add Contributors and Send Back Reviews

Manage Goals

Rate and comment on each employee goal on the Goals page.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Dashboard > Talent Management > Reviews > select review > Review Summary

Note Employee reviews can also be accessed from your Inbox.
  1. From the Review Summary page, complete one of the following:
    • To begin rating goals, select the Start button in the Goals section. The Goals page displays the employee's assigned goals.
    • To edit a rating, select the Edit button in the Goals section. The Edit button appears only after the section has been started. The Edit button appears even if the review ratings are completed. You can modify the review ratings as the current contributor until the review has been sent to the next contributor.
  2. At each goal, select a rating and enter comments, as needed.
    Note If a rating is not available for selection, the review may be configured for comments only.
    Performance Review - Goals Page
    • Employee ratings may be required, optional, or not allowed. Manager ratings are always required. Depending on how your company has configured ratings, they may display differently on the review. For example, they may show a number from 1 to 5, instead of stars. Reviews can be configured to display average rating scales differently for Goals, Competencies, and Final Scores. If enabled, a Not Applicable rating can be selected.
    • The Rating Scale link, located in the upper left-hand corner, indicates the rating scale that is assigned to this review. You can select the link to view the scale descriptors.
    • The View Entire Goal Plan link, located below the rating scale, displays for users with access to the employee's goals. You can select the link to display all goals for the employee.
    • The Show Details link, located below the goal description, indicates the goal alignment and type. You can select the link to display alignments.
    • The Goal Notes link, located below the goal details, allows you to view, enter or update progress for each goal.
    • The Section Weight, located in the upper right-hand corner, indicates the percentage assigned to the Goals section, if applicable. Each goal weight is also listed.
  3. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  4. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • Comments and ratings are automatically saved upon system time out. When accessing the review after system time out, a warning message alerts you to unsaved data in one of the review sections. Upon accessing the section with unsaved changes, an informational message appears at the top of the page. You have the option to Save the information or Undo, which reverts the information to the last saved version.
    • Review comments are automatically checked for spelling. Right-clicking on the underlined word opens a menu of options. The menu allows you to accept spelling suggestions, ignore instances of the word, or add the word to your browser dictionary, so that it doesn't appear as misspelled again in the future. Your spell-check preferences are saved as long as you don't change to a different browser or clear your browser cookies.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, additional contributor names and roles are hidden to all participants of the review.

Manage Competencies

Rate and comment on each employee competency on the Competencies page.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Dashboard > Talent Management > Reviews > select review > Review Summary

Note Employee reviews can also be accessed from your Inbox.
  1. From the Review Summary page, complete one of the following:
    • To begin rating competencies, select the Start button in the Competencies section. The Competencies page displays the employee's assigned competencies.
    • To edit a rating, select the Edit button in the Competencies section. The Edit button appears only after the section has been started. The Edit button appears even if the review ratings are completed. You can modify the review ratings as the current contributor until the review has been sent to the next contributor.
    • To add a note to an existing competency, select the Competency Notes link.
  2. At each competency, select a rating and enter comments as needed.
    Note If a rating is not available for selection, the review may be configured for comments only.
    Performance Review Competencies Page
  3. If configured by your administrator, minimum job competency proficiency levels may be available for reference when rating each competency. Select the Show Details link to view the level for each competency.
    • Employee ratings may be required, optional, or not allowed. Manager ratings are always required. Depending on how your company has configured ratings, they may display differently on the review. For example, they may show a number from 1 to 5, instead of stars. Reviews can be configured to display average rating scales differently for Goals, Competencies, and Final Scores. If enabled, a Not Applicable rating can be selected.
    • The Rating Scale link, located in the upper left-hand corner, indicates the rating scale that is assigned to this review. You can select the link to view the scale descriptors.
    • The Show Details link, located below the competency description, indicates the competency type. You can select the link to display the competency type associated with this competency.
    • The Notes link, located below the competency details, allows you to view or enter notes for each competency.
    • The Section Weight, located in the upper right-hand corner, indicates the percentage assigned to the Competencies section, if applicable. Each competency weight is also listed.
  4. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  5. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • Comments and ratings are automatically saved upon system time out. When accessing the review after system time out, a warning message alerts you to unsaved data in one of the review sections. Upon accessing the section with unsaved changes, an informational message appears at the top of the page. You have the option to Save the information or Undo, which reverts the information to the last saved version.
    • Review comments are automatically checked for spelling. Right-clicking on the underlined word opens a menu of options. The menu allows you to accept spelling suggestions, ignore instances of the word, or add the word to your browser dictionary, so that it doesn't appear as misspelled again in the future. Your spell-check preferences are saved as long as you don't change to a different browser or clear your browser cookies.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, additional contributor names and roles are hidden to all participants of the review.

Manage Open Ended Questions

A review may contain a configured section that enables you to answer questions on a particular topic.

For this section, administrators can configure the title, the questions included, and whether the questions are required.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > Requests > select review > Review Summary

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Talent Dashboard > Reviews > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the Review Summary page, select one of the following from the open ended question section:
    • Start - enables you to begin answering the questions.
    • Edit - enables you to edit answers that have been entered previously.
    • View - enables you to review answers that were entered.
  2. Enter the answers to each question.
  3. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  4. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • All questions are optional for additional contributors even if they are required for the employee and manager.
    • Comments and ratings are automatically saved upon system time-out. When accessing the review after system time-out, a warning message alerts you to unsaved data in one of the review sections. Upon accessing the section with unsaved changes, an informational message appears at the top of the page. You have the option to Save the information or Undo, which reverts the information to the last saved version.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, additional contributor names and roles are hidden to all participants of the review.
    When all required questions are answered, the section displays a Completed status.

Manage Developmental Comments

If enabled, the Developmental Comments appear on the Review Summary, providing an opportunity to outline developmental needs or requirements for the upcoming review period.

You must enter comments for this section to be completed.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > Requests > select review > Review Summary

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Dashboard > Talent Management > Reviews > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the Review Summary page, complete one of the following:
    • To begin entering comments, select Start in the Developmental Comments section.
    • To edit comments, select the Edit in the Developmental Comments section. The Edit button appears only after the section has been started. The Edit button appears even if the comments are completed. You can modify comments as the current contributor until the review has been sent to the next contributor.
  2. For self-assessments, employees enter comments in the Employee Comments box. For manager assessments, managers enter comments in the Manager Comments box. When completing a matrix manager assessment, enter comments in the Comments box.
  3. To access the employee's development plan, select the View Personal Development Plan link.
  4. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  5. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • Comments and ratings are automatically saved upon system timeout. When accessing the review after system timeout, a warning message alerts you to unsaved data in one of the review sections. Upon accessing the section with unsaved changes, an informational message appears at the top of the page. You have the option to Save the information or Undo, which reverts the information to the last saved version.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, additional contributor names and roles are hidden to all participants of the review.

Manage Overall Comments

The performance review's Overall Comments section can be used to provide clarification or additional information related to a performance review.

You must enter comments for this section to be completed.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > Requests > select review > Review Summary

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Talent Dashboard > Reviews > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the Review Summary page, complete one of the following:
    • To begin entering comments, select the Start button in the Overall Comments section.
    • To edit comments, select the Edit button in the Overall Comments section. The Edit button appears only after the section has been started. The Edit button appears even if the comments are completed. You can modify comments as the current contributor until the review has been sent to the next contributor.
  2. Enter your comments in the Comment box.
    Note If enabled, you can use the Bryte AI tool to draft a summary of your goals and feedback. To use Bryte AI:
    1. Select Use Bryte AI to Draft Comments.

    2. Answer the optional questions and select Generate. To generate a summary without answering the questions, select Skip This Step.

    3. To add the draft to the Overall Comments text field, select Insert.

    To request a revised draft from Bryte AI, select Regenerate. You can also make changes to the draft in the Overall Comments text field.

  3. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  4. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • If a system timeout occurs, the page automatically saves review comments. In addition, when launching the page the next time, you have the option to save the review comments or revert to the previous version.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, additional contributor names and roles are hidden to all participants of the review.

Manage Documents

If enabled, the Documents section of a performance review allows you and your manager to attach supporting documentation to your review.

Note Documents that are attached to reviews have the following considerations:
  • Maximum file size for each document: 250 MB

  • Maximum number of documents attached to each review: 10

  • Supported file types: doc, docx, pptx, ppt, xlsx, xls, xlt, xltx, txt, rtf, tif, png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, pdf, mht, db, zip, xml, log, odt, ods

  • Image (png) files can be previewed

  • File details such as Title, File Type, and Date Added can be viewed

  • Document titles can be edited during and after the attachment process

  • Documents can be downloaded and deleted

  • Documents can only be accessed from the review (documents attached to reviews cannot be accessed from Employee Documents or the Document Manager

  • Anyone in the review's contributor path can attach or remove documents

  • If a review is printed, attached documents are not included in the printout

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > Requests > select review > Review Summary

  1. To add a document to a review, from the Review Summary page, select Add a Document.
  2. Select a file from your device.
    Note You can update the file name in the Document Title field. File names:
    • Can have up to 30 characters, including numbers, letters, and spaces

    • Cannot include symbols (for example, #&*)

  3. Select Save.
The file is now attached to the document. Select the actions icon to access additional file options:
  • For image (PNG) files, to verify that the correct file has been uploaded, select Preview

  • To download a copy of the file to your device, select Download

  • To view the title, file type, or date added, select Details

  • To update the document title, select Details > Edit

  • To remove the document from the review, select DeleteThe Documents section with the Actions icon expanded. The Actions icon has the following options: Preview, Download, Details, and Delete.

Final Review Score

When all rated sections of the review are completed, ratings are automatically calculated and appear as the Manager Final Score.

If scoring options are configured to select or enter a final score, the score can be saved as a draft, until the review is moved forward to the next contributor.

Final Performance Review Scores
  • If final scores are not available, the review may be configured for comments only.
  • If a final rating score is not selected or entered by the manager; the system is calculating the score.
  • If you enable Not Applicable ratings, any Goal or Competency ratings marked Not Applicable are not included in the final score.

If additional contributors are included in the rating, the contributor weighted average may be included in the final score. Manager and additional contributor weights are defined in the review template.

If the review is configured to allow managers to override the calculated final score, an Override button appears. The manager can use this button to enter a new score and add a comment to explain why. If a manager overrides the calculated score on a review, the new score becomes the final recorded score for the review and is used in features such as Compensation. However, both the original calculated score and the new score display on the Review Summary for all review participants.

Send the Review

The performance review's Send feature enables you to collaborate with contributors.

You can continue to send the review back and forth among contributors and add comments until you select Sign & Complete. Once you select Sign & Complete, the review is completed and no other modifications can be made.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Talent Dashboard > Reviews > select review > Review Summary

Note Employee reviews can also be accessed from your Inbox.
  1. From the Review Summary page, complete one of the following:
    • Select the radio button to send the review Forward to the employee to Sign & Complete.
    • Select the radio button to send the review Forward to an approver.
    • Select the radio button to send the review Back for changes.
  2. In the Routing Comments section, enter relevant comments. These comments will only append to the e-mail notification and not appear in the review. The comments will also be visible in the Request Inbox, in the Approver History section.
    • When an Administrator is included in the contributor path, you may be required to select the HR approver to confirm the review. If Manager II is included in the contributor path, Manager II may also be required to select the HR approver of the review.
    • The Routing Comments section may not appear if your administrator has chosen to hide this field.
    Send Review To Next Contributor
  3. Select Send. A confirmation pop-up window appears.
  4. Select OK.

Acknowledge a Review

When the review is sent back to you for completion, you must acknowledge the review by selecting Sign & Complete. Once you select Sign & Complete, the review is completed and no other modifications can be made.

Once the review is complete, it will be available on the employee's Reviews page.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > Talent Management > Talent Dashboard > select review > Review Summary

Note Employee reviews can also be accessed from your Inbox.
  1. From the Review Summary page, review each section of the performance review to ensure accuracy.
  2. In the Sign & Complete section, enter any final comments you would like to save in the review.
    Sign and Complete Performance Review
  3. Select Sign & Complete. A confirmation pop-up window appears.
  4. Select OK to confirm the completion of the review.
    • An employee's most recent completed performance review is available on the Talent Dashboard page (My Team > Talent Dashboard).
    • All reviews are available on an employee's Reviews page (My Team > My Employees > select employee > Jobs > Reviews).