Tips to Set up a Brand within Onboarding

Here are some tips to keep in mind when applying your own corporate branding elements.

Conflicting Brand Qualifiers

If two brands have the same exact qualifiers, the default brand will show for the new hire. The qualifiers must differ from one brand to the next.

Image Sizes

Large Logo (for desktops and tablets) – It is best to have a PNG, JPG, or GIF with exact dimensions W 300 x H 65 pixels (300KB Max).

Screenshot showing where to add a large logo

Small Logo (for smartphones and small devices) – It is best to have a PNG, JPG, or GIF with exact dimensions W 75 x H 25 pixels (300KB Max).

Screenshot showing where to add a small logo

Background Logo – It is best to have a PNG, JPG, or GIF with exact dimensions W 1500 x H 300 pixels (500KB Max). The background photo must be within the W 1500 and max of H 310, and the image cannot be larger than 500 KB to comply.

Screenshot showing where to add a background image

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