Edit a Pay Group

Pay groups define the code that is used in the payroll export process, and they determine pay frequency and a validity period. Typical pay groups include Weekly, Biweekly, and Hourly.

Retro parameters identify when and if retro transactions can be made on a timesheet. If employees or managers with retro edit permissions try to edit a timesheet and the date falls outside the retro adjustment period, they cannot edit the selected day and a message appears. Managers can make retroactive time adjustments to an employee’s duration or hourly timesheet only during a specific period of time.

Navigation: Menu > Administration > Workforce Management Classic > Time Classic > Settings > Pay Groups

  1. From the Description column, select the pay group to edit.

    Edit Pay Group page

  2. Select the template from the drop-down list.
  3. Identify the retro adjustment period for employees, managers, and payroll administrators.
  4. Select Save.
    Once a retro adjustment is submitted, a visual indicator displays on the timesheet to let employees and managers know that a retroactive transaction exists. When the next payroll is exported, the system automatically picks up the retro transaction and updates the employee's pay statement.
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