UKG Pro Benefits: Benefits Stop Process for Dependents

Web Import Tool Benefit Stop Process for Dependents

When benefit plans are stopped for Employees, any benefit plans with dependents must have the coverage terminated for dependents attached to those plans.

This process ensures that the dependents benefits are terminated when terminating the employee’s benefit/deduction. The Web Import Tool (WIT) is used to apply the coverage stop dates and change the benefit status to Terminated. The Dependent Benefit Stop process includes Running the UKG Pro People Analytics (formerly Business Intelligence) reports, importing, validating, and activating the templates.
  • The Terminate Dependent Benefit plan stop import should be run prior to the employee benefit stop is run and only for plans which have dependents.

Import the Template

Templates are pre-formatted files that allow you to import data. Before you can use the templates, you must import the template files using the Web Import Tool (WIT). You use the Add Dependents to Benefits Template (which is found in the available templates) and use a terminate status in the CVS file instead of Add.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool > File Mapping

  1. From the Import Tool drop-down menu, select the File-Mapping page.
  2. Check the Show Available Templates box to view available templates.
    Screenshot of UKG page with File-Mapping tab and Show Available Template check box highlighted.
  3. Check the box for the Add/Update dependents to Benefits. Select the Import Template from the Actions drop-down list and then select OK to complete the template import.
    Screenshot of File Mapping Steps with Add Dependents to Benefits and OK selected.
  4. Uncheck the Show Available Templates box.
    Screenshot of File-Mapping page with Show Available Templates unchecked.

Validate the Add Dependents to Benefits Template

After the import is complete, the Add Dependent Benefit Plan template is available in your import list. The next step is to validate the template.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool > File Mapping

  1. From the Import Tool drop-down menu, select the File Mapping page.
  2. Find the template titled Template – Add Dependents to Benefits. Select the link in the Mapping Description column.
    Screenshot of File Mapping page with a sample template titled Template-Add Dependents to Benefits (Imported: 09/30/20XX 10:57am) highlighted
  3. Check the Mapping Description column to ensure the correct template is displayed. When the file mapping layout opens, you may modify the mapping description. You may want to change the template name to – Terminate Dependents Benefit Plans. Select Next.
    Screenshot of File Mapping with Mapping Description highlighted with the Template-Add Dependents to Benefits selected.
  4. Verify the settings and Select Next; it is recommended that you do not modify these settings.
    File Mapping page with Next icon highlighted.
  5. Verify the Value Mapping settings and then select Next. It is recommended that you do not modify the default values.
    Screenshot of the File Mapping page with a list of values in actions, sources, target, and default.
  6. Select Validate next to the Change Employee Deduction Plan drop-down list, and then select Finish.
    Screenshot of File Mapping page with Finish icon highlighted.
    Note A company code warning message may appear. You may ignore this warning as it’s related to the sample template. For any other messages, open a support case on the UKG Community.

Activate the Template

Activate the template to ensure they're available for use. Once you've imported and validated the template, you must activate the template. This is the final step before the template is ready for use.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool > File Mapping

  1. From the Import Tool drop-down menu, select the File Mapping page.
  2. Find the template in the Mapping Description column titled Terminate Dependent Benefit Plans. Check the box on the right in the Active column, and then select the Activate/Deactivate icon.
    Screenshot of File Mapping page with Terminate Dependents Benefits Plans in Mapping Description, Active column selected, and Activate/De-activate areas and icons highlighted.
    Note As a default, the templates are set to deactivate, so by selecting, you are activating the template. A blue check box indicates success.

Run the Web Import Tool-Terminate Dependents Benefit Plans

Running the Web Import Tool (WIT) – Dependents Benefit Plans Listing Report will provide a list of dependents whose benefit plans may need to have benefit stop dates, and a terminated status for current year benefit plans. The report may need to be sorted/filtered by the correct benefit plans and dates. All the required information for the WIT will be included in this report. You will filter the excel report to contain the data you need to populate in the CSV import file.

Navigation:Menu >Administration > Business Intelligence > Team Content > UltiPro BI Content > UltiPro BI for Core HR and Payroll > UltiPro Delivered Reports > WIT – Benefit Reports

  1. From the Available Reports, select the (WIT) – Dependents Benefit Plans Listing. Select the ellipse (three dots) to open the drop-down list of options.
    Screenshot of UltiPro BI with the ellipse of WIT - Dependent Benefit Plan Listing highlighted.
  2. Select Run as from the drop-down menu.
    Screenshot of UltiPro BI with the ellipse of WIT - Dependent Benefit Plan Listing selected and Run as selected.
  3. By default, leave the prompt turned on. Choose to run as Excel. Then select Run.
    Screenshot of Run as page with Prompt Me selected and highlighted; Excel selected as Format and highlighted; and the Run icon highlighted.
  4. Select the desired employee’s benefit status and deduction types. When stopping benefit plans, we suggest selecting the Active employee status if you have not already stopped the employees corresponding benefit plans, select an employee status of Terminated if you have already stopped the employees corresponding benefit plans. You have the option to select all benefit types and sort/filter the resulting report or choose only the benefit types you would like to terminate. Select Finish.
    Screenshot of options, including Select Employee Benefit Status and Select Deduction/Benefit Type
  5. Once the report is run, you can find the excel in your download folder to open. Additionally, if configured in your browser, the downloaded file may be available in the download bar.
  6. All the required information for the import will be included in the report excel spreadsheet. You will filter the report and create the CSV file for import by performing steps 7-9 below.
    Note The following image is an example of the WIT-Dependent Plans Listing.
    Screenshot of a WIT - Dependent Benefit Plan Listing spreadsheet.
  7. Delete the merged blank row 1 at the top of the report.
    Note In the sample images, the merged cells above the blue column headings have been deleted.
  8. You must ensure the import file (CSV) contains only the records needed for the import by filtering the data in the excel report file. It is best practice to turn filtering on for the entire report.
    You want to include only the dependent records that you need to stop.
    • Column F - deduction/benefit code- select the benefit plans that need to be stopped.
    • Column J - coverage start date- You may want to stop only plans with a certain coverage start date or dates in the past, if you want to stop all the plans on the report then no need to filter this column.
  9. After filtering, download the corresponding CSV file (Terminate Dependents Benefit Plans) by returning to the Import Tool, file mapping page, then select the CSV file by selecting the name of the file.
    • You will need to copy the correct information to the CSV from the report excel.
      • Column A – the correct company code for the employee.
      • Column B – the employee number
      • Column C – Deduction code
      • Column D – Dependent social
      • Column E – change to blank for all
    • Add the benefit stop date and termination code by manually typing into the excel spreadsheet:
      • Column F – Coverage stop date – the date the current coverage will stop
      • To copy dates in the excel column, enter the date in the top cell for the column. Then highlight the cell with the date and all the cells below that should have that same date. Select CRTL + D to duplicate the date down the column
      • Column G – Status – change the A to a T by typing a T and dragging it down to all rows
    • Save the file as a CSV.
    Note For the Terminate Dependents Benefit plans, columns A – G are needed for the import. You can view the required fields for the import by opening the associated CSV file in the web portal mapping section of the import tool or view the example image below.
    Screenshot of an Excel file with Company Code in Column A, EE Number in B, Deduction Code in Column C, Dependent Social in Column D, Cov Start Date in Column E, Cov Stop Date in Column F, Status in Column G

Import the Terminate Dependents Benefit Plans CSV

Once the information on the Employee Benefit Plan listing has been filtered and the CSV file is correct, the information can be applied to your system using the Web Import tool. Make sure that your file was saved in a CSV format, and that you know the file path to locate the file for the upload.

Your CSV file for Import should have the columns-Company Code, EE Number, Deduction Code, Dependent Social, Cov Start Date, Cov Stop Date, Status. Coverage Start Date will be blank.

Screenshot of an excel file with A-Company Code, B-EE Number, C-Deduction Code, D-Dependent Social, E-Cov Start Date, F-Cov Stop Date, and G-Status.

Navigation:Menu >Administration > Import Tool > File Upload

  1. From the Import Tool drop-down menu, select the file upload page.
    Screenshot of File Upload with selection list, Choose File, and Upload features.
  2. Select the Terminate Dependents Benefit Plans from the drop-down menu.
    Screenshot of File Upload page with Terminate Dependents Benefit Plans selected in the Available File Mappings list.
  3. Select Choose File.
  4. A new window appears to select the correct file for import. Select the correct file then Select Open in the new window.
  5. Verify that the title of the uploaded CSV is correct. Then select Upload.
    File Upload screenshot with Upload button highlighted.
  6. Then select OK when the message box appears at the top of the screen to start the file processing.
  7. The file will be queued and uploaded; the import time depends on the size of the file. Look for the Information banner indicating that the file has been successfully queued for import.
    File Upload page with Information box highlighted.
    Note If you have multiple files to upload, you may upload more than one in a row. The system queues subsequent files while the initial file processes. For reference, uploading 10,000 records takes approximately 2-3 hours.

Review Your Import Results

Once the upload has completed, you must review the results. Reviewing the import results allows you to view the file summary to see how many records passed or failed, the duration of the import, and when it was processed. Next, you can review if the individual employee records failed or processed. You can make corrections as necessary to ensure the employee’s data is correct.

Navigation:Menu > Administration > Integration Studio > Import Tool> Results

  1. From the Import Tool drop-down menu, select the Results page. Search by File Name or File Process Date to find the result you need to review.
  2. Select the File Summary link. A new window appears.
    Screenshot of Import Results with File Summary link highlighted.
  3. From the File Summary window, select the Viewing File drop-down list option to view results. Select the file name you must review.
    Screenshot of File Summary page with Viewing File drop-down menu highlighted.
  4. The File Summary page refreshes. Review the Statistics section, which provides file information, including record count and duration of import processing.
  5. Review the Process section, which provides full counts of records that passed, failed, or had warnings.
  6. To review a specific file’s results in detail, close the file summary by selecting close to return to the Results tab. Search for the file using the Find by options drop-down list. The easiest search method is by File Name, but you can also search by Employee Name, Employee number, File Process Date, and more.
    Screenshot of Import Results with the Find by list showing and File name highlighted.
  7. Enter the key word in the field and select Search to view results from your file.
    Screenshot of Import Results with Find by drop-down, starts with, and terminate entered into the search box, and the Search icon all highlighted.
  8. Sorting by File Name is the best practice, so you can review all of the results for the specific file. Once the results display, you will be able to view a list of all employees in that import file. Alternatively, you can use the Excel icon next to the Actions drop- down list to import the results to an Excel file. Both options allow you to verify all data at once to see what was processed and to check for errors.
    • If the employee’s individual results indicate a record status of failed, you can select either method to correct:
      • Correct the data in the existing CSV file, copy the updated records to a new Excel and save as a CSV file. Then import only errored records that need correction. Return to the section in this guide titled Import the Employee Benefit Plan Listing to Stop Selected Benefit Plans for the necessary steps.
      • Select the employee’s name link to access the employee record and make an update in the web portal instead of re-importing a new file.
    Screenshot with excel download icon highlighted.
    Note If you have questions about errors or warnings, reach out to support via a ticket.