How to Access the Ultimate Community

We’ve included some helpful tips and information once you gain access to our Ultimate Community.
Use the steps below to sign in.

Get Started

Reached this page in error?

Oops that was unexpected. Let’s get you some help. Please have the appropriate contact at your company create a support case so we can assist you.

Access Ultimate Community

Let’s review what you can expect when you gain access to our Ultimate Community !

  • Request Access
    • During Launch, the Project Manager requests access for your core project team on your behalf based on the Contact Sheet provided.
    • Once you are live with UKG Pro, your UKG Ultimate Community Administrator sends UKG a request through the Ultimate Community using the "Add New Contact" Form.

      Hover over Name in Top Right Corner > Drop Down will appear > Select Company

  • Receive Notification

    1. Shortly after your request of access setup, an automated notification email with login instructions is sent to you. It’s a good idea to check your spam and junk folders if a notification is not received.   
    2. If you are not able to find the notification email with login instructions which is titled “Welcome to the Ultimate Community (Customer Success Portal),”  You can click here: > Support > Ultimate Community and select forgot password.  Enter your username which will generate an email to you where you can reset your password.  
      1. *Your username is typically your corporate email address.  If entering your username does not generate an email to you, please contact your UKG Ultimate Community Administrator for assistance.
  • Create Password
    Once you receive the login instructions, select click here for first time users and follow the prompts to create your new password.

  • Log in to Ultimate Community
    Once you create your password, you are automatically logged in and the Ultimate Community home page appears.

Reset Your Password

Forget your password? No problem! Simply reset your password from the Ultimate Community Sign On page.

  1. From the  Ultimate Community Sign On page, select Forgot Your Password?    
  2. Enter your username.
  3. Select Send Password Reset Email. Based on your username, an email is sent to you, which includes password reset instructions.

  4. Once you reset your password, you’ll receive a confirmation email. If you don’t receive an email, check your spam and junk folders.
  5. Select the link in the confirmation email to access the Ultimate Community  – Change Your Password page to enter your new password, confirm your new password, and select Change Password.

Troubleshoot Issues

Let’s review some basic troubleshooting issues and resolutions.



Blank Screen with Ultimate Community Selection

Turn off the pop-up blocker.
If a blank screen appears after selecting the Ultimate Community in the UKG Pro drop-down list, the pop-up blocker may have been turned on in error.

SAML Error with
Ultimate Community Selection

Your UKG Ultimate Community Administrator can verify if the user is a Guest User vs. an employee in UKG Pro.

Each user must be set up as an employee in UKG Pro to use Single Sign-on (SSO).

Unavailable Ultimate Community Option

Contact your UKG Ultimate Community Administrator to check security role access. Roles are assigned in UKG Pro system configuration with specific access.

The Ultimate Community  would appear as an option on the UKG Pro drop down menu if it's turned on/or the contact has a role in UKG Pro that has this option available.

Access Request Email
Not Received
(spam and junk folders checked)


Contact your SaaS Focal Contact or your Portal Administrator for assistance.


Account Disabled; Notification Received at Login

Account Locked

Login Option Not Found; Incorrect Username/Password  Notification Received

Password Reset Email
Not Received
(spam and junk folders checked)