UKG Pro Benefits: Benefits Stop Process for Dependents
Web Import Tool Benefit Stop Process for Dependents
When benefit plans are stopped for Employees, any benefit plans with dependents must have the coverage terminated for dependents attached to those plans.
- The Terminate Dependent Benefit plan stop import should be run prior to the employee benefit stop is run and only for plans which have dependents.
Import the Template
Templates are pre-formatted files that allow you to import data. Before you can use the templates, you must import the template files using the Web Import Tool (WIT). You use the Add Dependents to Benefits Template (which is found in the available templates) and use a terminate status in the CVS file instead of Add.
Validate the Add Dependents to Benefits Template
After the import is complete, the Add Dependent Benefit Plan template is available in your import list. The next step is to validate the template.
Activate the Template
Activate the template to ensure they're available for use. Once you've imported and validated the template, you must activate the template. This is the final step before the template is ready for use.
Run the Web Import Tool-Terminate Dependents Benefit Plans
Running the Web Import Tool (WIT) – Dependents Benefit Plans Listing Report will provide a list of dependents whose benefit plans may need to have benefit stop dates, and a terminated status for current year benefit plans. The report may need to be sorted/filtered by the correct benefit plans and dates. All the required information for the WIT will be included in this report. You will filter the excel report to contain the data you need to populate in the CSV import file.
Import the Terminate Dependents Benefit Plans CSV
Once the information on the Employee Benefit Plan listing has been filtered and the CSV file is correct, the information can be applied to your system using the Web Import tool. Make sure that your file was saved in a CSV format, and that you know the file path to locate the file for the upload.
Your CSV file for Import should have the columns-Company Code, EE Number, Deduction Code, Dependent Social, Cov Start Date, Cov Stop Date, Status. Coverage Start Date will be blank.
Review Your Import Results
Once the upload has completed, you must review the results. Reviewing the import results allows you to view the file summary to see how many records passed or failed, the duration of the import, and when it was processed. Next, you can review if the individual employee records failed or processed. You can make corrections as necessary to ensure the employee’s data is correct.
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