Company Setup Guide
Company Setup Overview
The Company Setup page provides access to view or modify existing primary and component companies, if you have the required access rights.
Edit or view the details of existing primary companies
Edit or view the details of existing component companies
Modify a component company for payment scenarios including uploading pay groups, banks and bank accounts.
Complete and test the configuration.
Modify the Tax Reporting fields for your primary company or component company.
For additional information, refer to the New Component Company Checklist and Common Help Scenarios for New Component Company Setup.
About Primary Companies
A primary company is the collection of all the data maintained for a group of employees.
Primary company data is required to process and report on all payroll and/or human resources employee transactions. The primary company contains information for employee earnings, deductions, taxes, job, benefits, general ledger, banking, and other employee-level information.
Various companies operate under different federal employer identification numbers (FEINs).
Different companies have the same FEIN, but operate separately and have accounting practices as separate entities.
Typically, setup information is contained in the primary company, but employees are hired into a company (previously known as a component company). The primary company provides a global view of its companies from UKG Pro and available reports.
Because the primary company sets the operating parameters for its companies, by default, the system populates many of these operating parameters when a company is created. Note that the system also allows you to modify specific parameters for the (component) company.
About the Company Organization Structure
In the primary company, you define the organizational structure for your business. The definitions for organization levels can only be maintained at the master company level; they cannot be changed at the component company level.
You can define and maintain the organization levels only at the primary company level. You cannot change these organizations at the component company level.
Organization Level Example

In this example, all component companies share the organization labels: Region, Division, Department, and Shop. Not only can the organization levels be used to categorize employees, organization level information can also be tied to general ledger accounts for labor allocation and reporting purposes for the company.
About Component Companies
Component Companies exist as by-products of the primary company from which they are created.
At least one component company must exist for each primary company. The primary company sets much of the structure for the company. Certain information entered on the primary company defaults in the company level. Some of this information can be edited at the company level to individualize each company established, as needed.
Certain defaults and company preferences must be established at the primary company level. These defaults and preferences can be changed at the company level.
Certain defaults may be established at the primary company level only. These defaults cannot be changed at the component company level.
Certain defaults may be established at the component company level. These defaults do not apply to the primary company.
Certain defaults filter down from the primary company to thecomponent companies only when you create a new component company. The result is that if a default is changed on the primary company level after component companies are created, the default must be changed for each componentcompany or a mass update must be applied.
Configure Company Setup Access Rights
Web access rights are required to access and make changes in the Company Setup page.
Manage Primary Companies
From the Company Setup page, you can view the details and modify the information for the Primary Company.
View and Edit Primary Company Details
To view or edit your primary company details, complete the following steps.
Primary Company Information
From the Primary Company Information tab, you can view and update basic information for your primary company.
Primary Company Information Fields
The following fields are available to view or edit.
Field | Description |
Company Name | (Read-only) Shows the company name entered for the primary company. |
Country | (Read-only) Shows the country for which the primary company is located. |
Code | (Read-only) Shows an alphanumeric code value that is unique across primary companies. This code is used to identify the company throughout the application. |
Doing business as | (Optional) If the primary company is operating under a name that is different from its legal name, enter the "doing business as" name in the field. If both the company and the Doing business as fields are populated, both names print on reports. |
Address | (Required) Displays the primary company's mailing address. |
Contact information | (Optional) Shows the name of the company's system administrator. |
Phone and Fax number | (Optional) Shows the master company's telecommunication contact numbers in the applicable fields. |
Primary Company Organization Information
From the Organization tab, you can view the details for the four defined organization levels your primary company.
Organizational structure is defined and maintained for component companies during the primary company set up and cannot be changed at the component company level. There is no hierarchy built into these levels.
Add an Organization Level
If you have fewer than four Organization levels, you can add an additional Organization level.
Primary Company Organization Fields
The following fields are available to view or edit.
Field | Description |
Code | (Read-only) Abbreviated labels are used when the full screen label does not fit in the allotted space. Therefore, the abbreviated codes display on various employee-level pages, sort descriptions, check printing options, and report column headings. |
Code length | (Read-only) Designates the maximum length of the code which defines the organization level in the setup tables. |
Description | (Required) The full description displays on pages or reports when space permits a longer description. |
Globe Icon | (Optional) Select the Globe icon and provide the description in your preferred languages. |
Primary Company Payroll Information
Set up defaults for payroll scheduling and other payroll information in the attached component companies on the Payroll tab.
Primary Company Payroll Information Fields
The following fields are available for the Primary Company on the Payroll tab.
Payroll Information
Field | Description |
Flag net pay over | (Optional) Enter a net pay dollar amount to flag for review. For example, to review any pay statements with a net amount of 5,000 or more, enter 5000.00 in this field. |
Full time equivalent work hours | (Optional) Enter the minimum number of hours an employee must be scheduled to work per work week to be considered a full-time employee in the FTE work hours field. The default is 0.00. |
Recon variance | Enter how much variance you want to allow (in dollars and cents) when doing your check reconciliation in the Recon variance field. You must enter a minimum amount of at least $0.01 for reconciliation. The default amount is $0.00. |
Instant/manual check in quarter | (Optional) Select the Instant Check In Quarter checkbox to enable an instant check's pay date to be within the current quarter for the tax group to which the employee's pay group is assigned. If this option is not enabled, the instant check pay date must be within the current month for the employee's pay group. This default for this option is unselected. |

Labor Allocations
In the Allocate list, select the checkboxes for the expenses to allocate.
In the Allocate by list, select the checkboxes for the "cost centers" to which employee earnings are distributed.

General Ledger Setup
Field | Description |
Shifts use different General Ledger (GL) base account | (Optional) Select this checkbox to indicate that shifts use different base accounts |
Account Number | (Optional) Create an account number for accounts without an assigned general ledger rule. |
Delimiter | (Optional) Create a delimiter for accounts without an assigned general ledger rule. |

Accrual GL Settings
Indicate how to distribute accruals for General Ledger (GL) and Labor Allocations.
Accrual Selections | Descriptions |
Pending Accruals: Populate pending accruals | (Optional) Select this checkbox to track pending accrual information based on employee earnings and populate the GL distribution file with this information. |
Pending Accruals: Allocate pending accruals | (Optional) To allocate and distribute pending accrued amounts based on employee earnings and populate the GL distribution file with this information, select this checkbox. Note: This checkbox becomes available when the Populate check box under Pending is selected. |
Allowed Accruals: Populate allowed accruals | (Optional) Select this checkbox to track allowed accrual information based on employee earnings and populate the GL distribution file with this information. |
Allowed Accruals: Allocate allowed accruals | (Optional) To allocate and distribute "allowed" accrued amounts based on employee earnings and populate the GL distribution file with this information, select this checkbox. Note: This checkbox becomes available when the Populate check box under Allowed is selected. The default is unchecked. |

Monthly Schedule
Set up a payroll processing calendar and indicate how to view and select dates for accessing and reporting payroll history information.
Select an option to indicate the basis for processing calendar creation, determine which month each pay period belongs to for pay numbering purposes, and which schedule to use when earnings and deductions are taken.
Option | Description |
Pay date | To base the monthly processing calendar on pay dates, select this option. |
Pay period end date | To base the monthly processing calendar on the pay period end date, select this option. |
Zero Net Document Numbers
Field | Description |
Automatically assign | Select this option for the system to automatically assign a check number to a zero net check. |
Manually assign | To assign a check number to a zero net check beginning with a specified check number, select this option and then enter the check number in the Check number field. |
Check number | If you select Manually assign, enter the number that aero net checks will be assigned in this field. |
Workers' Compensation
Field | Description |
Allow multiple workers' compensation codes | Allows jobs to have secondary worker's compensation codes assigned to it beyond the default codes for additional customization depending on the situation. |
Store Shift Rates
Field | Description |
Do not use shifts | (Read-Only) If the attached component companies do not use shift pay, select this option. |
Shift table | (Read-Only) If employees working a particular shift receive the same differential pay for working that shift, select this option. |
Job table | (Read-Only) If employees are paid shift differentials based on the job worked during that shift, select this option |
Use shift group | (Read-Only) To use shift groups to store shift rates on the job table, select the Use shift group check box. |
The following options are available to select.
Field | Description |
Disable time clock | Disables the display of the timeclock field on employee windows. |
Store average rate history | The system will populate the Average Pay table during pay calculations with the employees' average rate of pay. |
Timeclock- create regular pay if none in batch | The system will automatically create a regular payroll batch when posting a timeclock import if no batches have been previously created. |
Override salary deferred compensation limit | With this option enabled, the system will continue to deduct the deferred compensation contributions for employees even if they reach the wage limit. Review IRS guidelines concerning deferred compensation wage limits before enabling this feature. |

Primary Company Human Resources Information
Set up defaults for human resources information in the attached component companies on the Human Resources tab.
The options selected in the New hire review, Job change review, and Employee numbering method sections can be changed at the component company level.
Primary Company Human Resources Fields
The following fields are available to view or edit.
New Hire Reviews
Set up the default number of days until the next performance and salary review for new hires.
Field | Description |
Days until next performance review | (Optional) Enter the number of days before the first performance review for new hires. |
Days until next salary review | (Optional) Designate the number of days before the first salary review for new hires. |
Job Change Review
Set up the default number of days until the next performance and salary review for job changes.
Field | Description |
Days until next performance review | (Optional) Enter the number of days before the first performance review for job changes. |
Days until next salary review | (Optional) Designate the number of days before the first salary review for job changes. |
Retirement Ages
These ages will be used when you add an employee to calculate new employees' regular and early projected retirement dates.
Field | Description |
Regular retirement age | (Optional) Enter the regular retirement age. |
Early retirement age | (Optional) Enter the early retirement age. |
Employee Numbering Method
Field | Description |
Numbering Method | Select the employee numbering method for the primary company:
Employee Number Size | Enter the length of the employee identification number you want to use or display. The employee number is stored as nine characters in the application, but you can choose to display fewer numbers. When the size is adjusted, the field is trimmed from the right. When the employee number is saved, the employee number field is padded from the left with leading zeroes until it matches the field size you specify. You can also manually enter zeroes or any other characters as leading characters. This choice is made on the master company level and applies to all component companies. The default size is nine characters. If the employee numbering method is set to Equal to SSN, the field size cannot be adjusted from nine. |
Retain Employee Number on Transfer | Select this option to ensure that employees keep the same employee number when transferred to a different component company. |
Retain Employee Number on Rehire | Select this option to ensure that employees keep the same employee number when they are rehired into a company in which they have no history. |
Unique | Designates the rule for how employee numbers are kept unique within the application, either Within companies or Across companies. This selection is made in the Company Setup wizard and cannot be changed at the company level on the Human Resources Information page. |
HR Compliance Reporting (EEO and OSHA)
Set up Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) categories on your jobs.
Field | Description |
Categories only | Select this option if you only use the government-provided EEO categories within your companies. |
Categories and job groups | Select this option if you use both the government-provided EEO categories and user-defined job groups within your companies. |
Identify the organization level used as the reporting home department for recording and maintaining OSHA information.
Field | Description |
Level | Select the organization level your companies will use as the reporting home department for recording and maintaining OSHA information. Any one of the four organization levels you set up on the Organization tab can be used for this purpose. For example, Region, Division, Establishment, or Department. |
Auto increment case numbers | Select this option to automatically assign OSHA case numbers as they are recorded on the employee level. This enables you to indicate the number the application will use to begin assigning case numbers. |
Last OSHA number used | Enter the desired number to use to begin assigning OSHA case numbers. If you do not select the Auto increment case numbers option, this field is read-only and will display the last number used for an OSHA incident. |
Select to enable several different types of business rules, variable pay plans, training programs, and the Position Automation feature.
Field | Description |
Enable projects | Enables the Projects business rule and project field on the employee. |
Enable unions | Enables the Labor Union business rule and National and Local union fields on the employee. |
Enable job groups | Enables the Job Groups business rule and job groups/secondary jobs on the employee. |
Enable other rates | Displays other rates on the employee |
Pay scales | Turns on pay scales and the pay scale bruienss rule. |
Variable pay plans | Turns on variable pay plans and the ability to associate these plans with jobs. |
Training programs | Turns on training programs and the training programs business rule. |
Position Automation | Enable if you need Position Automation. |
Turns on the qualifiers used in deduction and benefit groups defining attributes that automatically qualify employees for deductions and benefit plas.
Select the Turn on deduction and benefit qualifiers box to activate the qualifiers used in the code setup tables for deductions/benefits groups.FSA Claims (UKG Pro backoffice)
Field | Description |
FSA claims | Enables Flexible Spending Account (FSA) claims. |
FSA min check | Enables a minimum FSA payment amount. Available only when the FSA claims option is selected. Note This option enables you to pay the employee's total claim amount once that amount reaches the user-defined minimum amount. For example, you may want only pay claim amounts greater than $10.00. If you select this option, you can set the minimum payment amount when you set up the FSA deduction/benefit plan. |
Print Options (UKG Pro backoffice)
Field | Description |
Summary | Print multiple FSA claims as a single line item displaying the total claim amount on pay statements. For example, if the employee has three FSA claims paid on the same check, the employee's would display one detail line that included the total claim amount for all three claims. Note The FSA Min Check option allows you to pay the employee's total claim amount once that amount reaches the user-defined minimum amount. For example, you may want only pay claim amounts greater than $10.00. If you select this option, you can set the minimum payment amount when you set up the FSA deduction/benefit plan. |
Details | Print multiple FSA claims as separate line items on pay statements. For example, if the employee has three FSA claims paid on the same check, each claim would display as a separate line item. Note When selecting Detail, the check format must be configured to include earnings detail. |
Field | Description |
Pay scales | (Optional) Enables pay scales and the pay scale business rule. |
Variable pay plans | (Optional) Enables variable pay plans and the ability to associate them with jobs. |
Training programs | (Optional) Enables training programs and the training programs business rule. |
Primary Company Tax Options
Set up defaults for human resources information in the attached component companies on the Tax Options tab.
From the Tax options page, you can configure both USA and Canada tax options.
Primary Company Tax Options Fields — U.S.
The following fields are available for the Primary Company on the Tax options tab for U.S. companies.
USA Tax Options
Field | Description |
Employer Type | (Required) Select the company's federal employment type for federal tax reporting:
FEIN Information
Field | Description |
FEIN | (Required) Enter the nine-digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) assigned to your company by the IRS. After this field is saved, it cannot be modified. |
Other FEIN | (Optional) Enter an additional FEIN, if required. Note The Other FEIN field is typically used in situations such as when a company goes through a corporate action such as merger or acquisition. |
Contact Information
The tax form contact information is used when generating tax reporting and tax forms.
Field | Description |
Country | (Required) Select the country for the tax company's tax reporting. |
Phone number | (Required) Enter the tax reporting contact telephone number that is used for tax reporting. Note If the company has any employees that receive 1099 earnings, this information is required and is printed on all Forms 1099. |
Magnetic Media
The Magnetic media setup options are used when quarterly and annual payroll and tax reporting files are generated.
Field | Description |
TCC code | (Required for U.S. companies only) Enter the five-digit Transmitter Control Code (TCC) assigned to your company by the IRS. |
Transfer agent | (Optional) Select this checkbox if your company uses an authorized transfer agent to handle the electronic (magnetic media) filing for payroll and tax reporting. |
Field | Description |
Tip establishment level | (Optional) Select the organization level to be used for tips. You can select one of the four organization levels set up on the Organization tab. |
Turn on Tip allocation | (Optional) Select this checkbox to enable tip allocations and provide the ability to distribute (allocate) tips among employees. |
Year-End Processing
Field | Description |
Electronic access time | (Required) Enter the number of years employees can view their electronic Forms W-2. |
Print method | (Required) Select a year-end print method option:
Employee form format | (Optional) If you select the Employee form print method to print the forms in house, select the print format for the Forms W-2. |
Primary Company Tax Options Fields — Canada
The following fields are available for the Primary Company on the Tax options tab for Canada companies.
Canada Tax Options
Field | Description |
Business number | (Required) Enter the nine-digit Business Number assigned to your company by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). After this field is saved, it cannot be modified. |
Tax Contact Information
Field | Description |
Country | (Required) Select the tax contact's country. |
Phone number | (Required) Enter the tax contact's phone number. |
Year-End Processing
Field | Description |
Use T4/RL-1 print service | (Optional) Select this option if you use UKG Pro Print Services to print year-end forms. |
Always furnish paper year-end slips for terminated employees | (Optional) Select this option to automatically change terminated employees' year-end slip consent from paperless to paper delivery. |
Manage Component Companies
Sometimes referred to as component companies, you can view the details and modify the information for the Companies.
Add a Component Company
When you create a new component company, some fields automatically populate with the values entered at the primary company level, but many of them can be altered to suit the needs of the individual component company.
Update an Existing Component Company
Complete the steps to modify the details of a component company.
Component Company Information Setup
This page provides basic information about your companies, including basic information like the company name as well as addresses and contact information.
Component Company Information Fields
The following fields are available from the Company Information page in Company Setup.
Primary Company Information
Field | Description |
Primary company name | (Read-only) Displays the primary company name. |
Country | (Read-only) Displays the country location for the primary company. |
Code | (Read-only) Displays the code used to identify the primary company throughout the application. |
Component Company Basic Information
Field | Description |
Company name | (Read-only) Displays the component company's legal name |
Country | (Read-only) Displays the country the component company is located in |
Code | Enter the code used to identify the component company |
Doing business as | (Optional) If the primary company is operating under a name that is different from its legal name, enter the name |
Currency | Enter the appropriate currency |
General Ledger (GL) segment | (Optional) Enter the general ledger segment code |
Import code | (Optional) Indicate how to translate an incoming company code |
North American Industry Classification System code | (Optional) Enter the appropriate North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code |
Industry description | (Optional) Provide the brief, user-generated industry description required to generate the OSHA 300A report |
Business close date | (Optional) Enter the date the establishment has ceased activity Note This field is for Puerto Rican establishments only.
Address, Contact Information, Phone, Fax, and Web
Field | Description |
Address fields | (Required) Enter the component company's mailing address. All fields except Address 2 are required. |
Contact information | (Optional) Enter a name as the point of contact for regulatory forms and reporting. |
Phone | (Optional) Enter the component company's telecommunication contact numbers in the applicable fields. Format is (555) 555-5555. |
Fax | (Optional) Enter the fax number. |
Other phone | (Optional) Enter other telecommunications contact information (such as a mobile number). |
(Optional) To set up an email address, enter the applicable information. | |
Website | (Optional) To set up a website address for the component company, enter the applicable information. |
Data Privacy Consent
Field | Description |
Data privacy content | (Required) Allows you to acquire data privacy consent from employees. Select Enable or Disable in this field. |
Dental Measures Act default value (Canada only)
Field | Description |
Dental Measures Act default value | (Optional) Select the highest default company-level dental coverage offered to employees. This selection is automatically applied to employees if they do not have a value assigned directly to them. |
Employment Contracts
Field | Description |
Employment Contracts | (Required) Allows you to add contract information for your employees. Select Enable or Disable in this field. |
Social Security Deferral (U.S. only)
Field | Description |
Defer the employer portion of Social Security according to the policy included in the CARES Act | (Optional) Select this option to enable the deferral. |
Allow employees to elect deferral of Social Security Taxes | (Optional) Select this option to enable the deferral election option. |
Component Company Payroll Setup
This page provides setup options for payroll functions such as full-time equivalent work hours, workers' compensation allocations, accruals, and labor allocations.
In addition to the primary company payroll setup, you can configure the specific options for each company.
Component Company Payroll Fields
The following fields are available from the Payroll page for the Component Company in Company Setup.
Full Time Equivalent Work Hours
The Full time equivalent work hours can be configured for the component company. If you set up the primary company with a work hours amount, the component company will use that amount by default.
Field | Description |
FTE work hours | (Required) Enter the minimum number of hours an employee must be scheduled to work per week to be considered a full-time employee in the FTE work hours field. Tip The default value for this field will match the setup for the primary company. |
Workers' Compensation
Select whether to populate workers' compensation amounts in the General Ledger (GL) distribution file for the employer, employee, or both employer and employee.
Field | Description |
Exclude all employees | (Optional) Select this checkbox to exclude all employees for this component company from workers' compensation calculations. Tip If you set up this field for the primary company, the default value for the component company will match the primary company. |
| (Required) Select at least one checkbox allocate workers' compensation amounts to the employer or employee (or both) when the General Ledger (GL) distribution file is created:
Tip The default value for this field will match the setup for the primary company. |
Accruals Settings
Indicate how to distribute accruals for General Ledger (GL) and Labor Allocations for the component company.
Field | Description |
| (Optional) Pending accruals refer to amounts accumulated by an employee before the employee is allowed to use them.
Tip If you set up this field for the primary company, the default value for the component company will match the primary company. |
| (Optional) Allowed accruals refer to amounts accumulated by an employee that the employee can use.
Tip If you set up this field for the primary company, the default value for the component company will match the primary company. |
Labor Allocations
The Labor allocations settings can be configured for the component company. By default, the Labor allocations settings for the component company match the primary company's setup.
Field | Description |
Allocate | (Optional) Select the checkboxes for the paid time off (PTO) and labor expenses to allocate between the employer and employee. Note The Employee Deductions option is for employer-paid benefits. Tip If you set up this field for the primary company, the default value for the component company will match the primary company. |
Allocate by | (Optional) Select the checkboxes to allocate based on organization levels and other employee groups where employee earnings are distributed. Tip If you set up this field for the primary company, the default value for the component company will match the primary company. |
Field | Description |
Tips rate | (Optional) Enter the percentage of tips employees should report as compared to their gross receipts. |
Allocate by | (Optional) Select the calculation method used for tip allocation:
Workers' compensation - group ID | (Optional) To set up cross-company workers' compensation wage limits, select another component company from the Workers' compensation - group ID drop-down list. The default selection is the current component company. |
Wage Validations
Field | Description |
Allow minimum wage validations | (Optional) Select the checkbox to validate hourly tipped employee pay according to the statutory requirements. |
Tax Arrears
Field | Description |
Allow tax arrears collection | (Optional) Select the checkbox to accrue uncollected tax arrears amounts to be collected on subsequent checks. |
Custom Checks
If your company uses Custom Checks feature: Customize checks with information for component companies in the Custom checks group box
Field | Description |
Message | (Optional) Enter a message to be printed on the custom checks for employees in this component company. |
Display accruals | (Optional) Select this checkbox to display accruals on the custom checks for employees in this component company. Tip If you set up this field for the primary company, the default value for the component company will match the primary company. |
Additional Company Information
Field | Description |
Batch report name | (Optional) Select the batch report to that the component company is paired with. |
Processing center | (Optional) Select a processing center for the component company. |
Processing team | (Optional) Select a processing team for the component company. |
Component Company Tax Reporting Setup
This page provides setup options for tax reporting functions such as Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), default work location, and various tax reporting options.
In addition to the primary company Tax options, you can configure the specific tax reporting options for each component company.
Component Company Tax Reporting Fields — U.S.
The following fields are available for U.S. component companies from the Tax reporting page in Company Setup.
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
Field | Description |
FEIN | (Required) Enter the nine-digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) assigned to your company by the IRS. Tip The default value for this field will match the setup for the primary company. |
Other FEIN | (Optional) Enter an additional FEIN, if required. Note The Other FEIN field is typically used in situations such as when a company goes through a corporate action such as merger or acquisition. |
Default Location
Field | Description |
Location | (Required) Select the default work location for employees of the component company. This selection appears as the default location during the New Hire business process. |
Tax Reporting Options
Field | Description |
Employer Type | (Required) Select the company's federal employment type for federal tax reporting:
Tip The default value for this field will match the setup for the primary company. |
Exclude from tax reporting | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox to exclude the component company from reporting tax information. |
State Unemployment Insurance reimbursable | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the component company is component company is eligible for SUI reimbursement. |
Federal Unemployment Tax Act exempt | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the component company is exempt from taxation resulting from the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). |
State Disability Insurance exempt | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the the component company is exempt from State Disability Insurance (SDI). |
Take State Unemployment Insurance credit | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox to include all of an employee's tax history records when calculating SUI taxable wages. Note If this option is selected, the employee's earnings paid in another state or under another component company are included when the system calculates their taxable wage base. |
Always furnish paper W2 for terminated employees | (Optional; read-only) Select this option to automatically change terminated employees' year-end Form W-2 consent from paperless to paper delivery. |
W-2 Information
Field | Description |
Social Security Administration (SSA) PIN | (Optional) Enter the SSA User ID (formerly PIN) assigned to the component company's authorized individual submitting the Social Security Administration. |
Notification code | (Optional) Select the preferred method of notification for any issues for this component company.
Preparer code | (Optional) Select the type of preparer for the component company's Forms W-2.
Resubmit electronic file | (Optional) Select this checkbox if you received a Resubmission Notice from Social Security Administration (SSA) and are resubmitting your corrected EFW2 or EFW2C file. |
Resubmission Wage File Identifier (WFID) | (Optional) Enter the component company's Wage File Identifier (WFID) assigned to a resubmitted Annual Wage Report (AWR). |
Electronic Filing
Field | Description |
Transmitter Control Code (TCC) | (Required for U.S. companies only) Enter the five-digit Transmitter Control Code (TCC) assigned to your component company by the IRS. |
Transfer agent | (Optional) Select this checkbox if your company uses an authorized transfer agent to handle the electronic (magnetic media) filing for payroll and tax reporting. |
Service bureau | (Optional) Select this checkbox if a service bureau submits the Form W-2 information. |
Tax Contact Information
Field | Description |
Country for tax reporting | (Required) Select the country for the tax company's tax reporting. Tip The default value for this field will match the setup for the primary company. |
Phone number | (Required) Enter the tax reporting contact telephone number that is used for tax reporting. Note If the company has any employees that receive 1099 earnings, this information is required and is printed on all Forms 1099. Tip The default value for this field will match the setup for the primary company. |
Tax Filing Service
Field | Description |
Tax filing | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if your company uses a third-party tax filing solution such as Ceridian Tax Service (CTS). |
Exclude 1099 earnings from Ceridian Tax Service | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox to exclude Form 1099 earnings from tax filing. Tip If you set up this field for the primary company, the default value for the component company will match the primary company. |
Ceridian Tax Service (CTS) collector ID | (Optional) If you use CTS for tax filing, enter your company's six-digit CTS identification number. |
Collector Contact
Field | Description |
Country for tax filing | (Optional) Select the country for the tax company's tax reporting. |
Phone number | (Optional) Enter the telephone number of the collector contact for tax filing information. |
Component Company Tax Reporting Fields — Canada
The following fields are available for Canada component companies from the Tax reporting page in Company Setup.
Business Number (BN)
Field | Description |
Business Number (BN) | (Required) Enter the nine-digit Business Number assigned to your company by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). After this field is saved, it cannot be modified. |
Default Location
Field | Description |
Location | (Optional) Select the default work location for employees of the component company. This selection appears as the default location during the New Hire business process. |
Tax Reporting Options
Field | Description |
Exclude from tax reporting | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the component company is exempt from tax reporting. |
Exempt from Employment Insurance | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the component company is exempt from Employment Insurance (EI). |
Exempt from Canada Pension Plan | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the component company is exempt from Canada Pension Plan (CPP). |
Exempt from Quebec Parental Insurance Plan | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the component company is exempt from Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP). |
Exempt from Quebec Pension Plan | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the component company is exempt from Quebec Pension Plan (QPP). |
Exempt from Workforce Skills Development and Recognition Fund | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if the component company is exempt from Workforce Skills Development and Recognition Fund in Quebec. |
Blanket waiver for PIT reduction | (Optional; read-only) Select this checkbox if your company received authorization via a special provincial income tax reduction waiver from CRA to use a special federal income tax calculation to prevent excess tax withholding for employees who work in one province but live in another. |
Tax Contact Information
Field | Description |
Country | (Required) Select the tax contact's country. Tip The default value for this field will match the setup for the primary company. |
Phone number | (Required) Enter the tax contact's phone number. Tip The default value for this field will match the setup for the primary company. |
Transmitter Information
Field | Description |
Transmitter number | (Required) Enter the six-digit number, preceeded by "MM," provided by the CRA that is required to electronically file T4 slips with the agency. to the Canada Revenue Agency. Preceded by "MM." |
Country | (Required) Select the country of origin for transmitter information. |
Address | (Required) Enter the address information, including the country, for the |
Transmitter contact name | (Required) Enter the name of the contact for the transmitter. |
Country | (Required) Enter the country for the transmitter contact. |
Phone number | (Required) Enter the phone number for the transfmitter. |
Component Company Human Resources Setup
This page provides setup options for HR functions such as default review periods, retirement ages, and the employee numbering method.
The default configuration is the same as the Primary Company's, however they can be changed on the company level.
Component Company Human Resources Fields
The following fields are available from the Human resources page in Company Setup.
New hire review defaults
Field | Description |
Days until next performance review | Enter the number of days before the first performance review for new hires. |
Days until next salary review | Designate the number of days before the first salary review for new hires. |
Job change review defaults
Field | Description |
Days until next performance review | Enter the number of days before the first performance review for job changes. |
Days until next salary review | Designate the number of days before the first salary review for job changes. |
Retirement ages
These ages are used by the New Hire wizard to calculate new employees' regular and early projected retirement dates.
Field | Description |
Regular retirement age | Enter the regular retirement age. |
Early retirement age | Enter the early retirement age. |
Employee numbering method
Field | Description |
Manual | Select this option to manually number each employee through the New Hire wizard. Manual employee numbers can be alphanumeric and are padded with leading zeros. |
Equal to Social Security Number | Select this option to use the employees' social security numbers as their application identification numbers. Note If you select this option, you cannot adjust the employee numbering size from nine. Also, it is recommended that the employee number uniqueness rule in the Unique field be set to Within Companies. Otherwise, you cannot transfer employees between component companies and maintain that employee with the same employee number. The value in the Unique field is set in the Company Setup wizard and cannot be changed at the component company level. |
Equal to timeclock | Select this option to use the employees' assigned timeclock or badge numbers as their identification numbers. These employee numbers can be alphanumeric and are padded with leading zeros. When using this method for assigning new employee numbers, the New Hire wizard allows you to enter only up to nine characters in the Timeclock ID field. |
Auto incrementing | Select this option to enable the application to automatically assign sequential numbers to new or rehired employees. When auto-incrementing numbers, the application searches for unused numbers beginning with the last-number-used value, assigning numbers using the next number in sequential order. You must manually input the last number used. |
Last number used | Enter the last employee number used to enable the application to generate the next sequential employee number. If you enter employee number 600 in the Last number used field, the application begins numbering with 601. This field is only available after selecting the Auto incrementing option. |
The Options section includes an optional setting for displaying IPEDS (Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System) fields for US EEO reporting.
Select Show IPEDS fields-US EEO Reporting to enable the option to tie an IPEDS Occupational category to a job code.
In addition to enabling the option to show IPEDS fields for the component company, system administrators must enable web access rights to Change IPEDS and activate the Change IPEDS business process before administrators and managers can view and edit the IPEDS fields on the Private Info page.
Edit IPEDS Fields
Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data Fields are used by employers who have a statutory requirement to report IPEDS data. Employers can also collect and use this information for other purposes within their companies.
- From the Private Information page, select Edit.
- From the Things I Can Do pane, select Change IPEDS.
- Select the Faculty checkbox.
- Select a field from each menu. All fields are required.
- Select Save.
Common Help Scenarios for New Component Company Setup
Learn more about when a Service Request or Support Case may be needed when setting up a new component company.
When you set up a new component company, you may encounter scenarios that require you to submit a Service Request or a Support Case. There are two ways to add a new component company: you can set up the component company up yourself (self-service) or you can submit a UKG Post Live Services Service Request if you would like UKG to set up a new component company and all its additional components on your behalf for a fee. Use the tables below to determine when you need to submit one or more Service Requests or Support Cases.
Utilizing UKG Post Live for Component Company Setup
If you would like UKG to set up a new component company and all its additional components on your behalf, you can submit a UKG Post Live Services Service Request for a fee.
Scenario | Action |
You would like UKG to complete the component company setup process for you | Submit a UKG Post Live Service Request |
Component Company Setup Help Scenarios for Required Configurations
Use the table below to review common scenarios for required configurations. You may need to submit one or more Service Requests or Support Cases.
Self-Service Actions for Required Configurations
Scenario | Action |
You are a UKG Pro Payment Services customer and use Tax Filing |
You are a not UKG Pro Payment Services customer and using a third party to file taxes or are self filing taxes. |
You are a UKG Pro Employee Pay customer | Submit a Service Request. Optional: If you require manual checks, you will need to submit a Form Print Services (FPS) Service Request to order check stock for manual checks. |
You are a UKG Pro Payment Services customer and complete everything in house | Add:
You are a UKG Pro customer and using component companies for tracking purposes only | Add:
Component Company Help Scenarios for Optional Configurations
Use the tables below to review common scenarios for optional configurations. You may need to submit one or more Service Requests or Support Cases.
Direct Deposit Automation
Scenario | Action |
You are using an existing bank for direct deposit automation | Submit a Support Case to UKG Data Exchange Services (UDES) to add to an existing business rule |
You need to add a new bank for direct deposit automation | Submit a Service Request to UKG Data Exchange Services (UDES) to establish a new transmission connection |
You are manually submitting direct deposit to a bank | No action is needed |
Vendor File Transmission Automation
Scenario | Action |
You are using an existing vendor connection | Submit a support case to Custom Interface (CI) |
You need to establish a new vendor connection | Submit an integration Service Request to establish a new transmission connection |
You are manually sending vendor files | No action is needed |
Print Services for Live Checks
Scenario | Action |
You are using Print Services for live checks | Submit a Support Case to Print Services to add a new company or pay group for check printing |
You are not using Print Services | No action is needed. Optional: If you need to order check stock for in-house printing, you may need to submit a Form Print Services (FPS) Service Request |
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This document and all information contained herein are provided to you "AS IS" and UKG Inc. and its affiliates (collectively "UKG") make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of this document, and UKG specifically disclaims all warranties, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The document and its content are confidential information of UKG and may not be disseminated to any third party. No part of this document or its content may be reproduced in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written authorization of UKG. Nothing herein constitutes legal, tax, or other professional advice. All legal, tax, or other questions or concerns should be directed to your legal counsel, tax consultant, or other professional advisor. All company, organization, person, and event references are fictional. Any resemblance to actual companies, organizations, persons, and events is entirely coincidental.