Delete a Paycode

Delete a Paycode

You can delete paycodes that no longer apply or were entered in error.

Navigation:Main Menu > Schedule > [applicable Schedule Planner]

  1. In the schedule, right-click any paycode in the schedule. The Shift glance appears.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Select Save.
    Note You cannot delete signed-off or locked items, or items on signed-off or locked days
    Note If you have many paycodes to delete, save time by using the Quick Actions Delete instead.

Retrieve Paycode Deleted by Mistake

The schedule does not have an "un-do" command, but there are ways to retrieve an item deleted by mistake.

Navigation:Main Menu > Schedule > [Applicable Schedule Planner] 

  1. After deleting a paycode in the schedule by mistake, select Refresh if you have not saved the schedule changes. The software re-loads the last saved version.
    Important Refresh removes all changes since the last save.
  2. If you did save changes and the deleted item was part of a schedule pattern, right-click the applicable cell in the schedule grid and select Restore.
  3. If you did save changes and the deleted item was inherited from a schedule group or employment terms group, right-click the applicable cell in the schedule grid and select Reinherit.
  4. Select Save.