Use the Punch Tile

Use The Punch Tile

You can record your time and perform other functions using the punch tile.

Recording in and out time is the first step to capturing accurate and correct work reporting data to complete the pay schedule process. Depending on your organization, you may be prompted to answer questions after you select a button in order to complete a punch.

Punch Summary

After you punch, the Punch tile displays a summary of information related to the punch.

Punch summary information includes:

  • A confirmation message.
  • The time the punch was submitted.
  • Job transfer information for transfers selected by the employee at the time of the punch. Information for automatic transfers is not displayed. Clicking an information icon displays the job's full path when clicked. Work rule transfer information is not displayed.
  • Assignment information (displayed only for multiple assignments employees if they selected something other than their primary assignment for the punch).
Note The punch summary is not displayed when the Workflow Only button type is used for the punch, or if the employee uses their timecard for time entry.

Record Time Using the Punch Tile

The Punch tile is primarily used to record in and out punches.

The Punch tile is also used to transfer time to another job, labor category, or work rule; cancel meal or break reductions when you don’t take a break during your shift, or view your last recorded punch time. Your Punch tile buttons may have slightly different names than what appears here due to your organization's preferences.

Navigation:Home Page > Punch tile

  1. Select Punch.
    • A success message appears, along with the time of the punch updated.
    • If there is a problem with your punch, a failure message displays with the reason.
  2. At Cancel Deduction? select a radio button.

    Deductions are automatic breaks built into a shift. For example, if you have an 8.5-hour shift with half-hour break deduction, you are paid for 8 hours. If you work through the break, you may be able to cancel the deduction while recording your timestamp.

    This is enabled by default.

    Select Yes to enable this feature. This cancels all automatic meal and break deductions. If you have multiple deductions within a shift, all the deductions will be canceled within that shift.

Record Time with Transfer

A transfer is performed when you need to change your job, change your work rule (or pay calculation), or change your labor category for that shift. You can perform many transfers during your work day.

Navigation:Home Page > Punch tile

  1. From the drop-down list, select Transfer.
  2. From the Transfer Panel, select the applicable business structure, cost center, labor category, or job and complete the information in the panel.
  3. Select Apply.
  4. Select Punch.