Recalculate Timesheets

Administrators and managers can recalculate timesheets on demand for selected employees or all employees within selected pay rule groups for a selected date range.


  • Either the MANAGER_TIMESHEET_RECALC permission or ADMIN_TIMESHEET_RECALC permission must be assigned in order for the Recalculate Timesheets option to appear in the Time Classic menu. If the ADMIN_TIMESHEET_RECALC permission is assigned, then a Results tab appears displaying pending and completed recalculations.
  • If the MANAGER_TIMESHEET permission is assigned, then the employee name listed on the Results tab is a link that opens the employee’s timesheet.

The permissible recalculation period to create retro calculations depends upon the role of the person recalculating the timesheets and the pay group of the employees being recalculated (Settings > Pay Groups).

Edit Pay Group page

If a timesheet is recalculated and the timesheet data is updated as a result, the timesheet status is changed to its prior state. For example, if an approved timesheet is recalculated and updated, the timesheet status changes to Submitted for time clock employee or Not Submitted for time entry employees.

Navigation: Menu > My Team > Workforce Management Classic > Time Classic > Recalculate Timesheets

A recalculation is required when changes are made to timesheet information, policy configurations, or any employee information that affects pay rules.


Notifications are created after a recalculation has completed, but they must be enabled since they are off by default. Enable notifications on the Employee Preference tab (Time Classic > My Team > select employee). Select the delivery type next to the Recalculate Timesheet item, and then select Save. One notification is delivered for each recalculated employee timesheet.

  1. Select the employees or pay rule groups. Only those employees that you have access to view are listed.

    Recalculate Timesheets page

  2. Select the start and end dates. Retroactive adjustments are created if previously exported timesheets are changed as a result of the recalculation. However, the “retro adjustment period” settings on the pay group are respected. Timesheets prior to the allowable retro adjustment period are not recalculated, even if the selected recalculation date range extends prior to the allowable period.
  3. Select Recalculate. A message appears stating that the recalculation process was submitted. A message also appears for exceptions; select the Show Exceptions link for details. An exception occurs if the selected recalculation date range is outside of the allowable retro adjustment period—dates within the allowable period are still recalculated, but dates outside of that period are ignored.
  4. Open the Job Scheduler (Settings > Job Scheduler) and run the RunPayRulesJob. The job runs automatically every five minutes, but it can be run on demand. The job should be completed within 10 minutes.
  5. To view pending and completed recalculations, select the Results tab. Filters are available for employee name and number and the date the recalculation was triggered.
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