Hire Employees (International)

Hire Employees (International)

Hire or Rehire International Employees

International employees can be hired or rehired to component companies using the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event. The table describes the work event, lists the related business processes, and supported employee transactions (hire, rehire, and multi-company hire) for each country.


Refer to the US. Canadian, and International Employee Hiring, Transferring and Rehiring Readiness Checklist in the UKG Community Library to ensure your system is configured with the required business processes.

Supported work events and related business processes table.This work event provides key steps to complete the hiring process, including how to enter personal, job, and payroll information. An additional step is required for employers who have a time management solution.
Personal Page View

Hire International Employee Configuration

System administrators must configure access to the tools and processes needed to hire international employees before you begin the hire or rehire process. The configuration includes:

  • Add US/Canadian/International Employee Web Access Rights
  • Add International Employee Business Processes
  • Change National ID Business Process

  • Enable Name and Employee Number Record Search (optional)
Before using the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event to hire international employees, employers must review the Canadian and International Employee Hiring Readiness Checklist in the UKG Community Library to confirm that the work event supports their UKG Pro features, configured fields, and business processes.
Important If features, fields, and processes are not supported, employers must use the Add Global Employee work event to complete the hire or rehire process for international employees.

Enable Add US/Canadian/International Employee Web Access Rights

System administrators must enable web access rights for the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event for Employee Administrator and Manager roles.

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration > select role > Web Access Rights

  1. From the Web Access Rights page, expand My Team for your manager role or Employee Admin for your employee administrator role, then expand My Employees and My Employee List.
    Web Access Rights - Manager role
  2. In the Add US/Canadian/International Employee row, select the Add box.
  3. Select Save.

Enable Add International Employee Business Processes

System administrators must configure the Add International Employee (Hire/Rehire) business processes, including preference and notification options, using the settings for each role type (Manager and Employee Administrator).

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > Workflow Administration > Business Processes

  1. From the Business Processes page, use the Find By fields to search for the Add International Employee business process and select Search.
    Business Processes Page
  2. Select the applicable Add International Employee business process link to open the Detail page where you can configure settings, approvers, or observers.
  3. Complete the Enable/Disable Settings section:
    1. Check the Enable Business Process box to activate the business process.
    2. Select the Search icon to select a default administrator. The Default Administrator field is required.
    3. Check the Allow Initiator Comments box if you want to allow initiator comments to be entered.
    4. Check the Allow Edits During Approval Process box if you want to allow changes to be made during the process.
  4. Complete the Inbox and Email Settings section.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Complete the Approvers and Observers section, as needed.
  7. Repeat steps for each business process, as required.

Enable Name and Employee Number Record Search

Employers have the option to enable the Name and Employee Number search fields on the Look Up Employee page of the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event. Hiring managers can perform a more thorough record search using the additional fields before hiring or rehiring an employee.

Global Employee Look Up

Navigation:Menu > System Configuration > System Settings > Display Settings

  1. From the Display Settings page, select Edit.
  2. Switch the Search for Employee Duplicates toggle to YES to search by Name and Employee Number when using the work event.
    Search for employee duplicates toggle is enabled on the Change Display Settings page.
    When the search and related US/Canadian/International Employee business processes are enabled, employee administrators and managers can enter the name (first, last) and employee number as search criteria to find potential record matches. Record matches are not limited by role-based security qualifiers.
    Note If the manager does not have access to view the actual employee record, administrators must first obtain the employee's National ID of the country in which they were originally hired.

Hire an International Employee Process

Once the system administrator completes the configuration requirements, international employees can be hired or rehired to component companies using the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event.

After you complete the hiring process, you can make additional updates to an employee’s job-related information using different work events, including the Change Organization or Change Job work event.

Look Up Employee

Rehire former employees, regardless of the country location, by beginning the hire or rehire process with an employee record search. Identify and locate rehires by name, employee number, or national ID to minimize duplicate records.

Navigation:Menu > My Team > My Employees > Things I Can Do > Add US/Canadian/International Employee

  1. From the My Employees page, Things I Can Do section, select the Add US/Canadian/International Employee link. The Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event appears.
  2. From the Lookup Employee page, enter the information you have for the employee to determine if the employee is already in UKG Pro. Complete one of the following:
    1. If a match is found, select the employee record to proceed with the rehire or multi-company hire process. Enter the employee's national identification information for the country in which you are hiring or rehiring them.
      Important If you are not qualified to see this employee, you must provide the National ID from the original hire country in order to proceed with the rehire process.
      Global Look Up Match Found
    2. If a match is not found, the message, “No employees match the search criteria,” appears. Select the Click here link to hire a new employee and then select the company for which you are hiring. Enter the National ID and then reenter the number to confirm.
      Global Look Up No Match Found
  3. Select Next to go to the Personal page.
    Personal Page View

Add Employee Personal Information

Add or change personal information for an employee on the Personal page of the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event.

  1. Enter the employee's first and last name information (including the suffix). The employee’s name must be entered exactly as it appears on the employee's work authorization documentation.
  2. Enter the employee's date of birth.
  3. Enter the employee's contact information, including country, and address information.
  4. Enter the employee's phone and email information.
    Important Each email address must be unique. Do not share email addresses across multiple new hires. If email addresses are shared, new hires may have problems signing into UKG Pro.
  5. Select Next to go to the Job page.

Add Employee Job Information

Add or change job information for an employee on the Job page of the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event.

  1. From the Job page, enter the employee's hire date. This date automatically populates in the Seniority and Benefits Seniority Date fields, but can be changed if needed.
  2. Enter the employee's seniority date. This date is used to calculate the employee's length of service. It is also used to calculate how the employee accrues PTO and leave balances.
  3. Enter the employee's benefit seniority date. This date is used with benefit waiting periods to establish eligibility and coverage start dates.
  4. Enter the employee's next salary and performance review dates. The defaults for these dates are based on the company-level settings established during company configuration, but can be overwritten if necessary.
  5. Select the Job.
  6. Enter an alternate job title.
  7. Select a location.
  8. Enter a mailstop.
  9. Select a project, supervisor, division, department, region, and team lead.
  10. Select Next to go to the Payroll page.

Add Employee Payroll Information

Add or change payroll information for an employee on the Payroll page of the Add US/Canadian/International Employee work event.

  1. Select a currency.
  2. Enter the employee’s pay rate. Indicate how the pay rate is based (per hour, per period, per week or per year).
    Note For the Currency Conversion tool to be available, the COMPM product key must be registered and Currency Conversion must be enabled by your System Administrator. Additionally, you must have conversion rates configured for the selected pay currency; otherwise, the conversion tool is not displayed and a “No conversion rate exists for the selected currency” message appears.
  3. Select the employee’s pay group. Only active pay groups that you are qualified to view are listed. The pay frequency defaults based on the pay group selected.
  4. At the Pay Frequency section, ensure the following required fields are completed, otherwise pay rates will not calculate and the transaction cannot be saved: Scheduled hours employee type, and whether the employee is hourly or salaried, full-time or part-time, and the employee’s benefit group.
    Payroll Page view
  5. Select Next to go to the Time or Summary page.

Add Employee Time or Workforce Management Information

For organizations with a time or workforce management solution, a separate page displays after the Payroll step in the Add Employee and Add US/Canadian/International Employee work events. The fields will vary based on the solution that your organization uses.

Complete the fields on the time management product page. Refer to the table and select the applicable link in the Resource column.
Time Management SolutionProduct KeyResource
UKG Pro Time ManagementTIME (previously UTM) Add UKG Pro Time Management Settings for a New Employee
UKG Pro Time and AttendanceUTA Add UKG Pro Time and Attendance Settings for a New Employee
UKG Pro Time ClassicUPT Add UKG Pro Workforce Management Classic Settings for a New Employee
UKG Pro Scheduling ClassicUPS Add UKG Pro Workforce Management Classic Settings for a New Employee
UKG Pro Workforce ManagementWFDT Add UKG Pro Workforce Management Settings for a New Employee
UKG Pro Time and SchedulingWFRT Add UKG Pro Time and Scheduling Settings for a New Employee

Review and Submit Request Information

Review the information entered from the request on the Summary page. Return to the applicable page to make any changes, if needed.

  1. From the Summary page, review the information.
  2. Select Back to return to a previous page to make changes.
    Global Employee Summary Page
  3. Select Save.
    Note The Summary page appears with a Workflow Approvals section if approvals are required.