Manage Schedule Tile
Manage Schedule Tile
The Manage Schedule tile is a quick view to employees' schedules. You can also access the full schedule form the Manage Schedule tile.
- Starting - Identifies employees who are scheduled to start their shift soon.
- Missing - Identifies employees who were scheduled to start recently but who did not punch in.
- Taking a Break - Identify employees who are taking (or are about to take) a scheduled break.
- Leaving - Identifies employees who are scheduled to leave soon.
Manage Schedule Tile Details
The Manage Schedule tile displays summary and detail schedule information for employees.
The layout of employee photographs is compact, and an icon is displayed when there are more employees in a shift category than can be displayed on the tile.
Avatars composed of employee first and last initials on a disk are displayed if employee photographs have not been configured.

You can drill down to view detailed shift information for all the employees in a shift category, and for more detailed information on individual employees.

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