Create and Manage Cases

Create and Manage Customer Cases

In the UKG Community ™, you can create cases to resolve issues. You can also manage these cases to view your case progress, communicate with your support representative, and accept or reject a case resolution.

Create a Case

Create a case in the UKG Community to get support for your issue. Before creating a case, be sure to complete the recommended training and search our product documentation, knowledge articles, and community discussions for answers.

Note If you do not have access to create a case or need access to view all cases for your account, you can request additional access. For more information, refer to the Request Additional Access in the UKG Community job aid in the UKG Community Library.

Navigation:UKG Community > Services and Support

  1. From the Welcome to UKG Services and Support page, select Create Case.
    Note Alternatively, you can select your username, and then select Contact Support.
  2. If you are associated with multiple accounts, select your Account from the drop-down list.
  3. For Do you need help with creating a UKG Pro Tax & Payment Services Case?, select one of the following options:
    • If you need to open a case for UKG Pro Tax and Payment Services, select Yes.
    • If you do not need to open a case for UKG Pro Tax and Payment Services, select No.
  4. Select the appropriate Job Category from the drop-down list.
    Note The available values in the Job Category drop-down list are based on the products available for the account you selected.
  5. Select the appropriate Product Solution from the drop-down list.
    Note The available values in the Product Solution drop-down list are based on the solutions associated with the job category you selected. For example, if you selected the Payroll job category, the payroll solutions associated with your account appear in the list.
  6. Select the appropriate Primary Area from the drop-down list.
    Note The available values in the Primary Area drop-down list are based on the areas associated with the job category and solution you selected. For example, if you selected the Payroll job category and the UKG Pro solution, the areas associated with UKG Pro payroll appear in the list.
  7. At Issue Summary, provide a brief summary. Be sure to include relevant details or vital information about the issue.
    For example, "Access issue" doesn't provide information about the type of access issue. "Can't log into Community" provides more information that can help us direct the case to the correct person more quickly.
  8. At Issue Description, enter a full description of your issue. If you are creating the case for another person, be sure to enter their name (but no other PII) in the description.
  9. Review all Recommended Solutions, which display adjacent to the case details, for a possible resolution.
  10. Select Upload Files if you want to provide accompanying documentation that will be helpful in resolving your case.
  11. Select Submit. Your case will be routed to an internal support representative, who will contact you if further information is needed.
    Create a Case

Manage a Case

You can manage open cases in the UKG Community to view information about the current status, communicate with the case owner, and accept or reject a resolution.

Navigation:UKG Community

  1. From the Welcome page, use one of the following methods to navigate to the appropriate case:
    • To search for a specific case, in the UKG Community search bar, enter the appropriate Keyword or Case Number, and then press Enter.
      Note If you are a UKG Pro Payment Services customer, the Case Number that appears in the search results may not match the Case Number you received by email after opening the case. If the numbers don't match, verify that the subject of the case is correct. If the subject is correct, then you found the correct case.
      Search results for a case number on the UKG Community
    • To view all available cases, from the Navigation bar, select Services and Support, and then select Manage Cases from the Support box.
      Tip You can use the fields in the Search Cases section to filter the table by owner, Solution ID, Contact Name, and Date Range. To sort the cases that appear in the table in ascending or descending order, select a column header.
      The Manage My Requests page on the UKG Community
  2. Select an open case to manage.
    The Case Detail page displays. A progress bar appears above the case details with the current status highlighted.
  3. (Optional) Select the Show More icon beside the progress bar to view more information about the current status.
    A progress bar for a case
  4. (Optional) Use the Feed, Related, and Case Details tabs to communicate with the case owner.
    • Select the Feed tab to post updates and read comments from the case owner.
      Note If you need to close a case that is not in the Resolved Pending Confirmation status, you can post a comment on the Feed tab. The case owner will close the case for you.
      A screenshot of the Feed tab with comments
    • Select the Related tab to access or share files, emails, and articles.
    • Select the Case Details tab to view all the case details.
      A screenshot of the case details tab
  5. When your case is in the Resolved Pending Confirmation status, review the most recent feed post from the case owner, and then select the Case Resolution button below the progress bar to accept or reject the resolution:
    A screenshot of a case in the Resolved Pending Confirmation Status with the Case Resolution button highlighted
    Important If you do not accept or reject the resolution, the case will automatically close on the date specified in the Auto Close Date field on the Details tab.
    1. To accept the resolution, in the Case Resolution Disposition dialog box, select Accept from the drop-down list, and then select Save.
      After you accept the resolution, your case updates to the Closed status and you cannot add additional comments or edit the case in the UKG Community. If needed, you can call support to reopen the case within 14 days of accepting the resolution.
    2. To reject the resolution, in the Case Resolution Disposition dialog box, select Reject from the drop-down list, and then select Save.
      After you reject the resolution, the case status reverts to the Awaiting UKG Response status and a support representative will further review your case.
  6. To let UKG know that a case needs immediate attention, complete one of the following actions:
    • In the case summary, indicate that the issue is urgent.​ In the issue description, include details to help us understand the priority.
      Note Urgent or business critical cases can include, but are not limited to, mass impacts and no available work arounds (indirectly impacting nearing payroll deadlines, financial impacts, and cease in business flow operations).
    • Use the support center telephone number to speak to a specialist, who can increase the urgency for you.