UKG Pro Web Services API Guide
Onboarding New Hires Integration Process
With web services, you can leverage your UKG ProOnboarding solution data for solving business application and integration needs.
The UKG Identity team registers the Partner or Customer Integration App with Onboarding, using an offline process. The integration must first be enabled for this tenant using UKG’s offline process. You can then enable the Partner or Customer Integration through Onboarding’s user interface (Settings > Integration Menu).
UKG provides the following integration details:
- API authentication information:
- Identity Host – provided for test or production clusters by the UKG Identity team
- Grant Type – grant_type: client_credentials
- OAuth Client ID – Client_id provided by the UKG Identity team
- Client Secret – Client_secret provided by the UKG Identity team
- Scope: Onboarding Note You must create a support case to request a Client ID and Client Secret to access this API.
- Cluster URLs for all production clustersNote For development or testing, a sandbox environment URL is sufficient.
- Tenant aliases Note For development or testing, the sandbox tenant alias is sufficient.
Review the Recruiting and Onboarding API Authentication Guide in the Learning Center for details on required authentication information and lists of data centers.
Security Data Flow
UKG Pro Identity (UPI) provides Authentication and Authorization for the systems. The UPI authentication process involves validating credentials or tokens and extracting claims about the identity. The goal of the Authentication process is to generate a principal (in the security sense) with all the necessary information needed to perform the authorization.
With UKG Pro Identity, authentication is handled using JWT Bearer tokens. Every New Hire API call needs an authorization token that must be passed in the header as follows:
- Authorization: Bearer <token>
- Application requests the OAuth token from UKG Pro Identity by providing their Client ID, Client Secret
- UKG Pro Identity verifies the credentials and returns an authorization token if they are valid
An OAuth token can be cached and reused. The OAuth token lifetime is returned in the expires_in field.
The UKG Pro Identity authorization process involves correlating the identity to the resources requested. This process starts first by validating the token and then by verifying if the principal has the required access roles. If the principal has the required roles, the authorization is granted. Internally UKG Pro Identity manages these credentials via the definitions of Scopes and Entitlements.
Onboarding API URLs
For the integration to connect to the correct UKG ProOnboarding APIs, integration developers need the following required information:
- Onboarding URL – to map to the correct endpoint URL
- Tenant alias for the customer(s) company
This information is visible to them from the Onboarding URL
itself. For example, ACA100 is the tenant alias in the following URL:
Data Center | Onboarding URL | Endpoint URL |
Atlanta Production | |{tenantalias}/new-hires |
Atlanta Test | |{tenantalias}/new-hires |
Phoenix Production | |{tenantalias}/new-hires |
Phoenix Test | |{tenantalias}/new-hires |
Toronto Production | |{tenantalias}/new-hires |
Toronto Test | |{tenantalias}/new-hires |
This section contains information about the POST/Tenants/{TenantIdentifier}/New-Hires method.
Resource URL
POST https://{{onb-host}}/talent/onboarding/v2/tenants/{{tenant-identifier}}/new-hires
Request Parameters
Name | Required or Optional | Description |
tenantIdentifier | Required |
Unique identifier of the tenant to interact with. Can be either the tenant alias or tenant ID. A tenant usually represents a single customer. |
body | Required |
New Hire object to be added *See below for details |
Best Practices:
- We recommend providing the Job for all hires.
- These validations exist in the API:
- When sending a Component Company, a Job must also be provided.
- Job and Component Company must be in the same country.
- When sending a Work Location, you are required to send a Component Company and a Job.
- Work Location must be valid for the Component Company.
- If you do not have Component Company, Work Location or Job information on the hire, we recommend assigning an Onboarding Owner in the POST.
- Anywhere there is an Id and Code, you only need to send one or the other. Code is the recommended field.
Field | Required or Optional | Max Length | Description |
ContactInformation | - | Contact information for the new hire | |
name | - | Name of the new hire | |
prefix | - | Prefix of the new hire | |
id |
Optional string | Unique identifier of the prefix | |
code |
Optional string | UKG Pro prefix code | |
first |
Required string | 50/100 |
First name of the new hire For International hires (based on country of component company), max length is 100. All other hires accept 50 characters. |
middle |
Optional string | 50 | Middle name of the new hire |
last |
Required string | 50/100 |
Last name of the new hire For International hires (based on country of component company), max length is 100. All other hires accept 50 characters. |
formerLast |
Optional string | 30/100 |
Former last name of the new hire For International hires (based on country of component company), max length is 100. All other hires accept 30 characters. |
suffix | - | Suffix of the new hire | |
id |
Optional string | Unique identifier of the suffix | |
code |
Optional string | UKG Pro suffix code | |
preferredFirst |
Optional string | 50/100 |
Preferred first name of the new hire For International hires (based on country of component company), max length is 100. All other hires accept 50 characters. |
emailaddress |
Required string | 254 | Email address of the new hire |
primaryPhone |
Optional string | 50 |
Primary phone number of the new hire If hire’s address country code is provided as USA or CAN, correct phone number format is validated. |
secondaryPhone |
Optional string | 50 |
Secondary phone number of the new hire If hire’s address country code is provided as USA or CAN, correct phone number format is validated. |
address | - | Address of the new hire | |
line1 |
Optional string | 100/255 |
Line 1 of the address If hire’s address country code is provided as USA or CAN, max length is 100. |
line2 |
Optional string | 100/255 |
Line 2 of the address If hire’s address country code is provided as USA or CAN, max length is 100. |
city |
Optional string | 50/255 |
City of the address If hire’s address country code is provided as USA or CAN, max length is 50. |
postalCode |
Optional string | 50 |
Zip/postal code of the address If hire’s address country code is provided as USA or CAN, correct postal code format is validated. |
county |
Optional string | 30/255 |
County of the address If hire’s address country code is provided as USA or CAN, max length is 30. |
stateCode |
Optional string |
State code of the address Note State code is used to determine US live-in tax forms and it is
recommended to send the state code of the hire
| |
countryCode |
Optional string |
ISO country code of the address Note If stateCode is sent, countryCode must also be sent
| |
onboardingOwnerId |
Optional/Conditional string |
External user identifier of the Onboarding Owner Required if not providing Job, Component Company or Work Location | |
hireDate |
Optional string($date-time) | Hire date of the new hire | |
startDate |
Optional string($date-time) | Start date of the new hire | |
pastStartDateReason |
Optional string | 250 |
Reason why the new hire start date is 4 or more business days in the past Note If a Past Start Date Reason is not required, we will ignore any
string provided by the vendor and write an empty string to the New Hire
orientationDate |
Optional string($date-time) | Orientation date of the new hire | |
compensation | - | Compensation information for the new hire | |
fullTime |
Optional boolean | Whether the new hire is full time | |
salaried |
Optional boolean | Whether the new hire is salaried | |
workHours |
Optional number | Work hours of the new hire | |
weeklyHours |
Optional number | 168.0 | Weekly hours of the new hire |
currencyCode |
Optional string | ISO currency code for the pay rate of the new hire | |
payRate |
Optional number | Pay rate of the new hire | |
ratePer |
Optional string |
Pay frequency of the new hire Accepts H, W, P, or Y | |
job | - |
Job information for the new hire Required when providing Component Company | |
id |
Optional/Conditional string |
Unique identifier of the job | |
code |
Optional/Conditional string | UKG Pro job code | |
requisitionId |
Optional string | 50 | RequisitionId of the job |
componentCompany | - |
Component company of the job | |
id |
Optional string | Unique identifier of the component company | |
code |
Optional string | UKG Pro component company code ID | |
workLocation | - |
Work location of the job
Required when providing Component Company | |
id |
Optional/Conditional string | Unique identifier of the work location | |
code |
Optional/Conditional string | UKG Pro work location code | |
supervisor | - | Supervisor of the job | |
id |
Optional string | Onboarding employee id | |
code |
Optional string | Person Id from UKG Pro | |
employeeType | - | Employee type for the job | |
id |
Optional string | Unique identifier of the employee type | |
code |
Optional string | UKG Pro employee type code | |
selectedFLSAStatus |
Optional integer |
Selected FLSA status for the job Enum: [ Not specified = 0, Exempt = 1, NonExempt = 2 ] | |
organizationLevels | - | Organization level | |
id |
Optional string | Identifier of the organization level | |
level |
Optional integer |
Level of the organization level Enum: [ Level 1 = 1, Level 2 = 2, Level 3 = 3, Level 4 = 4 ] | |
code |
Optional string | Code of the organization level | |
mentor | - | Mentor of the new hire | |
id |
Optional string | Onboarding employee id | |
code |
Optional string | Person Id from UKG Pro | |
description |
Optional string | 85 | Brief description of mentor Note If no valid Mentor is provided
(whether left empty or with an invalid ID), then any supplied Mentor description
is ignored. |
personalMessage |
Optional string | 250 | Personal message for the new hire |
Sample Request, JSON
"contactInformation": {
"name": {
"prefix": {
"code": "MR"
"first": "Hugo",
"middle": "Alexander",
"last": "Mastrantonioni",
"formerLast": "",
"preferredFirst": "Hugh",
"suffix": {
"code": "III"
"primaryPhone": "3056985433",
"secondaryPhone": "3056986533",
"address": {
"line1": "123 Main St",
"line2": "345 Side Rd",
"city": "Rosemead",
"postalCode": "A1A2B2",
"county": "Bruce County",
"stateCode": "ON",
"emailAddress": ""
"onboardingOwnerId": "74A3D0C8-FF2A-4EC9-9263-F515B000A0C5",
"hireDate": "06/23/2018",
"startDate": "06/30/2018",
"orientationDate": "07/06/2018",
"pastStartDateReason": "An internal audit revealed that the new hire was not initiated ",
"compensation": {
"fullTime": true,
"salaried": true,
"workHours": 40,
"weeklyHours": 32,
"currencyCode": "CAD",
"payRate": 35,
"ratePer": "H"
"job": {
"code": "DJOB",
"requisitionId": "DEV30335",
"selectedFLSAStatus": "2",
"componentCompany": {
"code": "WAYNEENT"
"workLocation": {
"code": "TORHQ”
"employeeType": {
"code": "CM1"
"supervisor": {
"code": "BF5DAEBD-9149-40BB-9AB3-C4755F98F4D0"
" organizationLevels": [
"level": 1,
"code": "PROD"
"level": 2,
"code": "PR"
"level": 3,
"code": "STAT"
"level": 4,
"code": "SALES"
"mentor": {
"description": "Oden is THE person who knows the product best. She loves helping new team members."
"personalMessage": "Hugo, I was very impressed with your passion. I am looking forward to working with you and I know your expertise in this space will help our team get to the next level."
Sample Response, JSON
"contactInformation": {
"name": {
"prefix": {
"id": "d9079570-57f0-4530-b889-a07c95acb846",
"name": {
"enUS": "Mr."
"first": "Hugo",
"middle": "Alexander",
"last": "Mastrantonioni",
"formerLast": "",
"suffix": {
"id": "99ace441-e900-4a4c-9731-c97ea8451482",
"name": {
"enUS": "III"
"preferredFirst": "Hugh"
"emailAddress": "",
"primaryPhone": "3056985433",
"secondaryPhone": "3056986533",
"address": {
"line1": "123 Main St",
"line2": "345 Side Rd",
"city": "Rosemead",
"postalCode": "A1A2B2",
"county": "Bruce County",
"stateCode": "ON",
"countryCode": "CAN"
"code": "CAN",
"name": {
"enUS": "Canada"
"job": {
"id": "96a5833e-5f4b-46b0-ac58-41dba1e4aa1b",
"code": "DJOB",
"name": {
"enUS": "Lead Tech",
"esES": "Tecnico Principal"
"requisitionId": "DEV30335",
"selectedFLSAStatus": 2,
"supervisor": {
"id": "28e2f53b-2366-4aef-98f0-f8b765bb9f7a",
"name": {
"prefix": {
"id": "d9079570-57f0-4530-b889-a07c95acb846",
"name": {
"enUS": "Mr."
"first": "Joe",
"middle": "Jose",
"last": "Santo",
"formerLast": "",
"suffix": {
"id": "99ace441-e900-4a4c-9731-c97ea8451482",
"name": {
"enUS": "Jr"
"preferredFirst": "Joseph"
"email": "",
"externalUserId": "BF5DAEBD-9149-40BB-9AB3-C4755F98F4D0"
"componentCompany": {
"id": "f7bbaf0c-d703-4b46-8ef2-8ea62e9319c4",
"name": "Wayne Enterprises"
"workLocation": {
"id": "b3ee9042-43be-4a9d-aa03-1ef2d41153f9",
"name": "Toronto Headquarters"
"employeeType": {
"id": "8ccb43fd-686b-4cbb-abb3-ced359148ae1",
"name": {
"enUS": "Comp Mgt 1-Reg"
"compensation": {
"isFullTime": true,
"isSalaried": true,
"workHours": 40,
“weeklyHours”: 32,
“currencyType": "CAD",
“currency”: {
"code": "CAD",
"name": {
"enUS": "Canadian Dollar"
"payRate": 35”
“ratePer”: {
"code": "H",
"name": {
"enUS": "Hour"
"mentor": {
"id": "56f378ee-90d4-44ec-9ab7-83f2437d1fe6",
"name": {
"prefix": {
"id": "d9079570-57f0-4530-b889-a07c95acb846",
"name": {
"enUS": "Mr."
"first": "Oden",
"middle": "Joe",
"last": "Leonerd",
"formerLast": "",
"suffix": {
"id": "99ace441-e900-4a4c-9731-c97ea8451482",
"name": {
"enUS": "III"
"preferredFirst": "Kevin"
"email": "",
"description": "Oden is THE person who knows the product best. She loves helping new team members.",
"externalUserId": "145A494C-DAFD-4454-881C-6700C85512C8"
"onboardingOwner": {
"id": "2d42c7a5-52de-402e-92af-493b5b7f0682",
"name": {
"prefix": {
"id": "d9079570-57f0-4530-b889-a07c95acb846",
"name": {
"enUS": "Mr."
"first": "Jared",
"middle": "Joseph",
"last": "Nalin",
"formerLast": "",
"suffix": {
"id": "99ace441-e900-4a4c-9731-c97ea8451482",
"name": {
"enUS": "III"
"preferredFirst": "Jared"
"email": "",
"externalUserId": "74A3D0C8-FF2A-4EC9-9263-F515B000A0C5"
"onboardingStatus": "Launched",
"sentToProcessHireDate": {
"utcInstant": "2018-06-07T17:44:25.358Z",
"offset": "-04:00:00"
"launchedOn": {
"utcInstant": "2018-06-07T17:44:25.358Z",
"offset": "-04:00:00"
"hireDate": "2018-06-23T00:00:00Z",
"orientationDate": "2018-07-06T00:00:00Z",
"startDate": "2018-06-30T00:00:00Z",
"organizationLevels": [
"id": "b7a43db9-73c7-43d6-aaab-7b2bc20ed50f",
"level": 1,
"code": "PROD",
"description": "Product division"
"id": "8e4507db-330b-466d-8786-9f55da5f6c31",
"level": 2,
"code": "PR",
"description": "Public relations"
"id": "2bf4a848-2926-485f-aa47-4aa8db90921b",
"level": 3,
"code": "STAT",
"description": "Stanton branch"
"id": "3c792567-7494-4f84-91ae-73c797c714ef",
"level": 4,
"code": "SALES",
"description": "Sales team"
"provisioning": {
"provisioningItems": [
"id": "9977e393-3e7a-4044-a8f9-d8c3f6ef0de2",
"name": "Corporate Credit Card",
"recipient": "",
"selectedOption": {
"id": "a4971b36-e8a3-43c8-b163-27c6d9dfbb98",
"description": "Amex Card"
"comments": "Requires a platinum Amex Card"
"id": "1f9c7b77-18b3-4ab7-b9cb-03790c0dc4bd",
"name": "Network Account",
"recipient": "",
"selectedOption": {
"id": "3c792567-7494-4f84-91ae-73c797c714ef",
"description": "Super Account"
"comments": "Highest clearance"
"id": "add33aee-ebff-4d50-8f45-9d7ab820c053",
"name": "Phone Type",
"recipient": "",
"selectedOption": {
"id": "05882bc4-7ae6-40b5-b1ee-2e56dd37bb49",
"description": "Galaxy S5"
"comments": "Requires a black phone"
"summaryEmailRecipients": [
"identityUserId": "05882bc4-7ae6-40b5-b1ee-2e56dd37bb49",
"externalUserId": "b7a4fd34-73c7-43d6-aaab-7b2bc20ed50f",
"personalMessage": "Hugo, I was very impressed with your passion. I am looking forward to working with you and I know your expertise in this space will help our team get to the next level.",
"pastStartDateReason": "An internal audit revealed that the new hire was not initiated",
"id": "05882bc4-7ae6-40b5-b1ee-2e56dd37bb49",
"createdAt": "2018-05-29T19:30:35.95Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-06-07T17:44:25.378Z"
This section contains information about the GET/Tenants/{TenantIdentifier}/New-Hires/{ID} method.
Resource URL
GET https://{{onb-host}}/talent/onboarding/v2/tenants/{{tenant-identifier}}/new-hires/{{new-hire-id}}
Request Parameters
Name | Required or Optional | Description |
tenantIdentifier | Required |
Unique identifier of the tenant to interact with. Can be either the tenant alias or tenant ID. A tenant usually represents a single customer. |
id | Required string | Unique identifier for the new hire. |
Response Parameters
Field | Field Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier of the new hire |
contactinformation | - | Contact information for the new hire |
name | - | Name of the new hire |
prefix | - | Prefix of the new hire in translatable format |
id | string | Id of the prefix |
name | string |
Name of the prefix Note Could be returned in several languages
first | string | First name of the new hire |
middle | string | Middle name of the new hire |
last | string | Last name of the new hire |
formerLast | string | Former last name of the new hire |
suffix | - | Suffix of the new hire in translatable format |
id | string | Id of the suffix |
name | string |
Name of the suffix Note Could be returned in several languages
preferredFirst | string | Preferred first name of the new hire |
emailaddress | string | Email address of the new hire |
primaryPhone | string | Primary phone number of the new hire |
secondaryPhone | string | Secondary phone number of the new hire |
address | - | Address of the new hire |
line1 | string | Line 1 of the address |
line2 | string | Line 2 of the address |
city | string | City of the address |
postalCode | string | Zip/postal code of the address |
county | string | County of the address |
stateCode | string | State code of the address |
countryCode | string | Country code of the address |
country | - | |
code | string | ISO Code of the address country |
name | string |
Name of the country Note Could be returned in several languages
onboardingOwner | - | Onboarding Owner for the new hire |
id | string | Id of the Onboarding Owner |
externalUserId | string | External user identifier of the Onboarding Owner |
string | Email of the Onboarding Owner | |
name | - | Name of the Onboarding Owner |
prefix | - | Prefix of the Onboarding Owner in translatable format |
id | string | Id of the prefix |
name | string |
Name of the prefix Note Could be returned in several languages
first | string | First name |
middle | string | Middle name |
last | string | Last name |
formerLast | string | Former Last Name |
suffix | - | Suffix of the Onboarding Owner in translatable format |
id | string | Id of the suffix |
name |
Name of the suffix Note Could be returned in several languages
preferredFirst | string | Preferred first name |
hireDate | string($date-time) | Hire date of the new hire |
startDate | string($date-time) | Start date of the new hire |
pastStartDateReason | string | Reason why the new hire start date is 4 or more business days in the past |
orientationDate | string($date-time) | Orientation date of the new hire |
compensation | - | Compensation information for the new hire |
isFullTime | boolean | Whether the new hire is full time |
isSalaried | boolean | Whether the new hire is salaried |
workHours | number | Work hours of the new hire |
weeklyHours | number | Weekly hours of the new hire |
currencytype | string | Currency type of the new hire’s pay |
currency | - | Currency code for the pay rate of the new hire |
code | string | Unique identifier of the currency code |
name | string |
Name of the currency Note Could be returned in several languages
payRate | number | Pay rate of the new hire |
ratePer | - | Pay frequency of the new hire |
code | string | Unique identifier of the pay frequency |
name | string |
Name of the pay frequency Note Could be returned in several languages
job | - | Job information for the new hire |
id | string | Unique identifier of the job |
name | string | The name of the job |
code | string | Code of the job |
requisitionId | string | Requisition Id of the job |
selectedFLSAStatus | integer |
Selected FLSA status for the job Enum: [Not specified = 0, Exempt = 1, NonExempt = 2] |
componentCompany | - | Component company of the job |
id | string | Unique identifier of the component company |
name | string | Name of the component company |
workLocation | - | Work location of the job |
id | string | Unique identifier of the work location |
name | string | Name of the work location |
supervisor | - | Supervisor of the job |
id | string | Id of the supervisor |
name | - | Name of the supervisor |
prefix | - | Prefix of the supervisor in translatable format |
id | string | Id of the prefix |
name | string |
Name of the prefix Note Could be returned in several languages
first | string | First name |
middle | string | Middle name |
last | string | Last name |
formerLast | string | Former last name |
suffix | - | Suffix of the supervisor in translatable format |
id | string | Id of the suffix |
name |
Name of the suffix Note Could be returned in several languages
preferredFirst | string | Preferred first name |
string | The email of the supervisor | |
externalUserId | string | The external user id of the supervisor |
employeeType | - | Employee type for the job |
id | string | Id of the employee type |
name | string |
Name of the employee type Note Could be returned in several languages
organizationLevels | - | Organization level |
id | string | Identifier of the organization level |
level | integer |
Level of the organization level Enum: [Level 1 = 1, Level 2 = 2, Level 3 = 3, Level 4 = 4] |
code | string | Unique code of an organization that the new hire is associated with |
description | string | Description of an organization that the new hire is associated with |
mentor | - | Mentor of the new hire |
id | string | Id of the mentor |
externalUserId | string | External user identifier of the mentor |
string | Email of the mentor | |
name | - | Name of the mentor |
prefix | - | Prefix of the mentor in translatable format |
id | string | Id of the prefix |
name | string |
Name of the prefix Note Could be returned in several languages
first | string | First name |
middle | string | Middle name |
last | string | Last name |
formerLast | string | Former Last name |
suffix | - | Suffix of the mentor in translatable format |
id | string | Id of the suffix |
name |
Name of the suffix Note Could be returned in several languages
preferredFirst | string | Preferred first name |
description | string | Description of the mentor |
provisioning | - | Provisioning for the new hire |
provisioningItems | - | The list of provisioning items selected for this New Hire |
- | An individual provisioning item that is assigned to a new hire | |
id | string | Id of the provisioning item |
name | string | Category of the provisioning item |
recipient | string | Recipient of the provisioning item |
selectedOption | - | Selected option for the provisioning item |
id | string | Unique identifier of the Option |
description | string | Description of the Option |
comments | string | Comment on the provisioning item |
summaryEmailRecipients | These emails receive updates about this new hire’s provisioning items | |
string | An individual email that receives updates on the new hire’s provisioning items | |
onboardingStatus | string | The status of the new hire in Onboarding |
identityUserId | string | Identity user identifier of the new hire |
externalUserId | string | External user identifier of the new hire |
employeeNumber | string | Employee number of the new hire |
createdAt |
string ($date-time) |
Creation date of the new hire |
updatedAt |
string ($date-time) |
Last updated date of the new hire |
sentToProcessHireDate |
string ($date-time) |
Date that the new hire was processed |
launchedOn |
string ($date-time) |
Launch date of the new hire |
Sample Response, JSON
"contactInformation": {
"name": {
"prefix": {
"id": "d9079570-57f0-4530-b889-a07c95acb846",
"name": {
"enUS": "Mr."
"first": "Hugo",
"middle": "Alexander",
"last": "Mastrantonioni",
"formerLast": "",
"suffix": {
"id": "99ace441-e900-4a4c-9731-c97ea8451482",
"name": {
"enUS": "III"
"preferredFirst": "Hugh"
"emailAddress": "",
"primaryPhone": "3056985433",
"secondaryPhone": "3056986533",
"address": {
"line1": "123 Main St",
"line2": "345 Side Rd",
"city": "Rosemead",
"postalCode": "A1A2B2"
"county": "Bruce County",
"stateCode": "ON",
"countryCode": "CAN",
"country": {
"code": "CAN",
"name": {
"enUS": "Canada",
"job": {
"id": "96a5833e-5f4b-46b0-ac58-41dba1e4aa1b",
"code": "DJOB",
"name": {
"enUS": "Lead Tech",
"esES": "Tecnico Principal"
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"recipient": "",
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"comments": "Requires a black phone"
"summaryEmailRecipients": [
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“employeeNumber”: "12338"
"personalMessage": "Hugo, I was very impressed with your passion. I am looking forward to working with you and I know your expertise in this space will help our team get to the next level.",
"pastStartDateReason": "An internal audit revealed that the new hire was not initiated",
"id": "05882bc4-7ae6-40b5-b1ee-2e56dd37bb49",
"createdAt": "2018-05-29T19:30:35.95Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-06-07T17:44:25.378Z"
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