Apply to an Opportunity on Behalf of Candidates

Recruiters and Hiring Managers can apply to opportunities on behalf of candidates.

When applying on behalf of a candidate, there are a few things to keep in mind:

When applying on behalf of a candidate, it’s important to first determine if the candidate already has a Recruiting account.

Determine if Candidate has a Recruiting Account

Determine if a candidate already has an account in the Recruiting solution. Select People from the side menu. From the People page, use the Search field or filters to locate the candidate.

If you do not find the candidate, follow the instructions below for Apply to an Application on Behalf of a New Candidate.

If you find the candidate, follow the instructions below for Apply to an Opportunity on Behalf of Existing Candidates.

People page. Image displays a search bar at the top of the page. Below that is a button to Add a Filter. There are four additional buttons: Add to Pools, Apply to Opportunity, Add Candidate, and More Actions. Then a table with the columns: Name, Location, Created By, Last Updated Date, and Actions.

Apply to an Opportunity on Behalf of a New Candidate

Navigation: People
  1. From the People page, select Add Candidate
  2. From the Create Candidate page, enter the candidate’s information and upload documents, if needed. Then, select Save.

    Create Candidate page. Image displays the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, and Primary Phone Number. The Documents section provides the option to upload a file. There is a Notes field and a Save button.

  3. From the Apply to Opportunity window, select Yes, Apply
  4. From the Choose Opportunity page, use the Search field to select the opportunity. Then, select Continue.

    Choose Opportunity page. Image displays the text, Search For an Opportunity to Apply to, on Behalf of the Candidate, and a search bar.

  5. From the Candidate Info tab, upload the candidate’s resume or other documents, if needed.
  6. Check the Notify the Candidate of This Application box to send the candidate an email notifying them that you have applied on their behalf. This option is only available if a template is configured in Settings > Templates.
  7. Check the Send an Assessment to This Candidate box to send an assessment to the candidate. This feature is only available if the Assessments integration is enabled in Settings > Integrations > Assessments, and you have a contract with a third party vendor.
  8. At the Notes field, enter notes, if needed.
  9. From the How Did They Hear About This Opportunity drop-down list, select how the candidate heard about the opportunity. The options are configured in Settings > Candidate > Applicant Sources.
  10. At the Were They Referred By a Current Employee field, select Yes or No.
  11. At the When Can They Start field, enter when the candidate can start.
  12. Select Continue.

    Apply Candidate to Opportunity page. Image displays the Candidate Info tab. This tab includes the fields: Title, First Name, Middle, Last Name, Suffix, Former Name, Primary Phone, Secondary Phone, Country, Address 1, Address 2, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, and a check box for Willing to Relocate. The Documents section provides the option to upload a file. There is a check box for Notify the Candidate of this Application, and a Notes field. There are also three questions: How Did They Hear About This Opportunity, Were They Referred by a Current Employee, and When Can They Start. Image also displays Continue and Cancel buttons.

  13. If the opportunity includes application questions, the Application Questions tab displays. Answer each question for the candidate, or select I Choose Not to Answer For This Applicant.

    Apply Candidate to Opportunity page. Image displays the Application Questions tab which includes a check box for I Choose Not to Answer Any of These Questions For This Applicant. It also displays the application questions configured on the opportunity and an Apply button.

  14. Select Apply.

Apply to an Opportunity on Behalf of Existing Candidates

Navigation: People
  1. From the People page, select the box next to the candidate’s name. You can select up to 20 candidates at one time. A candidate's internal or external status is denoted by an indicator next to their name.
    • Blank is an external candidate.
    • Green is an active employee.
    • Gray is an internal, inactive (or prior) employee.
  2. Select Apply to Opportunity.
  3. From the Choose Opportunity page, use the Search field to select the opportunity. Then, select Continue.
  4. On the Apply Candidate to Opportunity page, the Selected Candidates section lists the candidates you are applying to the opportunity for. Select the first candidate’s name.
  5. From the Candidate Info tab, enter the candidate’s contact information. This section does not display for internal candidates.
  6. Upload the candidate’s resume or other documents, if needed.
  7. Check the Notify the Candidate of This Application box to send the candidate an email notifying them that you have applied on their behalf. This option is only available if a template is configured in Settings > Templates.
  8. Check the Send an Assessment to This Candidate box to send an assessment to the candidate. This feature is only available if the Assessments integration is enabled in Settings > Integrations > Assessments, and you have a contract with a third party vendor.
  9. At the Notes field, enter notes, if needed.
  10. From the How Did They Hear About This Opportunity drop-down list, select how the candidate heard about the opportunity. The options are configured in Settings > Candidate > Applicant Sources.
  11. At the Were They Referred By a Current Employee field, select Yes or No.
  12. At the When Can They Start field, enter when the candidate can start.
  13. Select Continue.
  14. If the opportunity includes application questions, the Application Questions tab displays. Answer each question for the candidate, or select I Choose Not to Answer For This Applicant.
  15. Select Apply.
  16. If you selected more than one candidate, the second candidate displays. Complete the fields, as needed. Then, select Apply.

    Apply Candidate to Opportunity page. Image displays a Selected Candidates section with two names listed and an Applied Candidates section with one name listed.

  17. Repeat for all candidates, as needed.
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