Complete Additional Contributor Assessments

Additional Contributor Assessments

The Additional Contributor Feedback feature enables other contributors to provide feedback about employee performance.

If your company uses the Additional Contributor Feedback feature for a review, you may be assigned as an additional contributor to an employee performance review.

When it is your turn to participate as an additional contributor in a review, an email is sent, requesting your input for an employee's review. You can optionally complete the applicable sections of the performance review, available on the Review Summary page.

E-mail Notification

Navigate to an Employee's Review Summary Page

Individual contributors begin the employee performance review process from the Review Summary page.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the main navigation bar, hover your mouse over the Requests icon to display the available sections and links.
  2. From the expanded navigation menu, select Inbox. The Requests page appears.
    Requests - ToDo - Employee Performance Review
  3. Select the Edit link of the applicable review. The Review Summary page appears.

Complete the Review Goals Section - Additional Contributor

Individual contributors rate employees' attainment of goals on the Goals page.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the Review Summary page, complete one of the following:
    • To begin rating goals, select the Start button in the Goals section. The Goals page displays the employee's assigned goals.
    • To edit a rating, select the Edit button in the Goals section. The Edit button appears only after the section has been started. The Edit button appears even if the review ratings are completed. You can modify the review ratings as the current contributor until the review has been acknowledged.
    • To add a journal entry to an existing goal, select the Journal Entries link.
  2. At each goal, select a rating and enter comments as needed.
    Note If a rating is not available for selection, the review may be configured for comments only.
    Performance Review - Goals
    • Depending on how your company has configured ratings, they may display differently on the review. For example, they may show a number from 1 to 5, instead of stars. Reviews can be configured to display average rating scales differently for Goals and Competencies. If enabled, a Not Applicable rating can be selected.
    • The Rating Scale link, located in the upper left-hand corner, indicates the rating scale that is assigned to this review. You can select the link to view the scale descriptors.
    • The View Entire Goal Plan link, located below the rating scale, displays for users with access to the employee's goals. You can select the link to display all goals for the employee.
    • The Show Details link, located below the goal description, indicates the goal alignment and type. You can select the link to display alignments.
    • The Journal Entries link, located below the goal details, allows you to view, enter or update progress on journal entries for each goal.
    • The Section Weight, located in the upper right-hand corner, indicates the percentage assigned to the Goals section, if applicable. Each goal weight is also listed.
  3. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  4. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • Comments and ratings are automatically saved upon system time out. When accessing the review after system time out, a warning message alerts you to unsaved data in one of the review sections. Upon accessing the section with unsaved changes, an informational message appears at the top of the page. You have the option to Save the information or Undo, which reverts the information to the last saved version.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, a message appears informing you that your comments will remain anonymous to all participants of the review.

Complete the Review Competencies Section - Additional Contributor

Individual contributors rate employee competencies on the Competencies page.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the Review Summary page, complete one of the following:
    • To begin rating competencies, select the Start button in the Competencies section. The Competencies page displays the employee's assigned competencies.
    • To edit a rating, select the Edit button in the Competencies section. The Edit button appears only after the section has been started. The Edit button appears even if the review ratings are completed. You can modify the review ratings as the current contributor until the review has been acknowledged.
    • To add a note to an existing competency, select Notes.
  2. At each competency, select a rating and enter any applicable comments.
    Note If a rating is not available for selection, the review may be configured for comments only.
    Performance Review - Competencies Page
    • Depending on how your company has configured ratings, they may display differently on the review. For example, they may show a number from 1 to 5, instead of stars. Reviews can be configured to display average rating scales differently for Goals and Competencies. If enabled, a Not Applicable rating can be selected.
    • The Rating Scale link, located in the upper left-hand corner, indicates the rating scale that is assigned to this review. You can select the link to view the scale descriptors.
    • The Notes link, located below the competency details, allows you to view or enter notes for each competency.
    • The Section Weight, located in the upper right-hand corner, indicates the percentage assigned to the Competencies section, if applicable. Each competency weight is also listed.
  3. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  4. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • Comments and ratings are automatically saved upon system time out. When accessing the review after system time out, a warning message alerts you to unsaved data in one of the review sections. Upon accessing the section with unsaved changes, an informational message appears at the top of the page. You have the option to Save the information or Undo, which reverts the information to the last saved version.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, a message appears informing you that your comments will remain anonymous to all participants of the review.

Complete the Configured Open Ended Questions Section - Additional Contributor

Optionally, additional contributors can complete the configured open ended questions section of a review.

Administrators determine the title of this section and the questions included.

  1. From the Review Summary page, select one of the following from the open ended question section:
    • Start - enables you to begin answering the questions.
    • Edit - enables you to edit answers that have been entered previously.
  2. Enter the answers to any question.
    Enter Open Questions for an Additional C
  3. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  4. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • All questions are optional for additional contributors even if they are required for the employee and manager.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, additional contributor names and roles are hidden to all participants of the review.

Complete the Review Overall Comments Section - Additional Contributor

Optionally, individual contributors can complete the Overall Comments section of a review on the Overall Comments page.

Manager II and Administrators should review each section of the performance review before entering an overall comment. Employees can also enter an overall comment for themselves.

Employees can only view this section if the review template is set to allow employees to view overall comments entered by the manager II or additional contributor feedback.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the Review Summary page, complete one of the following:
    • To begin entering overall comments, select the Start button in the Overall Comments section.
    • To edit existing comments, select the Edit button in the Overall Comments section. The Edit button appears only after the section has been started. The Edit button appears even if the overall comments are completed. You can modify the overall comments as the current contributor until the review has been accepted.
    • To view Overall Comments, select the View button, if applicable.
  2. From the Overall Comments page, enter comments to support or acknowledge the review, or simply View existing comments.
    Performance Review - Overall Comments Page
  3. Select Save to continue entering review information.
  4. Select Save & Close when you have completed all entries on this page. The Review Summary page appears.
    • Comments and ratings are automatically saved upon system time out. When accessing the review after system time out, a warning message alerts you to unsaved data in one of the review sections. Upon accessing the section with unsaved changes, an informational message appears at the top of the page. You have the option to Save the information or Undo, which reverts the information to the last saved version.
    • When the review template is configured for anonymous comments, a message appears informing you that your comments will remain anonymous to all participants of the review.

Submit a Review as an Additional Contributor

Once the additional contributor completes the applicable section(s) of an employee's review, the review is submitted to the requesting manager from the Review Summary page.

Navigation:Menu > Inbox > select review > Review Summary

  1. From the Review Summary page, review each section to ensure accuracy.
    Perormance Review - Submit To Manager
  2. Select Send. A confirmation pop-up window appears.
  3. Select OK. The review is submitted to the requesting manager.