
Job boards and offer letters can be branded with your company colors, logos, and footer text.

Job Board. Image displays company logo in a purple banner with a red stripe below it. The title of the job board is the company name. The footer says Privacy Policy and is a link to the company's privacy policy. 

Offer Letter. Image displays company logo in a purple banner with a red stripe below. Then the offer letter contents. 

You can create multiple brands, and set a default brand to apply to new job boards and offer letters.

When creating a job board, you’ll select a brand to apply to the job board.

Job Board Settings page. Image displays Edit Job Boards section for the Ultimate Enterprises LTD job board. There is a field for the Job Board Name, a drop-down list to select a brand, Visibility check boxes for external and internal, drop-down lists for qualifiers and a Save and Finish button.

When creating an offer letter, you’ll select a brand to apply to the offer letter. 

Create Offer Letter page. Image displays Letter tab with a drop-down list to select a brand. 

Before creating your brand, prepare the following information, files, and links:

Create a Brand

Navigation: Settings > Branding

  1. From the Branding page, select Create a New Brand.
  2. At the Name field, enter a name for the brand.
  3. Select Choose Logo and select a file from your computer to display on desktop devices.
  4. Select Choose Mobile Logo and select a file from your computer to display on mobile devices.
  5. At the Header Background field, enter a hexadecimal code or select a color to display for the background.
  6. At the Header Text field, enter a hexadecimal code or select a color for the job board name.
  7. At the Stripe field, enter a hexadecimal code or select a color for the stripe.
  8. At the Logo Link field, enter the website to direct the user to if they click on the logo.
  9. At the Footer Text field, enter text to display in the footer.
  10. At the Footer Link field, enter a website to direct the user to if they select the footer text.
  11. Select Save.
  12. Select Translations to translate the logo link, footer text, and footer link.
  13. Select Desktop, Mobile, or Offer Letter to preview the brand.

    Branding Settings page. Image displays fields for Name, Logo, Mobile Logo, Header Background Color, Header Text Color, Stripe Color, Logo Link, Footer Text, and Footer Link. Image also displays a Save button and Translations button. Image also displays previews for Desktop and Mobile modes for the job board and the offer letter. 

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