Administering Self-Service Passwords

UKG TeleStaff Cloud Feature Only

The following feature is only available in the UKG TeleStaff Cloud solution.

Find your version of TeleStaff by navigating to the Login page. The Login page for UKG TeleStaff Cloud states, Welcome to UKG TeleStaff Cloud.

UKG TeleStaff Cloud login page.

Self-Service Passwords

Passwords in the UKG TeleStaff Cloud solution are set by employees. There is not a default password.

When employees forget their password, they can select the Forgot my password link on the Login page. New employees are sent an email with a link to reset their password.

For employees without email, administrators generate a one-time use password which is used by the employee to create their password on the login page.

Note Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is not necessary when setting or resetting passwords.
Note Self-service passwords do not apply to organizations on their own Single Sign-On (SSO) user authentication or use an Identity Provider (IdP).

How to Reset Your Password

Initiate creating a new password at the UKG TeleStaff Cloud solution Login page.

Navigation:UKG TeleStaff Cloud Login Page

  1. From the UKG TeleStaff Cloud Login page, select the Forgot my password link.
    UKG TeleStaff Cloud login page highlighting Forgot my Password link.
  2. This directs you to the Password Reset page. Enter your User ID or email address.
  3. Select Submit. A notification appears informing you that an email from with the subject line "Reset your system password" was sent.
  4. Locate and open the email.
    Email with link to reset a password.
  5. Select the Click here to reset password link. This opens the Password Reset page.
    UKG TeleStaff Cloud reset password page.
  6. Enter a new password and re-enter to confirm.
  7. Select Submit.
    Note When organizations separate phone passwords from web passwords, the Reset Password page includes fields to reset both passwords.

People General Tab Settings

An employee's General tab, located in their personal information, holds their authenticated email address. This email address is used by the UKG TeleStaff Cloud solution to authenticate an employee when they've forgotten their password. This tab also holds settings for when employees require assistance from their administrators with forgotten passwords.

Authenticate Email Address

Security section of General tab highlighting Authentication Email Address field.

The reset password email is sent to the email in the Authenticate Email Address field located in the Security section.

This field has important security uses.
  • When an employee has forgotten their password, they are asked to confirm their identity by entering their user ID or email address.
  • This is the only email address used for receiving password resets.

Login Status

Login section of General tab highlighting password reset options for administrators.
The Login section of the General tab is used when administrators reset passwords for employees.
  • Send Password Reset Email: Select to send an email to the employee with a password reset link.

  • Send Phone Password Reset Email: This setting is only visible when phone passwords are separated from web passwords. Select to send an email with a link to reset the employee's phone password.

  • Reset and Generate Temporary Password: This setting is for employees without email. Select to reset the employee's password and generate a temporary password which the administrator provides to the employee.

  • Reset and Generate Temporary Phone PIN: This setting is only visible when phone passwords are separated from web passwords andis for employees without email. Select to reset the employee's phone password and generate a temporary one-time use PIN which the administrator provides to the employee.

How to Send a Password Reset Email to Employees

For employees that need assistance in resetting their password, administrators can initiate the reset.

Navigation:Toolbar > People > Select Employee > General Tab

  1. From the employee's General tab, locate the Login section.
  2. Select the appropriate setting to send a password reset email.
  3. If the employee needs to reset both their phone and web passwords, select both settings.
  4. Select Save to send the password reset email.
    Note For organizations with separated phone and web passwords, if both settings are selected, only one email is sent to the employee with links for resetting both passwords.

Passwords for New Employees

Upon entering a new employee into the solution, the reset password email is automatically sent. The email address used is in the Authenticate Email Address field found on the employee's General tab.

Manual New Employee Entry

When employees are entered into the solution manually, if the Authenticate Email Address field is not populated upon save, the solution searches contact fields in order from one to four. The first email address it comes across is copied tothe Authenticate Email Address field.

Imported New Employees

When new employees are imported into the solution, the Authenticate Email Address field is not included in the import. Instead, he solution searchescontact fields in order from one to four. The first email address it comes across is copied to the Authenticate Email Address field.

Employees Without Email

For employees without email, administrators create a temporary password and give it to the employee. Employees then navigate to the Login page and use the temporary password to create their own.

Navigation:Toolbar > People > Select Employee > General Tab

  1. From the employee's General tab, locate the Login section.
  2. Select the appropriate setting to generate a temporary password for the employee.
  3. If the employee needs both their phone and web passwords reset, select both settings.
  4. Select Save. A blue notification box confirms that the user's password has been reset and includes a link to show the temporary password.
    Login section of General tab with notification box indicating web password have been reset to xxxx and the Show Password link.
  5. Select Show password and provide it to the employee.
    Login section of General tab with notification box showing temporary password.