Administrator Topics
Related Topics
- Enable or Disable Employees for Time Classic
A setting must be enabled in UKG Pro in order for an employee to use the Time Classic feature. The setting is on the Time page of the Add Employee work event or the employee’s Time Classic page.
- Configure Company Preferences
The Company Preferences page enables administrators to configure general company-wide preferences.
- Time Zones in Workforce Management Classic
Time zones in Workforce Management Classic help the system correctly work with partial day time off, schedules, and punches. Assigning an employee a time zone is not required when the employee will only use Time Off, but not Time Classic or Scheduling Classic.
- Enable Recent Features
Administrators use the Recent Features page to turn a feature on for all employees in their company.
- Create a Time Code
Time codes are needed to associate with time code groups. Time codes identify categories of time that can be tracked.
- Create a Time Code Group
Administrators create time code groups. The Time Codes Tracked by TOA group indicates which time codes should be attached to a Time Off policy.
- Select Time Codes Tracked by Time Off
Administrators select the time codes that must be tracked by the Time Off feature. For example, vacation hours are typically tracked to ensure an employee has accrued enough vacation time when submitting a request for time off.
- Create a Pay Type
A pay type indicates the type of payment (for example, regular or overtime).
- Create a Labor Metric Group
Labor metrics are quantifiable groups such as departments and pay shifts. Labor metrics enable you to focus on groups of employees.
- Create a Pay Rule Group
Pay rules determine the conditions under which employees are paid for common pay types. For example, you may need to configure a new pay rule so that the time employees spend on meal breaks is allocated to a particular time code and pay type.
- Rounding Rule Examples
In Time Classic, the Rounding rule includes several rule types: Time Entry Interval Rounding, Time Entry Duration Rounding, Time Clock Interval Rounding, Time Clock Duration Rounding, and Shift Grace.
- Copy a Pay Rule Group
A pay rule group and its associated rules can easily be copied. All the properties except the name and description are copied to the new pay rule group when saved.
- Pay Rules
Pay rules determine the conditions under which employees are paid for common pay types. Pay rules execute in a standard order.
- Day Split Rule
Any time that exists on a timesheet is assigned to a specific timesheet day. The date of that time may be different than the assigned timesheet day, depending on how the Day Split rule is configured.
- Use of Shifts and Schedules with the Day Split Rule
The Day Split rule assigns punches to specific timesheet days based on the shift or schedule assigned to the employee on that day.
- Meals and Breaks Rule
The Meals and Breaks rule identifies if an employee takes a meal or break and if it meets certain criteria. This rule can also insert meals and breaks onto an employee’s timesheet automatically.
- Required Meals and Breaks
A required meal or break is when employees are expected to manually record one or more breaks of a certain duration, either through a time clock or directly on their timesheet. When this expected meal or break is not taken, exceptions can be created and penalties can be applied.
- Create a Timesheet Configuration Group
Administrators can configure the information to display on employee timesheets by group, including hour types, schedules, and shift patterns. The Timesheet Configuration Group page lists all available timesheet configuration groups and identifies which ones are currently in use.
- Copy a Timesheet Configuration Group
Timesheet configuration groups can easily be copied. All the properties from the existing group are copied, except for the name and description.
- Manage TouchBase Groups
Employees can be assigned to multiple TouchBase groups. For example, you may need to assign employees to a different group for a special project.
- Create a Payroll Export Template
Payroll administrators create payroll export templates to map time codes and pay types in the Time Classic feature to their corresponding earnings codes in UKG Pro. When the payroll export process is run, the information is generated in the proper format to be accepted by UKG Pro.
- Create Shifts and Shift Patterns
Shifts provide information about weekly employee work shifts, including start and end times and total hours. After shifts are created, you can create weekly shift patterns. Shift patterns are repeated weekly and are configured with individual shifts for each day. Non-work days can be configured as days off in the shift pattern.
- Edit a Pay Group
Pay groups define the code that is used in the payroll export process, and they determine pay frequency and a validity period. Typical pay groups include Weekly, Biweekly, and Hourly.
- Enable Banking of Hours
Hours are not automatically banked from a timesheet. Administrators must complete several steps to enable banking of hours. The first few steps are completed in the Time Classic feature, and the final step is completed in the Time Off feature.
- Create an Administrative Team
Administrative teams provide supervisors with access to employees who do not report directly to them. The Administrative Teams page displays an alphabetical list of teams.
- Create a Start of Day Task Job
The Start of Day Task job creates timesheet records and runs pay rules, ensuring items such as holiday hours, exempt employee hours, and time off from Time Off appear on the timesheet when it is first accessed. This job should be run daily.
- Manage Roles in Time Classic
The Time Classic feature is delivered with three roles: Employee, Manager, and Administrator. Administrators can add permissions to or remove permissions from each role, or they can create a new role. All employees who are assigned to a specific role share the same permissions.
- Time Classic Permissions
When roles are created or edited in the Time Classic feature (Settings > Roles), different permissions can be assigned to those roles.
- Terminated Employees in Time Classic
After a Workforce Management Classic employee is terminated in UKG Pro, several events occur within Time Classic.
- Enable Managers to Override Holiday Hours
Administrators give managers the ability to override holiday hours on employee timesheets.