
The Companies page lists all legal entities configured in UKG Pro, and allows you to include or exclude EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) questions on your application forms for companies in the United States and United Kingdom.

On the Companies settings page, you can search for a specific company, or filter the list by country.


The legal entity name, Doing Business As name, company code, and country information is imported from UKG Pro. If you need to update any of this information, you can only update it in UKG Pro.

For each legal entity in the United States, you can enable or disable:

For each legal entity in the United Kingdom, you can enable or disable:

To view the current settings of a legal entity, hover the mouse cursor over the legal entity name.

The Companies settings page, shown with the mouse cursor over a legal entity name. A popup shows the following settings: US Federal Contractors is Off, Veteran Questions is On, Disability Questions is On, Gender Questions is Off, Ethnicity Questions is Off.

The settings apply to all Opportunities in that company. Recruiting displays the questions to candidates before they submit their applications.

EEOC questions on a sample application form. The form includes standard language asking the applicant to indicate their Gender, Ethnic Origin, Veteran Status, and Disability Status. Applicants can also check a box for each question they decline to answer.

Navigation: Settings > Companies

  1. In the list, select the Legal Entity name of the company you want to configure.
  2. If the company is a US Federal Contractor, select US Federal Contractors > On.
  3. If the company is not a US Federal Contractor, select US Federal Contractors > Off. Then, in each question type, select On to include the question type or Off to exclude the question type.
    For example, to include gender questions, select Gender Questions > On.
  4. Select Save.
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