Manage Individual Goals

Individual Goals

Goals are defined to enhance an employee’s skill set and provide supplemental information for performance reviews.

The employee Goals page is used by managers and employees to establish individual goals. Individual goals, defined as the manager's or employee's desired results, are usually established upfront, directing employees in accomplishing specific tasks within a given time frame.

Add or Change Individual Goals

Add or change individual goals on the Add/Change Goals page.


Navigation:Menu > Myself > Career & Education > Goals

Administrator or Manager

Navigation:Menu > Administration or My Team > My Employees > select employee > Career & Education > Goals

  1. From the Goals page, complete one of the following:
    • To add an individual goal, select Add.
    • To change an individual goal, select the applicable Title link.
    • To add a goal note, select the Goal Notes link.
    • To update goal progress, select the % Complete link.

    When the goal progress feature is enabled, the Goal Notes column is renamed to Goal Progress column to allow for documenting and goal progress to be updated as one entry.

    Goals Page
  2. From the Add/Change Goals page, at Title , enter a title for the goal.
    Add/Change Goals Page
  3. At the Status section, select whether the goal is Active or Inactive, which indicates if the goal is available for selection.
  4. At Description , enter a description for the goal. The goal description length can be up to 5,000 characters.
  5. At the Category drop-down list, select a goal category. The goal category is associated with the specified goal.
  6. At Weight , enter the percentage goal weight, if applicable.
  7. At the Goal Type drop-down list, select a goal type. The goal type is associated with the specified goal.
  8. At the Corporate Goal Alignment drop-down list, select a goal alignment, only if the goal is aligned with a corporate goal.
  9. At the Organizational Impact drop-down list, select an organizational impact for the goal.
  10. Select This is a Stretch Goal, if applicable.
  11. At the Goal Dates section, enter the Start and Due dates of the goal.
    • Performance Reviews does not enforce these dates. Dates are for customer reference and tracking purposes only.
    • Goal Start and Due dates can be set as required fields in the Change Talent Management Settings page (System Configuration > Talent Management > Edit).
    • Goal Start and Due dates can be edited while a review is in progress.
  12. Select Save. The Goals page appears with the new information.

    The Goals page displays goals assigned to the employee. You can apply goal weighting by selecting the Add/Change Goal Weighting link in the Things I Can Do section.