Recruiting administrators can add common application questions to the Question Library,
to standardize them and make it easy to add them to Opportunities.
On the Question Library page, select Create Question.
On the Create Question page, enter the question text. The answer type cannot be changed
once the question is created, so keep that in mind when writing the question.
Select an answer type: Multiple Choice, Text Field, or Number Range.
- Optional:
Complete the following tasks, if desired.
- Enter answer choices. Answers are not required for the library and can be assigned
when creating the Opportunity.
- Specify whether an answer is the correct answer.
- Specify whether an answer is a disqualifying answer that prevents the applicant from
moving forward in the recruiting process. Point values are not assigned at the library
and are selected when creating the opportunity.
From the Create Question page, preview the question to view it as the applicant will.
Save the question. As questions are added, newer ones move to the top of the page.
You can also preview and delete questions from the Question Library page.