Change Name, Address, or Telephone Information

Change Name, Address, or Telephone Information

On the Change Name, Address, or Telephone page, you can add or change information, including your name, home phone, address, and primary and alternate email addresses.

All phone numbers, except the work number, can be designated as private in order to keep the number from appearing anywhere else in the portal, such as the Employee Directory.

Tip If you are unable to add or change information on this page, contact your HR administrator for more details.

Navigation:Menu > Myself > Personal > Name, Address, and Telephone

  1. From the Name, Address, and Telephone page, select Edit. The Change Name, Address, or Telephone page appears.
  2. Enter an effective date. Changes can be future dated.
  3. Enter your name, address, telephone, and email.
  4. If the Quick Address Search box is visible, start to enter your address and select the desired address from the list.
  5. In the address section, select the Finder icon next to the County field available for U.S. addresses to automatically update the field.
  6. In the Telephone section, use these guidelines to enter the number:
    • The Primary Home Phone and Work Phone number fields are validated based on the correct digit length of the selected country.
    • For U.S. and Canada phone numbers, the valid field format is a three-digit area code in parentheses followed by three digits, a hyphen, and four digits (for example (555) 666-7777).
    • For global country phone numbers, the number is validated based on the digit length of the selected country. A warning message appears if the phone number you enter does not contain the correct number of digits for the country.
  7. Select Yes from the Private box if the primary home telephone number should be kept private.
  8. Select Save. The Name, Address, and Telephone page appears with the new information.
    Note A warning message appears if the update requires a change to your state tax withholding form (Menu > Myself > Pay > Income Tax).